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Knuckle Weakness And Pain.


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Hello all

I'm new to grip training specifically. I had some experience with wrist curls and sandbag training before I became interested in the CoC crushers. I bought a trainer which I could rep for 15 or so when I first opened it up. After I got to 40 reps in each hand, I decided to buy the number 1 and some extensor bands from Ironmind. At first the crusher twisted in my hand too much, making it hard to close so I started to set it closed and hold it for time. This method worked well and after a couple weeks I could control it and close it for a few reps in each hand. Recently I started to break the training into sets to get the overall volume up. Nothing to aggressive I thought, just 5 x 5 in each hand, twice a week. I was also using the extensor bands, and doing kettlebell swings with a pinch grip on a stone, and some finger push ups. My left doesn't have the finishing strength the right does and will refuse to snap the gripper shut during later sets. About six weeks ago I got frustrated with this and just bit down as intensely as I could on the gripper. There was a popping from the base knuckle of my index finger. Since then that finger has been both weak and sore during training. Not so much during the down time. I have rested it for a little over a week twice. I can close the gripper with the left index off the handle but not for many reps. Timed holds using my full hand feel tight and relatively painless once the gripper is closed. Pinching with my left hand has gone down hill and I drop the stone easily. Finger pushups don't seem to affect the knuckle at all. This is frustrating as my right hand continues to get stronger and my hands itch for the training. I was also interested in begining some bending. Do I need to just lay off training my left hand for a while all together? Maybe just eliminate the crushing and pinching? Is there something I should be doing to rehab my base knuckle?

I'm grateful for any suggestions.

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Can't really say for sure, and I'm no doctor, but if you've still got a full ROM with your finger, you didn't tear a tendon or anything, but I'd give it a few weeks of rest before you do ANY grip training with it again. That's what I have to do whenever I injure myself. Once I injured a tendon in my left hand, and I was afraid I did permanent damage, but it healed up fine over the coarse of a few weeks. You'll have to resist the training temptation, so put the grippers out of site. If after a few weeks it still isn't good, or at least getting better, it's probably time to see the PT. Of coarse, this is all MHO, so of the others here may have different or better suggestions. This is what has worked for me, though.

Edited by Magnus
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Doubt it's a torn tendon, but still you'll want to take a break from training as Magnus suggests. Even on your return, stay away from things that cause the pain. It can take a while to recover, but ignoring the pain is a recipe for a very long layoff. Contrast baths may help a bit. I don't think it's a good time to start bending. When you do, take plenty of time ramping up.

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Okay. Thanks for the quick response, guys.

I guess this means I should lay-off chinning and deadlifts, too.

My active recovery has been dexterity ball rotations and light squeezing on a tennis ball. I will try some contrast baths.

steelbiceps, when I start bending, I was going to buy a bunch of 40ds and bend a few as a finisher at the end of non-grip specific sessions. Would that be too much?

Thanks again

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Lehoss: I would take a week or two completely off of everything, when it doesn't hurt at all when you rest start building up again. I've had so many guitar related injuries and the solution to each one of them was a good rest.

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In general, I'd say let the pain or lack thereof be your guide.

Timber ties are also good for starting out. Home Depot has them in large quantities.

Okay. Thanks for the quick response, guys.

I guess this means I should lay-off chinning and deadlifts, too.

My active recovery has been dexterity ball rotations and light squeezing on a tennis ball. I will try some contrast baths.

steelbiceps, when I start bending, I was going to buy a bunch of 40ds and bend a few as a finisher at the end of non-grip specific sessions. Would that be too much?

Thanks again

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If you have any suspicion that you may have broken a tendon you should see a doctor ASAP. My understanding, I am no doctor, is that with a broken tendon the body will dissolve the related muscle and there will be nothing to reattach if a person waits too long. Also note that there are two flexors for each finger, one can be torn while the other is operable. I do not mean to be an alarmist, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello All

During the last 2 weeks off, my left index finger had gotten progressively stiffer and generally achey. I started to use my small dexterity balls to try and keep it loose and tried the contrast bathing but I don't think I got the cold water cold enough. I started to think that the finger felt worse all the time than it did before the layoff when it mostly hurt during training.

I went back to training my grip today. After sprinting with my pet rock, and doing dips, I decided to play with some stones I found in my landlord's garage. I just did blob style gripping with one and pinch tossing with another. My hurt knuckle felt a little sore during the work out but not weak the way it did before. I'll see how it feels tomorrow and if it seems okay, I'll continue with the stone blocks and avoid my gripper for awhile.

Thanks again for the advice and replies.

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