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Training At Whey Consortium - Vids Included

Paul Savage

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some vids (quality is not great)

deficient deadlifts:

sam 200 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQHJcCp0Cvk

180 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=TPJlh1bcbHw

200 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=1i7KVhCjcpc

227.5 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=iKvttqH23lM

20k blob - http://youtube.com/watch?v=9cRg-8ExWso

RB330 left / reps - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTSB5mzJ2Q4

#4 reps - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h482d7j83zo

what a day this was! - firstly, i have to say steve closed the #4 i did a couple reps on (he rates it 3.7-3.8) 3 different times, regardless of what any videos might suggest (he missed it a bunch of times also). I had an off day with the bells (couldnt fully lock out the inch for some reason) so i dont know exactly how hard the mellenium is but i couldnt get it off the floor / was very impressed by steve throwing it around + his stupid easy clean on the little inch (sam also did this but wasnt recording in time).

plane wreck now!

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It was a good day and I'll see if I can post those vids u sent me too. I nearly trained today, looked at what I was meant to dop, felt my sore back from yesterday and thought... nah tomorrow is ok ha ha :D

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I chatted with the lads quite a bit and while we were not at competition intensity as many GB members know when there is a 'gathering' you do some special stuff 'just for giggles and shit'. All that was missing was a beer :D

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Strong stuff!!! Looks like yall had fun. How many hours did yall train ? When we have a gathering it seems like nobody wants to go home!!! :laugh

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More. The lads arrived around 11am and Sam left to catch his train after 3. Then Paul and I came back after a snack till about 6pm. So more like, with a rest, 5 and half hours.

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FFS, Paul! Look UP when you're DeadLifting!!!

It makes the WORLD of difference! Always keep your eye on the destination! When was the last time you saw a 100m sprinter lokking anywhere but the point BEYOND the finish line?

Look at the bar during prep, but during the lift; look to the skies!

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i know i know, look up, i see on the vid sam was screaming at me to do it, but just bad habbit i need to stop - ive never had anyone to go through my form with me, an obviously in the heat of the moment you sometimes tend to get a bit tunnel vision / forget things you shouldn't too >needs work, the powerlifts have never been my strong point

my wrist is still hurt but slowly getting better

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Well done guys :rock

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ive never had anyone to go through my form with me,

your squats are the same look up more! with deads/squats the bar has a tendency to follow wherever you are looking!

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