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Sorinex Open House Day Of Strength


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Guys, we as in years past try to do something special to give back to our many friends and supporters. We are having an openhouse on Sat June 28th for a gatheriing of strength minded people for a good day of learning, friendly challenges, bringing your pet challenge grip piece or just enjoy talking shop,or training with strength peopple from all over. I will be celebrating my 58th birthday and asked as a "present" from my guys just to put it into a great day for yall with a first class cookout topping off the day. You will see bits of lifting and grip history throughout the 6500 sq' facility and you are welcome to watch, train, try lifting parts of strength history or just enjoy the fellowship. All are welcome . See our site www.sorinex.com for more info. a RSVP would be appreciated so we can adjust for everyone attending. Contact either richard@sorinex.com or Bert @ sorinex.com. We are located just outside of Columbia SC in Irmo Sc near beautiful lake Murray. RS

Here is a link to the Open House/Summer Strong Summer Week Page on our website. There you will find a link to a Google map where you can get specific directions.


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In addition if any out there are nearing COC #3 certification through discussion with Randy at Ironmind you can do it here at the open house. We have many sealed brand new #3s here and what better a memory than to be certed' surrounded by a large group of dedicated gripsters! Please check with Randy at Ironmind first if you wish to do this.RS

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Dang, I'd love to visit...but can't :( The only place I've ever lifted (other than my basement) was a hotel gym :dry

Sorinex just looks awesome. Maybe someday...

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I think Tex is "gathering his might" for a crowd treat or two as well. I have followed strength and the aquisition of it my entire life and have found "being there" to see, decide and experience first hand is a great awakening of the senses. It only provided fuel to my interest seeing what everyone else ACTUALLY did. Heck, Many of those "famous moments" of strength people just "talk" about............................... I was there.....it cost time and effort, but, I WAS THERE! I have regretted more things in my life that I didn't do than the ones I did!RS

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wow what a great opportunity to get to train with the Best and watch some great grip feats go down!!!

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We have had a number of RSVP's from world class athletes,strongmen, powerlifters and record holders in varied sport endeavors. Included in the mix are replys from several NFL strength coaches "giving back" by sharing knowledge and perhaps learning the little tricks of the trade spent in a day of relaxed atmosphere devoted to strength. I have made sure all types of grip and strength testing and building items will be on display. Over 150 grippers will be on display from all eras of grip. Including full sets of Ironmind, RB, and Tetting Beef Builders. See ,touch, and use those things over the years you have only just read about! You can bring your own toys for others to try or bring something to trade as well. This will be a fun day! RS

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I would love to go, but just have to much going on this month. I will get out to your place a some point to take a shot at that blob.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guys, Just arrived a full 14 gripper set from Warren tetting Beginner (110 lb as per Warren) through the 1500lb(as per Warren) 1/2" spring "Universe" . They will all be on display and for use at the open house this Saturday. RS

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Mr. Sorin, thank you for inviting me to the Sorinex Open House Day Of Strength. Today was the thrill of a lifetime. I appreciate your hospitality and for taking the time to talk to me about the Original Blob and grip. Touching that piece of history was amazing and it is certainly much harder than the less contoured and lighter models. All your friends, family and employees treated me with kindness and respect and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment.

I'm trying to wait until Mr. Sorin puts up his Sorinex Open House Day Of Strength event report before I post my full report of any feats attempted or accomplished by me or others (or any pics or videos) as I don't wish to steal his thunder.

I dropped my wife off at work, so arrived well after the grip events began and didn't know how formal it was or if I was allowed to jump in, so I watched Tex, Richard, and other guys who dwarfed me lifting heavy things ;) ). I didn't see any other grip guys outside of the Sorinex men that I recognized, and of course no one knew me either. I waited until they moved over to do some competing on the DL (which was amazing in itself) before I started testing a few of the items. I thought I had a picture of me and Richard, but I don't (I do have a great one with Tex).

