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Plate Curl As An Event

Bob Lipinski

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I've been talking about this with Ben.

Strict curl rules, with back and butt against wall. I think it might work- Like my sledge setup a little bit of cheat is possible (not much with this one though), but if you judge a complete lift as when the arm is curled and plate is vertical, I think it is doable.


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I'd personally like to see a video of a picture perfect plate curl. Give Eaton a single 25 plate and lets see what a perfect curl looks like, then work with the amount of cheat you would allow. I know from experience that if your wrist can't stay reasonably straight, the plate cannot go up. Would it police itself in that manner? Other than the back against the wall part. I like the idea :)

One more thing, how would you go about the progression? I haven't heard of many 30 and 40lb plates. What about the diameters? Would 25lbs be the max weight for a 25lb sized plate? Same with 35 and 45?

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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I've been talking about this with Ben.

Strict curl rules, with back and butt against wall. I think it might work- Like my sledge setup a little bit of cheat is possible (not much with this one though), but if you judge a complete lift as when the arm is curled and plate is vertical, I think it is doable.


This sounds like a good idea. I think you should also include wrist plate curls as well.

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I'd just do a plate wrist curl event instead. It's a TON easier to judge and tests the same muscles. Unless you have a bicep disability you should be able to plate curl anything you can PWC.

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I'd like to see either actually. Plate curl or plate wrist curl. I personally think the plate wrist curl is harder, and like Josh says, it's probably easier to judge than the plate curl version just because of the distances involved.

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I have a tender right wrist almost all the time so plate are good for me because I can lock it wrist plate curl's are a killer. But I am a complainer I seen Josh [Clark Kent] Dale do a 35' for rep's ay K/C so I would be voting for wrist curl to. :D:D:D P.S I know how you fell Josh I felt cheated on to when I seen that photo of John and Ben HAHAHAHA !!!! :D:D

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How about a preacher bench like Arne??? used?

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How would the wrist curl be easier to judge? Really, with the back against the wall you can't cheat very much at all. I tried it a few times myself, and there is little if any way to cheat.

Not being argumentative at all- How exactly would you judge a strict plate wrist curl? My main concern is that the completetion point is much more obvious with a full curl- If you get the plate past the sticking point, making it vertical at the top would be easy and a very definite judging point. Is the plate wrist curl that definite? Also, all other things being equal, the plate curl seems more appealing at least to me, and maybe for other non gripfanatics.

Just thinking here, I can be convinced either way. As a contest promoter, straightforward and nonsubjective judging (as much as possible) are my concerns. The hammer event is about as subjective as I like, and even then, in the future I am thinking about options like Chris has proposed.

As far as weight increments, I got you covered Zach! I would match out a bunch of plates, and either use my magnet weights or most likely duct tape+other plates, and I would have lots of small increments. 25, 26.25, 27.5, 28.75, 30, etc. are all doable.

My reason for curls vs. wrist curl is that bring the plate to vertical in a curl means that you have gotten the weight- If you curl it in any fashion, bringing it to vertical is easy, and given "back against the wall" criteria, it will be strict. A wrist curls offers a more subjective opinion in terms of ROM.

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Damn Zach, didn't answer your question completely. Highest plate would win, I would be sure to thoroughly test plates with added weight beforehand so results would be fair.

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I'm not arguing either Bob, but it seems like plate wrist curls would be easier to judge simply because there wouldn't be room for any body english to "help" the weight go up. You'd just sit in a chair, hang your wrist off the edge of your knee and wrist curl it.

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How would the wrist curl be easier to judge? Really, with the back against the wall you can't cheat very much at all. I tried it a few times myself, and there is little if any way to cheat.

Not being argumentative either but if it's just your back you can still generate quite a bit of swing; start with neutral-ish grip on plate and start movement as cross body curl and correct at the end for completion. Unless you're going to use a piece of paper judging the back contact....and hopefully the butt and elbow contact, will be VERY subjective. All it takes is a split second. Without the paper I think you'd need three judges to watch all the points of contact. Then there are things like gripping the plate off center which makes it easier. You have a harder time getting away with that in the PWC but the swing from the curl can offset the imbalance and still give you the advantage of less/more leverage

Not being argumentative at all- How exactly would you judge a strict plate wrist curl? My main concern is that the completetion point is much more obvious with a full curl- If you get the plate past the sticking point, making it vertical at the top would be easy and a very definite judging point. Is the plate wrist curl that definite? Also, all other things being equal, the plate curl seems more appealing at least to me, and maybe for other non gripfanatics.

Making the wrist curl vertical at the top is just as easy. On that note, have you tried taking a light plate and keeping your back, butt, and elbow against the wall and making the plate vertical? It's a bear to keep the paper from slipping out of your elbow when the plate is vertical, my bicep gets in the way and the tip of my elbow comes off a little bit for me to go vertical. It would depend on where you put the paper but you should try it. Your chest and probably your biceps are bigger than mine so you might have a harder time than me.

