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Strongest Point Of The Day?


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After gripping for a while I, as a guess many of you also have, have tried grippers in at most points of night and day! Doing this has made me question at what point in the day are we at our strongest?

I feel that I'm at my best in the early evening and I hit most of my PR's after 6pm. I've also however tried to crush grippers that are normaly easy for me first thing after waking up and I'd say my crush strength is about 10% first thing after waking up!

It'd be interesting to find out what point in the day most of us peak in strength, this way we could maybe see a patern?

I guess it must come down to what you eat the day before and how much rest you get? Although I can say that I'm lots lots stronger near the evening than in the morning.

Does anybody else find they hit a time in the day to peak in strength?

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Supposedly your testosterone levels are highest around 4-8 ish could be wrong but thats what I heard don't want to look up though.

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Early evening for me too. Hands feel next to useless in the morning, like the rest of my body.

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depends on how long i sleep and when i wake up :F

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Between 5 pm and 11 pm for me. Too early and I don't feel very strong. This also occurs in the gym.

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Does anyone know why it's common to feel so weak early in the morning? If you try and squeeze a gripper just after you wake up it feels like a #4!!

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3am for me. It's always been that way.

what?! :blink

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Does anyone know why it's common to feel so weak early in the morning? If you try and squeeze a gripper just after you wake up it feels like a #4!!

This doesn't only apply to grippers but to everything.

I think it has something to do with the amount of energy you have in your body and how much awake you are.

For me it's best at the beginning of the evening IF I've been up from early in the morning (weekdays). In the weekend it highly depends.

If all I did all day was playing games or sleeping, then the evenings still s*ck.

But if I been doing the garden for example, or some other physical job, then I feel strong as hell in the evening ;)

Also, my best performances are after I had a warm meal....

Guess that's the energy level :D

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I feel stronger in the evening. Me and Paul used to warm up for about an hour on a slack line to get the blood flowing and noticed great strength gains on grippers.

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If I try grippers or go to the gym in the morning, I'm worthless. I'm strongest between 7pm and 10pm.

I also read a few places that said natural testosterone is most abundant in the evening for men.

Also, if I hit squats really heavy one evening, the next day in the evening I'll almost for sure hit a PR for grippers. Especially if I've taken 5-6 days off from grippers before doing this.

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I feel stronger in the evening. Me and Paul used to warm up for about an hour on a slack line to get the blood flowing and noticed great strength gains on grippers.

I had never heard of this so I did a Google Image search for "slack line." It's literally what it sounds like! Do you just walk back and forth and try to keep from falling off?

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Without a doubt mid-evening for me as well.

Does anyone know why it's common to feel so weak early in the morning? If you try and squeeze a gripper just after you wake up it feels like a #4!!

Along with what others have said I think it has to do with your CNS taking a few hours to fully "wake up".

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I normally train at about 9pm, just before work. If i get a night off sometimes train very early morning about 4 or 5am. This works out really well i have had some great 'sunrise' sessions.. Occasionally i squeeze grippers after work at 9am. The worst time for me to train is in the middle of the day, which is my normal time to sleep.

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in the morning or in the evening dont see much difference ...

if i train about 11 am i must warm up properly , in the evening my body its ready easely:-)

my energy goes low after midnight.

after wake up no power because the previous sleeping time ...

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I can't squeeze a store bought gripper right when I wake up. I can do late evening, I can even do 3 am like Ben says as long as I haven't been asleep but morning? Forget it.


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I feel stronger in the evening. Me and Paul used to warm up for about an hour on a slack line to get the blood flowing and noticed great strength gains on grippers.

I had never heard of this so I did a Google Image search for "slack line." It's literally what it sounds like! Do you just walk back and forth and try to keep from falling off?

Exactly. It's great for balance and muscle controll as well as getting the blood flowing. However I'm lucky to make it from one end to the other, but Paul knight goes back and forth and back and ...............

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I normally train at about 9pm, just before work. If i get a night off sometimes train very early morning about 4 or 5am. This works out really well i have had some great 'sunrise' sessions.. Occasionally i squeeze grippers after work at 9am. The worst time for me to train is in the middle of the day, which is my normal time to sleep.

woah you work from 9pm-9am? On topic though i have read that testosterone peaks out at 10am and that then is the best time to workout. I've enver been up that early to test that theory though

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I am my strongest between 4pm and 6pm. I think part of it is that for the past ten years I have always worked out at this time and either my body or my mind is conditioned to training at this time. Like everyone else, I can barely make a fist on first awakening.

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I normally train at about 9pm, just before work. If i get a night off sometimes train very early morning about 4 or 5am. This works out really well i have had some great 'sunrise' sessions.. Occasionally i squeeze grippers after work at 9am. The worst time for me to train is in the middle of the day, which is my normal time to sleep.

woah you work from 9pm-9am? On topic though i have read that testosterone peaks out at 10am and that then is the best time to workout. I've enver been up that early to test that theory though

10-7am somtimes 11-7am and sometimes 10-9am. I generally work as long a shift as they offer me because it means more money. I only work down the road from my house so i generally squeeze grippers just before i leave for work. If i am short of time for any reason i close grippers at work, and do loads of volume thorugh the night. 1 night i did 3 reps on the #3 every half hour or so.

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I normally train at about 9pm, just before work. If i get a night off sometimes train very early morning about 4 or 5am. This works out really well i have had some great 'sunrise' sessions.. Occasionally i squeeze grippers after work at 9am. The worst time for me to train is in the middle of the day, which is my normal time to sleep.

woah you work from 9pm-9am? On topic though i have read that testosterone peaks out at 10am and that then is the best time to workout. I've enver been up that early to test that theory though

10-7am somtimes 11-7am and sometimes 10-9am. I generally work as long a shift as they offer me because it means more money. I only work down the road from my house so i generally squeeze grippers just before i leave for work. If i am short of time for any reason i close grippers at work, and do loads of volume thorugh the night. 1 night i did 3 reps on the #3 every half hour or so.

Do you ever really get used to a reversed shcedule with sleeping during the day and working all night?

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Yes. It took me about 3 days of night work to get completely used to it. In the event of having a few nights off i still sleep during the day. I don't really have a 'body clock' though and normally just get about 5 hours sleep anytime that's it's convinient in the day.

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1am - 3am is when I'm at my strongest.

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