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21" X 5/8 A36 Hrs (15.89mm)

Paul Knight

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Finally was able to convert from .VOB - I'm taking that camera back! :angry: Thanks for your help Matt and Aaron, I farted around forever last night trying to find a link to some freeware to convert.

Anyways - I felt a big difference from 22" to 21" or maybe I just didn't maximize phase 2 enough (behind the leg) Its defenitely hurting more now! I'll be out for a couple of weeks now from that bend.

Don't pay attention to the gripper stuff at the end of the vid - we were trying to practice for the MM1 cert today and I couldn't figure out how to sever that from the clip :angry: Did I metion how much I hate that camera?! I bought it for the MM1 cert and thats what we have to work w/now! It makes great looking DVD's though < <

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Wow Paul that bend is just psychotic!!!

Yeah it's just like Tim I said, the jumps down after 22" are just ridiculous compared to the previous ones.

I think you're right you should have tried the under the leg for a few more hits, it would have made the crushdown on the hip MUCH easier.

Crazy bend dude, I can't wait to see the 20" fall once you're all healed up!!!! :rock :rock :rock

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Thanks for the pm.

Superb bend, and I'll get it on the list in a couple of minutes.

Well done,


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:rock :rock :rock
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Great work Paul!!!

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YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH PAUL!!!!! :rock :rock :rock Completely crazy bend my friend! Something you might try with the under the leg thing....try putting the bar lower on your leg. Sometimes you can get more power that way. Just a thought! Congrats on a wicked bend buddy!! :cool

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That was awesome man. Holy hell what a fight. I couldn't get anymore than you did out of the under the leg position either. That is where it stoped me, so as far as I know you did it the only way it could be done. Man you had me for a minute there with the start of that crush, I really thought it might stop you but I already knew you had finished it.

No padding under the leg huh? I know that is gonna leave a mark. Did I call that serious jump down after 22" though or what? At least it is good to see that the steel is very consitant in that with a different supplier over here that 1" was still a huge jump. Hehe good luck with that 20" the next 1" is even bigger. I would love to see you get it but seriously rest up for that one because it is a monster.

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paul...you're...really...really...strong :blink something that could completely help your thigh crush is some stickier shoes and not such slick floor i think it would have made it MUCH easier but seriously you're really strong y'know? :)

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Like Tim said, If I hadn't known you had done it already I would never of believed you would be able to crush it down from where it was it just didn't look bent enough after the second phase. Well done!!

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Derek - indeed, the more I think about it - the way it felt on the kink was too easy compared to how difficult the hip crush felt (although it did move in that phase alittle - not much) If I would have hit the leg once or twice more, it would have made a more efficient bend.

Jeremiah - I think your right - it just hurts more there to me. I think if I'm going to go shorter I may need to use padding under my leg. Great observation - after all it was you that tought me the technique! :)

Tim - yeah! you were spot on! I think at that length - the end of the bar is barely on top of your leg when doing the "under the leg" technique making it alot more difficult - from 21" on its going to be exponentially more difficult each 1" increment, and my ham's are going to have serious bruises on them - it hurts to sit down! :cry:rolleyes

justiceislost1988 - You couldn't be more right! we talked about doing in the grass, but everytime we are working out its dark outside - we are going to have to come up with a solution and still remain within David's bar-bending rules. I can tell you've bent a few bars to realize that, because I didn't put 2 and 2 together on that until recently :rolleyes

Stew - thanks - I wasn't sure either if I could get it from where it was at, but it started moving so I went w/it. I'm beginning to wonder if I can skip a phase all together and go staight to leg crush? :online I'll need to play w/it.

Last but not least - Thanks David for updating the list and I'm thinking I'd like my next 20" attempt to be part of the contest we talked about in Derek's thread - is everyone still interested?

thanx again :yikes

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Simply amazing! A big congrats - you are certainly in a league of your own!

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Man that is a legendary historical bend! You've really made your mark quick!

One thing I agree with that somebody else said is footing. I first noticed that when I filmed a DVD for Mike Hadland and I was on slick dusty concrete. I noticed it again when I did a show in grass after it rained (even worse). Now, if none other than for safety, if I do another show, or next show, I'll have a carpet type mat just incase the footing stinks. It can make a noticable difference.

I wondered if you guys were using padding under your leg because I had to. I tried it a couple years ago without padding and it hurt like heck.

Again Paul, that is just a super impressive show of strength.

Can't wait to see what's next.


