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How Hard Is This Bolt?


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I gave the grade 2 bolt, 6x5/16, with the brand BL, a try yesterday...and I bent it! To some surprise since my bending has been quite stalled for some time. Does anyone here know how this bolt compares to the grade 8 bolt? Is it one of the grade2's that are easier than a grade 8 or harder than a grade 8?

Any advice is much appreciated,

Regards Henrik

Edited by yodajaeger
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This was from a quote from a post by Tim T:

"All my BL bolts at 1/4 inch have been very easy but some on this board are evidently running into some that are pretty tough. Right though, they are almost always easier than cut CRS or even zinc plated of the same dimminsions.

As for the 5/16 by 6 inchers they vary alot. Some are rougher than G5s and some feel like a really tough 60d. They look cool when bent though."

I hope this helps some

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They are mathematically the around G8 bolts. As in, it takes a similar amount of force to take down a decent 6" G2 as it does a G8. However, a G8 is SPRINGY while G2's are NOT. That spring makes the G8 feel MUCH harder than many 5/16" G2's I've tried.

I'll also add that I had a large batch of "HKT" and "BL" G2's that were as hard as my easy bastards.

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thanx a lot guys, i've actually managed to put some kind of kink in to a 7x1/4 square just now, so I can believe g2 BL are somewhere around g8.

I have huge problems kinking the g8, probably the spingy nature of the bolt...the kink is my absolute weakness in bending, I am trying everything I can, isos, levering, working on my weakest technique etc, and it is slowly getting better...

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you are always giving better answers than me Zach! :D

Big words and long winded posts about experience help :laugh

thanx a lot guys, i've actually managed to put some kind of kink in to a 7x1/4 square just now, so I can believe g2 BL are somewhere around g8.

I have huge problems kinking the g8, probably the spingy nature of the bolt...the kink is my absolute weakness in bending, I am trying everything I can, isos, levering, working on my weakest technique etc, and it is slowly getting better...

Have you seen this video?


Foxman explains the DO kink VERY well :)

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you are always giving better answers than me Zach! :D

Gee, I really liked your answer alot :cool .


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I've been able to du bend BL and BJC 5/16"x6" grade 2 bolts to 50 degrees , but the best I've done with a 1/4"x6" grade 8 bolt is a 10 degree kink. I think grade 8's are much harder.

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