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First Braced Bends


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i don't have any video or pictures but i finally decided to see what the addiction is with this stuff! :D it's definately pretty fun i decided to try some 5/8" and some 1/2" i've done a few hot dipped galvinized 12" spikes and they're pretty easy for me so not technically my first braced stuff but my first big braced stuff :D the first was the 22"x1/2" and it was bent over my thigh and then hip crushed and then thigh crushed with no padding on my leg it wasn't too bad it stopped for maybe 15 seconds at 60 degrees and then when it went it was done in about 10 seconds from there 45 seconds total bend time and then the very intimidating 34"x5/8" after it started i wasn't too intimidated though this was also started over the thigh but then it was so big i couldn't get it very far so i switched to the shin which just made it easy to get to about 90 degrees and then i was stuck for about 30 seconds trying to get comfortable and then it went about an inch at a time until it got to about 9" to go and then it got thigh crushed like nothing this was done with a metallica shirt over the shin (and there was some skin left on it) total bend time was about 1:30 i see why you guys are so addicted to this stuff it's definately a lot of fun and i might start doing i a little more my hand has been killing me lately in my left palm but i couldn't help myself i know i have a 19"x1/2" in me or maybe even 18" over the shin and possibly a 30"x5/8" over the shin but i won't be doing either until my hand is completely healed from what i read both of those are pretty decent for first time bends but i would have A LONG way to go for anything worth while any feedback is very appreciated :rock

Edited by justiceislost1988
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Great! it seems more and more are jumping on the braced wagon. Shin! ouch - unless your talking about upper shin/lower knee (but not the soft spot!) congrats! :D

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Great! it seems more and more are jumping on the braced wagon. Shin! ouch - unless your talking about upper shin/lower knee (but not the soft spot!) congrats! :D

yeah it was the upper shin area :D

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Congrats Casey! It wasn't until recently that a 30"x5/8 bend was common. It still remains a great bend so 34" is no small deal either!!!

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thanks a lot zach i really think that 30" will go down when i'm healed :rock

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Those are great first bends and you should submit those to David because I'm pretty sure you won't need video for those. I think it's only needed for the 1/2 inch in the spike section, 5/8 in the mid section, and 3/4 in the long bar section.

Great job!


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thanks a lot tim i think i'm going to wait and get a 28" x 5/8" and maybe a 16" x 1/2" and get video and then maybe throw it in there :)

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Great bends casey!!

But if you really wan't to focus on your certs, then I would suggest to forget about braced bending until you're certified with IronMind.

It will take up too much strength and valuable time which with your goals you don't have much already ;)

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Great bends casey!!

But if you really wan't to focus on your certs, then I would suggest to forget about braced bending until you're certified with IronMind.

It will take up too much strength and valuable time which with your goals you don't have much already ;)

thanks a lot mark i agree it's not really something i want to jump into right now but after i get my certs then i might start this VERY expensive braced bending but i know i'm going to be killing the red in no time and i also know that #3 is VERY unlikely so if i don't get it by 18 i'm going to worry about it later because the main reason for my #3 goal was to be the first under 18 to do it with the new rules so if i don't get it i don't get my goal so why keep trying as hard as i am now? :D

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Nice bending. :rock Keep plugin away at it as you got a great start. :rock

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WOW i tried a 30" piece of 5/8" a few minutes ago and it's absolutely amazing that 21" is being bent at all! :blink i brought the 30" piece to about 70 degrees but then it decided that it wanted to stop right there until i'm on a better day :D i really think i could do it on a good rested day but that will have to wait considering i only bought the 2 pieces of 5/8" i know i could for sure do 31" the kink was just a killer for me but i think if it would have hit 90 it would have been done specially with a healed hand and explosive hip crush :D i'm amazed with david and tim and paul right now :rock

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Good stuff, and just keep working on the strength, and techniques, and remember have fun.

Oh, and as I said on another thread I'm in big time overall body pain from yesterdays 21 and 22" bars!


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Thanks for the compliments man, you will get that 30". If you only got a few bars it is better to be aggressive cutting them because you can do isos and keep training on a stuck bar. One you've bent is a fun feeling and nice to show off but it isn't making you any stronger.

