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Hub Lifting

big nasty

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I went out to play in the garage the blob's were kicking my butt so I turned to my old fav hubbing pulled out my Billard 45 and did some warmup's. And then I started to add weight 5 lb's then 8 the 12 1/2 and got very pleased with this I tried 15 and floated it and tore some skin off the thumb so I quit. On a side note my 6 year old son came and stuck his hand in my chalk bucket so I told him you chalk up you lift. So I pulled out a 5 lb plate he id it easy so added 1 1/2 lb's got it put another 1 1/2 to make it 8 and he got it he is so fun to watch. Then he wanted to do some pinch he ended up doing 3 5lb plate's I was impressed. And for his grand finally he did a ONE HAND full pull with my 56lb kettlebell both hand's he weigh's 49lbs. :bow

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thats a good lift :rock and tell your son he did good too :D sounds like you will have a good training partner i think it was 10 when i took my boy to his doctor and asked if he could lift weights i heard it was bad for them to start too young his doctor said start light and take it easy i got him a set of hexes from 5 to 25lb and he used them for about 1 1/2 years along with a standerd bar and some yorks along with a stepper and other stuff he made out ok he is taller than me and on most stuff stronger too :angry: if he ever got serious in grip he would be one of the best but at 23 other things take first priority and grip is last

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Thank's Dan and Ben he play's around but that's the frist time he hung out almost the whole workout. I have to be careful with him because he want's go heavy like his dad all the time HAHAHA !!! :D

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Strong hubbing man!!!! :rock That is great to get your son interested in grip also. . . . good for quality time together and will help keep him out of trouble when he gets older.

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Good job Jason!! I wish i could do that!

It toke me a while Matt to get it back I had a wrist injury that set me back but getting it back now. I have done + 20 but it was someone else's hub this actuallly a P/R with this hub it is a old Billard it came with some of the first weight's I ever bought 15 year's ago. And they came from a college around here so who know's the real age it also weigh's 46.4 lb's so it is a heavy plate. I bet if you worked it you could do it I heard year's ago at gym I was at that this feat was kind of considered nasty that's before I knew anything about grip. So it has been kind of a favorite of mine my since I started grip work almost 5 year's ago. If you want I can P/M you some finger placement that may help it toke me a long time to fiqure that one out. The one that is taking me forever is plate pinching I have been between 35's and 45's for eternity. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

plus twenty?! :blink how are you holding the hub - I hold it with my ring finger kinda sideways and my pinky isn't really helping - and Casey holds with all his finger tips pressing on the hub and he is really good at hubbing - do you hold like Casey or like me. Jeremiah holds w/just his index and thumb :blink

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