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Mgc Write Up


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After a 23.5 hour day I made it home. The comp went really well. I took 7th. The top three were dave morton, then Jedd, then Bob or John. With Josh Dale bringing up 5th. Ben edwards took 6th and I can't remember anything else. The medley was super fun. The hammers was a really nice set up for the event. It was little bit humid which didn't help the 2hp or v-bar at all. I will say that the Fat Bastard 2" v-bar is one of the nicest pieces of equipment that I've used. Of course, after the comp Eaton And Jedd start doing huge "tricks". Eaton was curling 45's. Jedd was pulling blobs with weight added. Crazy stuff. I had to leave to drive back so I'm sure there's a lot more I missed.

Thanks to Bob lipinski and the Larkins for a great event. And thanks to Chris Rice for getting me involved in all of this.


also, the 1.5 litre nalgene with purpl stuff in it was mine. whoops.

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I managed a solid 15th place with Stew right ahead of me in 14th and Brad Manion in 13th. It was close, at least as far as I knew. If I had played the game like I knew I should've, I might've placed higher but, I didn't :) I went for a 16 in the levers for 3 of my 4 attempts and failed but managed it on my 5th and unofficial attempt. Chris Rice and the judge were nice enough to spot and judge me and I managed it :) I did better on the medley than I thought I would. Of course the Inch, 3 25's and Blob stayed on the ground and out of the way next to Big Black. All in all, I wanted 3 things from MGC, a 16lb lever, a 6lb front lever, and a 200lb Vbar. I got all of those and even managed an 8lb front lever where many guys stronger than myself had failed so that surprised the hell out of me :) Apparently, I have a crazy way of picking up Don's 52.5lb thin pinch plate, but I'd be willing to be a lot of guys could lift it that way and I think 2 others did. Unlike BBB3 I didn't want to leave anything in reserve and unlike Gripmas '07 I wanted to do well. I accomplished both here and I can honestly say I didn't leave anything in the tank.

My big bro was unhappy with his performance(he wanted to beat me :rolleyes ) but he still did quite well for a complete novice. I think he finished a place behind another novice, Sean Richardson(right guys?) thanks to grippers and Pinch. He still walked away happy overall and enjoyed meeting all of you!

Bob, Jeff and I had a middle finger chin for weight competition afterwards. The weight went up to 75lbs and I can't even do a normal pullup with 75lbs :( My nose was maybe 6" shy of the bar on my middle finger 75lb attempt while Jeff managed a full chin and I think Bob got as close as I did. So Jeff won while Bob and myself tied for 2nd :)

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The top three were dave morton, then Jedd

Dave Morton strikes again :)

Thanks to Don and Jerri Larkin along with Bob for putting on a great Contest.

Very close Contest. Josh and Bob did some amazing things with the hammers, just shy of 24 pounds. John Eaton was in a class by himself with some of after Contest lifts. Jedd won the medley by lifting everything. Brent failed to mention he had some excellent pulls on the 2"v-bar.

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The top three were dave morton, then Jedd

Dave Morton strikes again :)

Thanks to Don and Jerri Larkin along with Bob for putting on a great Contest.

Very close Contest. Josh and Bob did some amazing things with the hammers, just shy of 24 pounds. John Eaton was in a class by himself with some of after Contest lifts. Jedd won the medley by lifting everything. Brent failed to mention he had some excellent pulls on the 2"v-bar.

The top three were dave morton, then Jedd

Dave Morton strikes again :)

Thanks to Don and Jerri Larkin along with Bob for putting on a great Contest.

Very close Contest. Josh and Bob did some amazing things with the hammers, just shy of 24 pounds. John Eaton was in a class by himself with some of after Contest lifts. Jedd won the medley by lifting everything. Brent failed to mention he had some excellent pulls on the 2"v-bar.

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Hi All -

I only get on the board once a year - so pardon my clumsiness.

Each year after the MCG meet, I think it can't get better than the previous one, and each year I am wrong!

The top 3 out of a field of 20 were one point apart.