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great idea tim i noticed that being a problem for me when i tried to crush an 8" crescent on carpet in my socks but then when i put my shoes on it went pretty easy that's why i noticed it on this video i think you might have taken off 30-45 seconds of that bend if it was done on some carpet paul :)

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think you might have taken off 30-45 seconds of that bend if it was done on some carpet paul :)

Indeed! I wonder if rollong out a big piece of sand-paper to stand on would be against any rules?! :laugh:laugh

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think you might have taken off 30-45 seconds of that bend if it was done on some carpet paul :)

Indeed! I wonder if rollong out a big piece of sand-paper to stand on would be against any rules?! :laugh:laugh

Probably not however....

Golf shoes on a piece of steel mesh?

Electromagnetic boots on a steel floor.

Simply tie your ankles together ha ha!

Can't you just see somebody coming out in some Wile E. Coyote type contraption with big suction cups on their feet for a cert :D .



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think you might have taken off 30-45 seconds of that bend if it was done on some carpet paul :)

Indeed! I wonder if rollong out a big piece of sand-paper to stand on would be against any rules?! :laugh:laugh

Probably not however....

Golf shoes on a piece of steel mesh?

Electromagnetic boots on a steel floor.

Simply tie your ankles together ha ha!

Can't you just see somebody coming out in some Wile E. Coyote type contraption with big suction cups on their feet for a cert :D .



Haha if it's allowed, why not!

Great bend Paul!

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Haha man I just said this in David's spike thread but there is this big root coming out of the ground near where I park my car, I will stuff one foot against that and the other under my tire. I usually do it for twisting or crossing on a scroll but it should work plenty good for between the legs.

Actually I was just thinking for bending any place outdoors cleats would probably work great.

Edited by timiacobucci
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There is a rule

7. Competitor may not lean against any stationary object.

So I think we'll keep the spirit of the event and disallow any locking of feet against anything.


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Lets see what everyone else says about it.

The problem arises when say we have this event in a contest that is indoors and not in a place that we can use spikes, cleats or any other thing protruding from the shoe. Then we have a record that can't be beaten indoors, and it is then an unatural record, or grass related record. Maybe it's the start of a slippery slope. :D

I like braced bending as there are very little rules (and it's great to see all the styles), but we have slowly added rules now, the last one being "7. Competitor may not lean against any stationary object", and so now we may need a ground or footwear rule!


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some good skate shoes on some carpet works perfect for everything that i have had to crush down the biggest thing for me only being an 8" crescent though i don't know how it would work with you crazy freak people that bend that really big stuff :D

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I honestly don't see much advantage during the crush down, I don't feel it's a shoe-grip thing at all.

Maybe people should learn to put their shoes next to each other instead of inches to feet apart ;)

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Well honestly I haven't had much problem with the between the legs thing but that is only because I am not strong enough with that yet I think. The stuff Tim T and Paul and David are doing with the 8" spikes and stronger are a whole different game.

But with big twists and things like crossing the 3/4" bar I just spin around in a circle without some serious footing so I do understand the problem.

I do think that with some grippy shoes on carpet anything done with cleats outdoors could be reproduced indoors as well. I just like bending outdoors and grass in far from carpet. And even if it were a solid gym type floor or something slippery like that a small patch of carpet could be laid out for a contest I think.

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I pretty much agree. I think anything should be allowed up to a point. I think anything that protrudes from the ground would violate #7 as you say even though I know some would say kneeling would be a violation. Look at it this way, in tug-o-war you can wear whatever shoes, chalk your feet whatever but I don't think you could wrap your leg around a tree or chain your feet to the floor.

Anything that would stick your feet to the floor I think gets ridiculous. To bring your own carpet mat and regular shoes and even chalk (just like wraps) would be fine with me but if somebody shows up with velcro on their feet and a big mat of velcro then that is actually sticking your feet to the floor. That's not traction that's something that actually requires effort to pull your feet off the floor. This is another area where the bigger guys might have more of an advantage with the traction thing because I can tell you I've certainly had my foot break loose and fly out to the side.

Basically anything along those lines is what is okay to me. Aiding traction would be okay but making a loop out of rope and putting your feet in it (believe me, I've thought of it) would be a no no.

I personally wouldn't have a big problem with cleats but that's up to you. I've never used cleats so I can't say how much they add.

I really don't think anyone has gotten ridiculous though. Scrolling is sorta an art form as much as a feat of strength so I think that's different. I've seen pics of John Brookfield push a bar into the ground.

I personally wouldn't try my max bend on slick concrete now. Too much risk of pulling a muscle or something.



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