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Love the "thumbs up" at the end Gazza :D Amazing bend and once again very inspiring :rock:rock:rock Every time I feel like I hit a plateau bending wise your videos help inspire me to get my next PR :D

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I know only a little about bending but that rod looked hard.

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It just gets more and more amazing; I acpected you to bend it DO, but no; you bend it reverse, then I think you're gonna need some strong wrapping, but no; all you wrap around it is tiny thin IM wrap, then I acpect you to do it in a few minutes, but no; you bend it in seconds...

Your body must be made out of titanium to do this!

:bow:bow:bow You are Hercules, or it's even stronger -never noticed before- brother.

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Send me the sound track - maybe if I listen to that song alot, I'll be able to bend steel like that. hahaha :laugh :laugh

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Hahaaa!!! You totally psyched me out at 3:30 of the second video. I thought to myself, damn here goes the unbelievable DU bend in IM pads. Ready, 1-2-3.......no, not yet :D

Unbelievable bend :rock

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THE best :rock

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Words escape me yet again Gaz!

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Are you kidding me????!!!!!!! Am I understanding this right that this is a 3/8 by 7 inch drillrod in reverse then in DU style????!!!!!

Are you some mechanical cyborg or something?

Totally out of this world strength.


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:bow:bow That's all! :bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow
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Incredible bends Gazza! I love the reverse where your rear arm/hand stay almost motionless and the front hand just pivots at the wrist - pure power. :bow This would seem to put you on top of bending in all three ways.

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Unless I read wrong, the display said 0.403 inches and that's even more than 3/8 (=0.375)! Have you calibrated this steel?

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Unless I read wrong, the display said 0.403 inches and that's even more than 3/8 (=0.375)! Have you calibrated this steel?
That's right...it says 10.23mm which is 0.403" and way over 3/8" - more like 13/32". Even more incredible! :whacked
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:D Once again mate,outstanding! Cannot wait till you bend something really hard ;)
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very nice Gary. :rock

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Two incredible bends Gazza!!!! :rock

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Crazy stuff man, friggin reverse, what is the world coming to? Dude if you are reverse bending DRILL ROD at .4" that is halfway to 7/16" with stronger steel than most cold rolled. I know you can DO 7/16" crs. Why are you killing us with the suspense? Are you waiting to get a clean looking 7/16" stainless DO?

I thought I was gonna break my arm BRACED crushing a 16" peice of 7/16" 303 stainless so if you are planning to crush something less than half that length unbraced then by all means take your time man, we don't need you breaking your bones again. You gotta give them time to build up density to transmit that hydraulic press force you can generate now.

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