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I Think Coc Sent Me A Really Easy Number 2 =\


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bk in april i ordered a trainer, number 1.5, and number 2. up until now ive been using the trainer and recently started the 1.5. i can close the 1.5 once though its hard, and i can come an like a centimeter from closing my number 2. this pisses me off, cause i basically have two 1.5s, and the progression to a 2.5 will be hard. or even a 2 (and i fdont feel like shelling out the money for another number 2 especially if this will happen again) just thought id rant to u guys llol :rock

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Who says it's an easy #2? Isn't it possible you have a hard #1.5?

Besides that, when I was barely able to close the #2.5 I was approx. 1cm away from the #3 as well, this doesn't mean I have an really easy #3 though, it's the final cm that will take most of your time ;)

Like Twig said, they will exchange if your not happy with it, but my guess is that you won't see much difference with another #2 ;)

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Who says it's an easy #2? Isn't it possible you have a hard #1.5?

Besides that, when I was barely able to close the #2.5 I was approx. 1cm away from the #3 as well, this doesn't mean I have an really easy #3 though, it's the final cm that will take most of your time ;)

Like Twig said, they will exchange if your not happy with it, but my guess is that you won't see much difference with another #2 ;)

yeah man. idk, it just feels the same as my 1.5. it might be less than a centimeter difference, that's the smallest measurement i could think of. my impression was that since the 1.5 is about 167.5 pounds, and the 2 is like 198, it wouldn't feel the same =\. but i know ironmind make u pay shipping to exchange ur grippers, and that's almost as much as a whole new grippers, and also ive had them since APRIL so they wouldn't do it. (theyre guarantee, is they take it bk if u dont put wear and tear on it. but something tells me they suspect u put wear and tear on them even if u didnt, and their might be loopholes in their guarantees.) but once, i successfully close the 2(which i mstill pretty far cause the 1.5s still hard as hell, im gonna order a 3,3.5,and 2.5. so i hope my 2's on points cause if its not the quest to 2.5 will be hard =\ and yeah, i cold figured i had a hard 1.5, but idk, i can only do like 28 reps on the trainer so im guessing my 1.5s eitherr easy-average.

Edited by sportsstar469
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Who says it's an easy #2? Isn't it possible you have a hard #1.5?

Besides that, when I was barely able to close the #2.5 I was approx. 1cm away from the #3 as well, this doesn't mean I have an really easy #3 though, it's the final cm that will take most of your time ;)

Like Twig said, they will exchange if your not happy with it, but my guess is that you won't see much difference with another #2 ;)

yeah man. idk, it just feels the same as my 1.5. it might be less than a centimeter difference, that's the smallest measurement i could think of. my impression was that since the 1.5 is about 167.5 pounds, and the 2 is like 198, it wouldn't feel the same =\. but i know ironmind make u pay shipping to exchange ur grippers, and that's almost as much as a whole new grippers, and also ive had them since APRIL so they wouldn't do it. (theyre guarantee, is they take it bk if u dont put wear and tear on it. but something tells me they suspect u put wear and tear on them even if u didnt, and their might be loopholes in their guarantees.) but once, i successfully close the 2(which i mstill pretty far cause the 1.5s still hard as hell, im gonna order a 3,3.5,and 2.5. so i hope my 2's on points cause if its not the quest to 2.5 will be hard =\ and yeah, i cold figured i had a hard 1.5, but idk, i can only do like 28 reps on the trainer so im guessing my 1.5s eitherr easy-average.

Look - it seems the #2 you have is fine. You're not able to close it now and it will take you a lil more time to do that. I don't know why you own the Trainer and not the #1. At least on the #1 you would be able to do reps on. Being that you can do close to 30 Reps on your trainer now, it's practically useless for you other than a warmup - which I think #1 would play a better role for. Once you can rep out the #2, don't you worry because that #2.5 will be shut. Also, about you going about ordering the #2.5, #3, and #3.5 so quick, I would just hold off and master the #1.5 and #2 first. It's pointless to have so many grippers lying around. I think step by step is the best, focus on one level, mentally visulize you MASTERING that gripper and having it become lightweight like that Trainer. You will progress on strength!

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well, i think i phrased my op wrong. the number 2 is like a milimeter from closed, and the 1.5 is just BARELY closed. but i appreciate the responses man. and i guess ill hold off ordering the big guys grippers =\

Edited by sportsstar469
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Why not order the bigger grippers if you are inclined to do so, you can always do negatives and choker work with them. Besides if grippers=happiness than more grippers mean more happiness.

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i just inspected the springs on my number 2s and number 1.5s and the number 2 is the same size as the 1.5s this sucls

Why not order the bigger grippers if you are inclined to do so, you can always do negatives and choker work with them. Besides if grippers=happiness than more grippers mean more happiness.

lol i close the 1.5 inconsistently, and the guy above said i should take it nice and slow on ordering mre grippers. besides im kinda pissed off that this s happened. i just checks my 1.5 and 2 and the 2 has the same size spring as the 1.5 =\

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A centimeter off is a looooong way from closing a gripper.

Very true.

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i just checks my 1.5 and 2 and the 2 has the same size spring as the 1.5
How did you measure them? Did you use a micrometer? Cos at only 0.010" difference between the 2 diameters not much else is gonna show it.
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Obviously grippers vary, but IMO until you can close them both you can't really accurately compare them. That last mm could be months away. That's how the #2.5 was for me :(

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Obviously grippers vary, but IMO until you can close them both you can't really accurately compare them. That last mm could be months away. That's how the #2.5 was for me :(
That's right. There's variation in how much that last mm might actually be in pounds.
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