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8 Year Old Chris Tolbert's New Bend


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Chris Tolbert's bend

Chris bent this last night which beat his PR of 36 inches by a full 10 inches. I got it on vid and next time I get some loaded up I'll send it along.



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Well tell him Congrats!!!! for me Tim! 8yrs old and bending 26x3/8 :whacked

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Congratulations, Chris! That is a very fine bend. :rock

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Congrats Chris!! Wow, that's a great start!! :cool:rock:blink :blink :blink

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Tim you have lots to be proud of, your boys have that same fire and determination in them as you do -- NO DOUBT!!!


I would love to put that bending video in the KIDS OF STRENGTH section of Strongmanfeats.com

In fact if you are the prouid parent of a young aspiring strongmen or strongwomen that would love a little lime light for thier accomplishment send a video my way and we'll Get R Done! :D

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Uh Oh! it looks like we have another world class bender in the making! :laugh:laugh

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Congrats :rock

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Thanks guys! Chris really appreciates the comments and is really fired up.


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Congratulations :rock

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I hope you keep training under your proud dads watchfull eye as theres no one better equipped to teach you alot of aspects of bending especially the braced stuff :rock


Congrats on having a son that is already making a name for himself in an honest and proper way when life is not always like that.


Great bending young man keep it up :bow

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That's awesome work! Congrats! :bow:bow:bow

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