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Good stuff, and just keep working on the strength, and techniques, and remember have fun.

Oh, and as I said on another thread I'm in big time overall body pain from yesterdays 21 and 22" bars!


Thanks for the compliments man, you will get that 30". If you only got a few bars it is better to be aggressive cutting them because you can do isos and keep training on a stuck bar. One you've bent is a fun feeling and nice to show off but it isn't making you any stronger.

thanks a lot guys any help i can get is very appreciated specially from some of the top braced benders! once i hit the red and get a little closer on my #3 goal i'm going to attack the braced stuff and more un braced stuff as well but right now i feel like the braced stuff is really taking away from my grippers A LOT i could barely close my #2 after trying that 30" x 5/8" bend today! i didn't know isos were good for braced stuff i'll definately keep that in mind next time i go to the steel shop! thanks for the help and good luck hitting 20"!!! :rock

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i just can't help it! i got the 1/2" x 20" but it almost killed me first :D (tim t. you are absolutely amazing and crazy! :blink) and i gave that 5/8" another try i got it a little past 90 but WOW my hands were KILLING me all of these bends are in 10" x 4" soft leather wraps too :D so my second braced bend session was 20" x 1/2" and almost 30" x 5/8" you guys are absolutely crazy 21" x 5/8" is just un human and 8" x 1/2" should not even be allowed it's so incredible :blink i'll put some pictures in my gallery soon and i'll post them here

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Isos can be great for braced bending. When I first started bending, 3/4 by 4 foot was a bend I wanted so bad I could taste it. For days and days I'd pull that bar around my knee. Sitting, laying, kneeling, you name it I pulled on that thing and the worst I could do was crack the scale. I really wasn't intentionally doing isos because I was real new but I was instead just stubbornly giving that bar all I had until my hands litterally blistered and I couldn't walk right from my knee hurting. Finally one day it caved and I finished it.

As you cut the 1/2 inch shorter and shorter you'll probably want a little extra padding unless you have ultra thick hands like Big Steve. I used to crush some of my early spike length bars bare handed on my leg but as the steel got tougher that plan began to hurt big time!

Great job and an excellent start. I agree the 5/8 bars those guys are doing are something else. I must try that some time since it's been a long time since I've bent anything 5/8.



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thanks a lot tim i'll be sure to try more isos when i decide to start doing braced bending more often! and thanks for the compliments! i don't know about the padding i don't like to use any kind of big wraps i think the only reason it started to hurt so bad is because of my left palm injury i think they will be fine though they haven't really hurt when they were healthy yet on any of my bending and i can apply max bending efforts in IM pads but ya never know until you're to a harder point than i am :D

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Don't worry much about the pads, you will get tougher. Like anything if it is a max bend and the first time your body has encountered these force levels it is going to hurt but you will adapt. I still use a peice of suede just folded over the ends, less time and hassle wrapping it up and they are more adjustable. That is for the long bends, the short hard spike length you really need allot of pads, at least when you start.

What is the least padding would you need for a 12" keystone now Tim?

Look at the padding Dennis uses on his 10" S wrench bend. That bend is absolutely insane when you think about the amount of padding he ISN'T using. Well it is insane anyways, that just makes it more so. So with time and work you really can do some amazing things with very little padding.

It is interesting reading about your start on the 3/4" back then Tim. I am doing the same stuff now with that 7/8". Man that thing doesn't want to give. I hope my story ends the same way too.

Edited by timiacobucci
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Don't worry much about the pads, you will get tougher. Like anything if it is a max bend and the first time your body has encountered these force levels it is going to hurt but you will adapt. I still use a peice of suede just folded over the ends, less time and hassle wrapping it up and they are more adjustable. That is for the long bends, the short hard spike length you really need allot of pads, at least when you start.

What is the least padding would you need for a 12" keystone now Tim?

Look at the padding Dennis uses on his 10" S wrench bend. That bend is absolutely insane when you think about the amount of padding he ISN'T using. Well it is insane anyways, that just makes it more so. So with time and work you really can do some amazing things with very little padding.