After a while, Richard saw me playing with the Blobs including a different, well-worn 52.5 lb. model and asked me: "How would you like to try the Original Blob?", and of course I happily accepted his offer. He removed it from its place of security and brought it to me (I felt a religious-type reverence for this great historical artifact that I'd first read about in Brookfield's MOHS and even asked if I could use chalk on it). I think everyone thought I was nuts due to my monomaniacal focus on the Blob and other grip items as well as the patina of sweat and chalk covering my clothes, body and face.

I have never seen a training facility as perfect as Sorinex and felt like I'd died and gone to Grip Heaven when I saw the Gauntlet and tried a few of the items. Thank you so much for a once-in-a-lifetime thrill, and I hope to be back soon. The barbecue was worth the 1 and 1/2 hour drive by itself (a couple people there said it is a little-known fact that Richard has gourmet chef-level cooking abilities). Don't miss Richard's open-house events, first-class all the way!

Edited by odin
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Man!!! If it weren't such a god-awful drive to SC from MI, I would've been there :laugh

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After a while, Richard saw me playing with the Blobs including a different, well-worn 52.5 lb. model and asked me: "How would you like to try the Original Blob?", and of course I happily accepted his offer. He removed it from its place of security and brought it to me (I felt a religious-type reverence for this great historical artifact that I'd first read about in Brookfield's MOHS and even asked if I could use chalk on it). I think everyone thought I was nuts due to my monomaniacal focus on the Blob and other grip items as well as the patina of sweat and chalk covering my clothes, body and face.
So didja lift it? Huh? Didja? Didja? Didja?
I'm trying to wait until Mr. Sorin puts up his Sorinex Open House Day Of Strength event report before I post my full report of any feats attempted or accomplished by me or others (or any pics or videos) as I don't wish to steal his thunder.
Aww nutz! I hate waiting!
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Man!!! If it weren't such a god-awful drive to SC from MI, I would've been there :laugh

Hey man, I plan on making the 13 or 14 hour drive in the next year or two to play around with the gauntlet...

ALSO, can't wait to see more write-ups from the weekend...

Edited by Matt Brouse
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Man!!! If it weren't such a god-awful drive to SC from MI, I would've been there :laugh

Hey man, I plan on making the 13 or 14 hour drive in the next year or two to play around with the gauntlet...

ALSO, can't wait to see more write-ups from the weekend...

Zach, I need to see Mr. Larkin's gym as well. I hope you can make the pilgrimage here next time.

Matt, the medley has a lot of things you would like (thickbar-related).

Seriously, Sorinex is a must-see for anyone interested in grip. I felt a bit out of place due to my relative skinniness (most everyone there looks like they've done O-lifts, squats and DL steadily since childhood), but they were good to me and tolerated my weirdness.

Richard's girlfriend was especially nice and supportive.

I don't think Richard would mind if I put a picture of Tex shaking my hand as it does not show any feat being done. I think the main photographer that was present has a picture of me and Richard shaking hands that I would like as well (we didn't "test" each other, I'm glad because i wouldn't be typing this now if we had-I'm sure).

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Guys, The Open house lasted about 13 hours and men of strength from all disciplines joined in the brotherhood of strength. There were strongmen training,crossfit challenges, a unbelieveable martial arts "crash" course, deadlift competition, grip gauntlet "throwdown" highland games, keg toss event, and well over 100lbs of meat completely devoured by the still battling group. It was a non stop all day fest and the best birthday ever. World record holder Donnie Thompson gave us all pearls of wisdom and showed what a humble champion he is helping with the feast. Donnie and Tex carving on the 40lb chunks of roast beef was a scary thing. There was dedication at all levels displayed down to our in house artist taking hours of AMAZING video and aprox 1000 pictures wich hopefully soon will start being put up.

A real highlight of the day was to meet a real Iron gripped gentleman "Odin" Bob who in an ordeal of hours worked relentlessly to reach the rarified air of lifting the Original Blob. I saw a special fire and dedication in him that I rarely have observed. I was moved to share "my" most favored grip posession "The Original Blob" and rolled it from its secure "lair" for Bob's fight to enter the halls of grip Valhalla. After a long battle and dogged supporters urging him on he did it!A level, full pull in perfect pinch position! A more proud grip moment I never have had. I will close for now with one of my favorite thoughts " there is saying...and there is doing" ...... Bob doesn't "talk" much. My heartfelt thanks to all and my hat off to Odin as what in my mind is what grip and strength is all about! RS

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Dang, wrong side of the Atlantic :( It'll certainly be a great day!