Just thinking here, I can be convinced either way. As a contest promoter, straightforward and nonsubjective judging (as much as possible) are my concerns. The hammer event is about as subjective as I like, and even then, in the future I am thinking about options like Chris has proposed.

Chris had some good ideas and I like David/The Swiss's ideas as well.

As far as weight increments, I got you covered Zach! I would match out a bunch of plates, and either use my magnet weights or most likely duct tape+other plates, and I would have lots of small increments. 25, 26.25, 27.5, 28.75, 30, etc. are all doable.

My reason for curls vs. wrist curl is that bring the plate to vertical in a curl means that you have gotten the weight- If you curl it in any fashion, bringing it to vertical is easy, and given "back against the wall" criteria, it will be strict. A wrist curls offers a more subjective opinion in terms of ROM.

When I judge myself on the PWC I make sure that my calf doesn't raise, my forearm doesn't raise off my thigh, and the bottom position is just that, as far as my wrist will go back and the top is as far as it will flex. It may not go to vertical in training reps but it's a matter of manipulation of the plate at the top end of the movement, it's certainly not a strength issue.

I would be thrilled with either event, I just think you'll have a lot easier time judging the PWC.

Edited by jad
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I've been talking about this with Ben.

Strict curl rules, with back and butt against wall. I think it might work- Like my sledge setup a little bit of cheat is possible (not much with this one though), but if you judge a complete lift as when the arm is curled and plate is vertical, I think it is doable.


It would be easy to judge. Arm flat against wall, lash a piece of wood cut to a slight angle to whatever the acceptable number of degrees from horizontal is determined to the top of their arm while they curl. If the back of their wrist touches the wood it is a no lift. As for loading you could make it for reps to determine the winner instead of adding plates or weights to the end of the plate

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I've been talking about this with Ben.

Strict curl rules, with back and butt against wall. I think it might work- Like my sledge setup a little bit of cheat is possible (not much with this one though), but if you judge a complete lift as when the arm is curled and plate is vertical, I think it is doable.


It would be easy to judge. Arm flat against wall, lash a piece of wood cut to a slight angle to whatever the acceptable number of degrees from horizontal is determined to the top of their arm while they curl. If the back of their wrist touches the wood it is a no lift. As for loading you could make it for reps to determine the winner instead of adding plates or weights to the end of the plate

I'm lost, is this to judge acceptable wrist flexion?

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I've given a little thought to both events and played around a bit with them also - my results are -

Sledge Lever - the adjustable height set up with two uprights and a rubber band across between them - touch the rubber band - a regular band doesn't give any bounce at all - it just moves. Easy to make - just have the top board like Bob's with the uprights on it - set it so that when you have your hand just over the end of the board, you lower to 45 degrees or whatever degree you choose - should be fair to all and easy as pie to judge,

Plate curls - I haven't been able to figure out any standing position that I can't cheat somehow if I work at it. But the Incline bench set up is pretty strict, I'm not sure we can do much better than that without making something very elaborate and complicated.

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I'd like the plate curl over the PWC (if it can be done fairly) just for the completeness and tradition of the movement.

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I've been talking about this with Ben.

Strict curl rules, with back and butt against wall. I think it might work- Like my sledge setup a little bit of cheat is possible (not much with this one though), but if you judge a complete lift as when the arm is curled and plate is vertical, I think it is doable.


It would be easy to judge. Arm flat against wall, lash a piece of wood cut to a slight angle to whatever the acceptable number of degrees from horizontal is determined to the top of their arm while they curl. If the back of their wrist touches the wood it is a no lift. As for loading you could make it for reps to determine the winner instead of adding plates or weights to the end of the plate

I'm lost, is this to judge acceptable wrist flexion?

Yep. Then you wouldn't have issues with judging how much someone "pizza boxed" it

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I prefer the plate wrist curl myself due to its specificity and ease of judging.

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Off the plate curl vs plate wrist curl topic, but regarding the MGC7, is it going to be in April like I heard through the grapevine?

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Late April/early may most likely. I can't finalize a date until January or so unfortunately, due to my vacation scheduling at work.

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I actually came up with an interesting idea for a possible event this morning. How about a Blob deadlift and curl. I tried it with a block weight an it actually seemed like it might be fairly challenging. You would have to start by deadlifting the blob to lockout and then curl it up and then lower it to the floor under control.

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That is a cool idea Jesse, I will store it away for future use.

For the next contest though, I want more of a wrist event, the pinch strength will kill lots of people on the blob.

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Yeah that would have to be a pinch event and not a wrist event like the plate curl. You'd also need a full set of blobs of acending weights to be able to do it in a contest.

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Another idea i've had is a 45lb one handed plate clean and press for reps. Grip the plate like you would carry it at your side but then clean it and press it.

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