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Stabilizing Bar Used To Train Wide Pinch Lifts

Brad Manion

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Last night was the first time I was ever able to pinch a set of five 10# plates in either hand. I had to have a loading pin run through all of them and have it clamped at one end, but it was still tough for me nonetheless. I guess I could address my question to guys who can pinch at least five 10# plates per hand and other tough feats as well, such as two 45's:

How much do you feel training with a stabilizing bar would help in developing one's ability to pinch-lift wide objects with one hand? If so, how do/did you utilize this method? I found that one I was locked out, I could hang onto the five 10# plates for about 5 seconds with my right hand; with my left, I was just able to lock out the lifts.

I found that when I normally try the 5 plate pinch, my hand is strained so much just stretching out over the plates, that I'm not trying as much to crush the weight as I did with the stabilizing bar.

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It's hard for me to say too much about this. by the time I got around to trying 5x10 I got it on my first try. I also have very nice plates for this. Something I do now is 5x10 with a bar throught the middle and weight added. So, I'll do 50 plus a 2.5 on either side and so on. I think this helps a lot. And if you can get them with the pipe that will be a stepping stone to without. If you don't have 1.25 plates you can get big washers or really anything that allows you to micro load. I think you will need to kepp trying the 5x10 regularly. There will be a bit of a mental block otherwise. But, that can be a nice training tool to work with. Also, you can try putting some chalk on the faces of all of the plates. That will help decrease the slippage.


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Interesting subject. I'm dreaming of doing the 2 45's feat. I'm still pretty far from doing it though and most of my training is based around using those 2 45's and doing 2HP's with them using a pipe trough it. My max is 175 pounds like that. Once every three weeks I do some negatives and other exercises to work up to the 2 45's.

I was wondering how good this plan is. To do 2 workouts of 2HP's, alternated with 1 workout of negatives, incline drags and other extercises.

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