Dave Thornton took 1st, Jedd Johnson came in 2nd and Josh Dale came in third. What a SHOW!! Stew Rosendaul was given the annual Larkin Award.

All of the guys are so much fun to be around. No big egos, just great competitors. Great job to you ALL.

I also think that we owe a debt of gratitude to David Horne, who I believe really got organized grip contests started. Thank you Dave Horne.

Looking forward to next year's competition -

Don Larkin

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I think I see Chad Woodall's name at the bottom of this under those who are reading the thread...I'm guessing he's thinking what I am thinking...

I wish I could have been there!

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Hey Don, sounds like you put on a good competition I would have liked to checked it out but had a previous commitment, but next year either I will check it out or compete. I have talked to you a few times at Mellingers Meet in April so I don't feel like a complete stranger.

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Congratulations to Dave, Jedd and Josh on your top 3 slots, also to evryone stepping on the platform - well done!


1991 seems like a long time ago, but thanks. It was also a long time ago when we used letters instead of emails!

Also a big congrats to Don, because no promotor = no contests!

I'll get the top 3 up after my meal.


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Thanks to Don and Jerri for their great hospitality - as usual! Thanks Bob for putting on a great contest - the medley was killer - well it sure killed my placing anyway hehe! Congrats to everyone of course. My middle son Sean and I tied for 9th, with me edging him out by virtue of higher results in more events - now that was pretty awesome! My lack of overall body strength really showed in the medley and cost me dearly. It was a long hard fun day! I need to work harder :blush .

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I had agreat time even though it wasnot my best day. Bob put on a good contest I thought the events were a good pick even though I really sucked wind on some of them. The medley was cool I wish I wouldn't of wrenched my wrist as much on the hammers to give it a better shot. Got to meet some new guys good guys to good food, and good times. I'd like to thank Bob,Don,Jerri, and everyone else that helped put it all together because I know it's not a easy process. I was really surprised I got the award from Don I had guys in my head that I figured to get it.So thanks agian I really appreciate it very humbling.I'm also wishing I wouldn't have been so conservative on my V- bar attempts I think I could of had alot more in me guess thats what comes with lack of expereince and lack of training to know where I'm at or capable of.I won't let that happen agian my next contest showing will have some workout time in front of it and I expect eveyone to hold me to it. I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't wash the sheets on the pullout couch not that the famous John Eaton has used them I can probaly sell them on Ebay :D . And I'm not sure what Jedd did to the couch but Java is afraid to sleep on it now thats leaving an imppression :blink . All in all a great weekend hope to have some more like it just with better numbers and less pain :D . On a side note the hammer event blew my mind I sucked but din't feel so bad when you figure the middle of the pack not the end was hitting 14#s and up man thats just nuts good job guys.Congrats to Dave,Jedd,Josh,John,and Bob heck of a showing. Thanks agian to everybody and see you next year!( that is also your warning)

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I think I see Chad Woodall's name at the bottom of this under those who are reading the thread...I'm guessing he's thinking what I am thinking...

I wish I could have been there!

Yes! Sounds like I missed a GREAT competition :rock Congrats to ALL :rock

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Very competitive contest. Congratulations to all the competitors!

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Here's a little of the "after contest" action.

I heard him say he could do a 20 that way under his breathe, but seeing it something else!!!

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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Here's a little of the "after contest" action.

I heard him say he could do a 20 that way under his breathe, but seeing it something else!!!

Sean is just plain strong! Not to bad for not training this stuff I would say.

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The 20 Slim lever was my favorite feat of the day. Jedd's failure was almost more impressive- He held the weight at the sticking point for some time.

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The 20 Slim lever was my favorite feat of the day. Jedd's failure was almost more impressive- He held the weight at the sticking point for some time.

I felt a pop in my abdomen during that pull, or else I woulda kept on fightin'!

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The 20 Slim lever was my favorite feat of the day. Jedd's failure was almost more impressive- He held the weight at the sticking point for some time.

I felt a pop in my abdomen during that pull, or else I woulda kept on fightin'!

Oh, that's because I shot you with a small caliber handgun. I thought you were doing another event that was going to knock me further down the final placings list. Sorry about that.

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