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Hand Injuries


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Last month i injured my hand, the 26th to be exact. Being a big bending and grip fan this is definately causing me alot of annoyance. It was very swollen, the doctor barely looked at it, said it wasnt broken and gave me some anti-inflamatories. The swelling is gone but i still cant do any real grip work, i cant bend anymore, i cant tear cards or phonebooks, i cant close grippers, cant do handstands or anything. Diagnosis aside the reason i put this up is i was wondering if anyone else has ever had some sort of hand injury that prevented them from working out or doing grip work, how it happened and how long it took you to recover. It helps to know other people have been in the same shoes!

Edited by Jaz
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I blew a wrist armwrestling it was swollen for day's I was closing a IM #2 for rep's when it happened could'nt touch a IM trainer after. It toke me 9 month's to heal it up and about a year to get my grip strength back. It still bother's me some but I keep getting stronger and bending has helped if I don't push to hard. All I did was ice ice ice and work on your flexablity and start light and work your way back good luck. :D

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Injuries are unavoidable for everyone, but one thing that helps me is this quote I found long ago from a guy who's suffered so many major injuries it is unbelievable:

"Setbacks are opportunities for great comebacks."--Rhadi Ferguson

If it is inflamed, I would ice it in a bucket full of ice and cold water three times a day (for about 8 minutes at a time). Also, try to know the difference between the sort of pain that means Stop! and the kind of pain that is just annoying. You can push yourself through the last sort, but don't try to push yourself through the first sort.

You'll heal up faster than you think if you just stay positive about it.


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Agreed injuries are part of the game, in any type of training.

Best to stay positive and realize they happen to everyone, I've been lucky and have not had any very serious injuries that have not lasted more then a few weeks. Most injuries were weightlifting or other type of training, but hand injuries are the obvious wrist inflamed, bleeding hands, jammed fingers, hand pains from overtraining ext.

The one thing that helps in almost all cases is just, ice, stretching, rest repeat. It sucks but you should be fired up to hit some prs when your healthy.

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I blew a wrist armwrestling it was swollen for day's I was closing a IM #2 for rep's when it happened could'nt touch a IM trainer after. It toke me 9 month's to heal it up and about a year to get my grip strength back. It still bother's me some but I keep getting stronger and bending has helped if I don't push to hard. All I did was ice ice ice and work on your flexablity and start light and work your way back good luck. :D

Hey thanks for the story. Ill definately try to keep icing it and stuff.

Agreed injuries are part of the game, in any type of training.

Best to stay positive and realize they happen to everyone, I've been lucky and have not had any very serious injuries that have not lasted more then a few weeks. Most injuries were weightlifting or other type of training, but hand injuries are the obvious wrist inflamed, bleeding hands, jammed fingers, hand pains from overtraining ext.

The one thing that helps in almost all cases is just, ice, stretching, rest repeat. It sucks but you should be fired up to hit some prs when your healthy.

It wasnt a training related injury, i dont think ive ever had a serious training injury other than possible tendonitus in my elbows from OAC training. Staying positive is always a good help. Thanks.

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I've got one at the moment, for 2 weeks now; some muscles in my right hand are overburdened. Ice and some contrast baths seem to help, I hope I can get back to bending soon!

Oh, and a thumb contusion on my left hand smashing it onto a steel pipe... :P

I hope you'll recover quick!

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I've got one at the moment, for 2 weeks now; some muscles in my right hand are overburdened. Ice and some contrast baths seem to help, I hope I can get back to bending soon!

Oh, and a thumb contusion on my left hand smashing it onto a steel pipe... :P

I hope you'll recover quick!

Ah that sucks. Thanks man!

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