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Just Got My First Kettlebell......


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Hey guys,

Father's day is coming up, and I got my gift early! :rock I had always wanted to try out a kettlebell, so thats what I asked for. I got a 24k/53lb. Russian version in the mail earlier this week. I did some swings, snatches, presses, ect, for about an hourafter I opened it up. WOW!! Awesome piece of equipment! Totally wore me out, and my back quivered for a good day and a half! I think I'm gonna enjoy alot of pain from this thing in the future! Any of you other guys use these things? Any good exercises you wanna share? Thanks guys! Later!

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With a single kettlebell, I think turkish get ups and snatches are the two most useful exercises, especially when done in addition to strength work with a barbell. The biggest trick is to perform snatches by snapping the hips up, instead of pulling them with the upper body.

For an entertaining conditioning workout, you might also look at some of the hand to hand stuff by Jeff Martone:


24k is a heavy kettlebell to start that sort of thing with, but you might be able to pull it off.

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I've just started using our 24-kilo k/bell and one of the prizes (cos I won I chose what I wanted ha ha) at the British was a 48-kilo monster.

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Thanks everyone! Very helpful and informative stuff. :rock

Mobster, that 48k bell must be a friggin' beast!! :blink

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I just use mine for snatch cycles. 60-100+ reps with one hand switch. Use the bells for there intended purpose which is muscle endurance.

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I just picked up my AKC bells last week - a bit different than what I had before but I like them a lot so far. There's a lot you can do with KBs but strength endurance is what they seem to be best at. Timed sets will certainly get you huffing and puffing for sure with a surprisingly good carry over to other endurance things you might do. My hat is off to those who can do ten straight minutes with the 32K on any of the classic lifts done in competition.

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Thanks everyone! Very helpful and informative stuff. :rock

Mobster, that 48k bell must be a friggin' beast!! :blink

I've seen one made by Stan Pike which weighed 85-kilos. Now that's a beast. There's a photo with me doing a pick of that in one hand and the Inch in another. Stan has swung it once. He donated it to the OHF.

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