Thats what planes are for :D

Me too, stuck in blighty - would love to go :(

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Bob is the real deal :rock

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A hundred and sixty eight pounds of heart - and grip! Congrats Bob!

Odin the Giant Killer

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Wow, what a day!! Bob "Odin" is definately a man of rare heart and determination!! I tell you what, if somebody ever wanted anything in his life "Odin" definately wanted the "O" blob. Talk about staying with it, it was remarkable! I was tired and my hands and forearms hurt just watching him for what seemed like forever, actually he did go practically non-stop for a good 2 hours. Finally he pulled "O" blob! My hat goes off to him for his performance, awesome lifting! Determination like his is more impressive to me than his lifting, truly an inspiration to us all!


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Guys, The Open house lasted about 13 hours and men of strength from all disciplines joined in the brotherhood of strength. There were strongmen training,crossfit challenges, a unbelieveable martial arts "crash" course, deadlift competition, grip gauntlet "throwdown" highland games, keg toss event, and well over 100lbs of meat completely devoured by the still battling group. It was a non stop all day fest and the best birthday ever. World record holder Donnie Thompson gave us all pearls of wisdom and showed what a humble champion he is helping with the feast. Donnie and Tex carving on the 40lb chunks of roast beef was a scary thing. There was dedication at all levels displayed down to our in house artist taking hours of AMAZING video and aprox 1000 pictures wich hopefully soon will start being put up.

A real highlight of the day was to meet a real Iron gripped gentleman "Odin" Bob who in an ordeal of hours worked relentlessly to reach the rarified air of lifting the Original Blob. I saw a special fire and dedication in him that I rarely have observed. I was moved to share "my" most favored grip posession "The Original Blob" and rolled it from its secure "lair" for Bob's fight to enter the halls of grip Valhalla. After a long battle and dogged supporters urging him on he did it!A level, full pull in perfect pinch position! A more proud grip moment I never have had. I will close for now with one of my favorite thoughts " there is saying...and there is doing" ...... Bob doesn't "talk" much. My heartfelt thanks to all and my hat off to Odin as what in my mind is what grip and strength is all about! RS

Thanks Richard, I'm at work now so will need to be quicker than I'd like in in my reply and will do an additional writeup tonight if possible. Meeting you, Bert, and Tex, visiting Sorinex and lifting the Original Blob was a dream come true. You are a man of honor to allow me a chance to try the Original Blob without me even asking and to give such a thoughtful summary of my struggles and hard-fought victory. Your girlfriend (one of the witnesses) was very kind, supportive and understanding and the photographer was great as well (I was going to try to find a way to contact him as I think he has some pictures of me with you as well as my getting air with the Circus DB and lifting the 149 Anvil and 132 Inch with each hand)-I will send you some of my pictures to your Sorinex email as well if that's ok.

When I walked in the room the grip stuff was near its completion. I didn't know if there were only certain guys allowed to try the items or if anyone could jump in-I'm guessing the latter, but felt a bit out of place due to all the huge guys there.

The Original Blob was a very tough lift for me to finish off due to its bulbous contours. I got air on most attempts, but kept dropping it between one inch off the ground and knee level. I think I over-chalked (sorry for the mess) and did better once I used less, each day and even moment-to-moment pinch feels a little different. When it finally rose to full DL, I said "I got it" and waved to the spectators before sending it down

I'd love to visit again and get some pics with you and the Original blob, forgot to do that in all the excitement. How much is a day pass to Sorinex to practice reps with the 132 Inch once a month or so? :) I think that might be a good adjunctive training tool to use towards fully lifting the 172-pounder.

Thanks again Richard, the whole day was the thrill of a lifetime and I will be back. Next time i will likely bring a friend or two, but this was a battle I wanted to face by myself. Hopefully one day I will lift the "Mark Henry Inch" as well as the Original Blob again if my health and fortune is good.

Edited by odin
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