It is interesting reading about your start on the 3/4" back then Tim. I am doing the same stuff now with that 7/8". Man that thing doesn't want to give. I hope my story ends the same way too.

dennis is pretty much the reason for me not using a bunch of big wraps since he is my teacher and i follow what he tells me pretty close some of the biggest bends have been done by him and pat and neither one of them really go over 8-10" of wraps pats KOAB was done in under a minute with no rubber bands or chalk and 8" of leather and same with his big number 5 shoes all done with 8" of leather and very fast i don't want to get in the habit of using big wraps because i plan on being a performing strongman and i think having a bunch of wraps to put on and rubber bands and chalk is just no good for shows at all same with padding on the leg and things like that i think it takes away from the feat for the audience which is my main aspiration if it was just training it would be different though thanks for the advice though tim i really appreciate the help i'm getting from you guys and thanks for the compliments ben!

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I tottally understand where you are coming from with that and I see you said you can apply max force in im pads. There is just no way that is true though. What is the biggest wrapping you have tried before? I felt the same way with my small leathers until I tried some big wraps and realize the huge difference. Certainly bending with less wraps is more impressive and better for shows but one thing I have learned is that it is good to train max stuff with big wraps first to make gains in strength first, then go back and practice the same bends with less and less padding.

It is hard to make significant strength gains while you are being restricted by pain. Even if it doesn't feel like it, it is limiting you. You don't perform max bends for a show so when you can do say, like me for example, 14" x 1/2" with allot of wraps, that means I can go back now and do 20" bare handed and 18" with just folded suede. I'm not intending to say , oh I can reproduce your bends bare handed, but to say that training with better padding can develope strength faster and you can maintain conditioning by also practicing with limited or no padding as well. They are not mutually exclusive is my point.

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I tottally understand where you are coming from with that and I see you said you can apply max force in im pads. There is just no way that is true though. What is the biggest wrapping you have tried before? I felt the same way with my small leathers until I tried some big wraps and realize the huge difference. Certainly bending with less wraps is more impressive and better for shows but one thing I have learned is that it is good to train max stuff with big wraps first to make gains in strength first, then go back and practice the same bends with less and less padding.

It is hard to make significant strength gains while you are being restricted by pain. Even if it doesn't feel like it, it is limiting you. You don't perform max bends for a show so when you can do say, like me for example, 14" x 1/2" with allot of wraps, that means I can go back now and do 20" bare handed and 18" with just folded suede. I'm not intending to say , oh I can reproduce your bends bare handed, but to say that training with better padding can develope strength faster and you can maintain conditioning by also practicing with limited or no padding as well. They are not mutually exclusive is my point.

the biggest wraps i have ever even messed with were probably 18" of double leather and i can't get comfortable with all that in my hands i feel much more comfortable with IM wraps they're perfect for me and i really can apply all the force i can put on my bending with just those the only difference is i can't bend stuff as short i can't bend better with big wraps at all the IM wraps haven't hurt for probably 3 months the only reason these bends were hurting is because i injured my left palm (i don't even know how) but when my hands aren't hurting at all i can give all i have to the IM pads without even a little bit of pain i'm just weak :D

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Double 18" pads would be too big. But try some 8-10" leather pads over the IM pads.

Even if pain is no issue you should still be able to bend a little bigger. And if you can't it is most surtaint due to technical issuies. So try the bigger pads for a few bends and then see the results. It is good to mix. Bigger pads to build strength aswell to get through that mental barrier of a stronger piece of steel. And small pads to build toughness. Although bigger pads would still build toughness aswell, as the force is still being put through your hands. It would just be distrubited over a larger surfice.

Edited by David_wigren
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they were double 9" on each side double 18" would just be impossible :D i've also tried the IM pads with leather and i couldn't do any better than with just IM pads adam glass has analyzed my bending and said that it's good i had two problems that i fixed so i don't really think that it is any technical issues either i just feel more comfortable with them i get a better feel for what i'm doing and where i am and i don't have my hands full just my preferance

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We've all got different shaped hands and various little differences. If you ever get to the point where you need more padding, your hands will tell you about it.

Great bending and welcome to the highly addictive braced bending!


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