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Improvising In The Gym


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Im very interested in grip training and have been getting into it as much as possible for the last 4 weeks or so but the problem is that my gym does not have very much grip oriented equipment so I usaully do stuff like plate pinches, farmers holds, fat bar wrist curls, finger curls, fat bar rows and a few other things that train grip in a secondary fashion. So i was wondering if anyone could help me on ways to improvise with the standard equipment that my gym does have. Thanks for any help you can give.

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It may look strange, but if you take a thick sock, wrap it around the handle of a dumbbell and curl it normally, then you'll get a good grip workout in. Since the sock will give a bit, it makes you squeeze it that much harder.

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That's funny about what poppy said, cuz I tried the same thing, kinda. I took one of those foam roller things for doing leg curls/extensions, forced it on my dumbbell handle, and and it make a soft fatbar, and like poppy said, you gotta squeeze hard to keep in from slipping. But, it already sounds like you're doing alot of good grip stuff now. I can't think of anything any other gym would have to train your grip anymore than yours does, unless it's somewhere like Sorinex. Get yourself a set of grippers, and your pretty much set.

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That's funny about what poppy said, cuz I tried the same thing, kinda. I took one of those foam roller things for doing leg curls/extensions, forced it on my dumbbell handle, and and it make a soft fatbar, and like poppy said, you gotta squeeze hard to keep in from slipping. But, it already sounds like you're doing alot of good grip stuff now. I can't think of anything any other gym would have to train your grip anymore than yours does, unless it's somewhere like Sorinex. Get yourself a set of grippers, and your pretty much set.

I would look into a rolling thunder handle you can throw it in a gym and you do lot's with it will hook to any cable machine. Also take a small piece of chain you can hook the thunder to dumbells also. :D

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I would look into a rolling thunder handle you can throw it in a gym and you do lot's with it will hook to any cable machine. Also take a small piece of chain you can hook the thunder to dumbells also. :D

Holy cow, I completely forgot about the RT :blush How could I be so stupid? :laugh Yes, Jason's right, an RT would do very nicely.

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Alright thanks fellas. Ill have to try the "soft fat bar" thing tommorow and ill look into the RT handle. Also what grippers would u recommend me getting. I one hand plate pinch 2 35's and hold 260 in each hand for about 35 seconds (not sure how much these help crushing grip) but ive never tried heavy grippers so i have no idea what to order.

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Alright thanks fellas. Ill have to try the "soft fat bar" thing tommorow and ill look into the RT handle. Also what grippers would u recommend me getting. I one hand plate pinch 2 35's and hold 260 in each hand for about 35 seconds (not sure how much these help crushing grip) but ive never tried heavy grippers so i have no idea what to order.

Pinching two 35's? That's really good! If you can do that, I'd get a Beefbuilder master, super-master, and grand-master, or a CoC #2, 2.5 and 3. I'm betting that you can probably close the 2.5 and give the no.3 a ride.

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I'd go with the CoCs. Personally i think the knurling on the beefbuilders is a bit sharp for a complete beginner to grippers.

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Take an Olympic barbell, put two 45's on one end, smooth sides out, and add 10's and 5's after that. Pinch the 45's and lift up. Now you have a cheap pinch set-up.

Do farmer's walks with 2 25's in each hand, smooth sides out.

Do finger curls with an Olympic bar.

Us an EZ Curl bar to do hub style lifting. Add weight to one end and hub lift the other end of the bar.

Those should keep you busy.

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If your gym has a pull up bar you could throw towels or rope over the top of it and do pull ups from that. The rope, if it has a carabina can also be attached to a cable machine for all sorts of indirect grip exercises

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