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how is Your ratio between Apollons-Axle-Deadlift and a regular Deadlift with an one-inch-bar ?

(using the same technique)

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Not much difference with a mixed grip, back-strength is the limiting factor here. With DO grip I can get maybe 40 kilos more with a regular bar.

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Regular Deadlift 200-210 maximum and Appolon's Axle 143 max.

For me The Appolon's Axle is about 70% of my regular DL.

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Oops, sorry I see now using the same technique; than it is 170 regular and 143 AA.

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how is Your ratio between Apollons-Axle-Deadlift and a regular Deadlift with an one-inch-bar ?

Just to nitpick, if you're using a 1" bar, you're using a women's weightlifting bar (25 mm). A men's weightlifting bar is 28 mm and a powerlifting bar 29 mm.

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I've done 496 lbs regular deadlift, 450 using do hook grip, 365 regular do grip, and only 255 do 2 inch bar.

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Never tried the axle, but DO w/ 1in bar, I can pull 300 for about 5-6 reps.

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I hi 365 on the regular bar last week, and just missed 340 with the axel at the Arizona Grip comp, think I finished with 315. Once I get my hip flexablilty fixed up, I am good for well of 400 on the regular bar..


Edited by BrandonA
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370 vs 290 or so on the Applons Axle last time I tried

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Because the 2" bar has almost no spring and forces the bar out further from your center of gravity it's definitely not ideal. The non-rotating sleeves are also a factor. I pull roughly 5% to 10% less on the axle.

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370 vs 290 or so on the Applons Axle last time I tried

I've been working out in the gym much longer than I have been working grip (4 years vs 3.5 months). What is an appolon's axle deadlift? With a regular deadlift, I can get 455 atm.

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very interesting. thank you so much :)

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2" axle DO is 455

1" bar DO no hook is 470

I have pulled 500 on both mixed grip

all were knurled

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PL DO: 230 kg (506)

AA DO: 160 kg (352)

Looks like I pull 30% less on AA.

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