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Would You Rather......


Difficult choices?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. If you could only pick ONE ability, which of the following would you choose?

    • Pinch grip 4x45lbs plates at the same time with only one hand
    • Bend (Reverse grip) 5 Bastards at the same time
    • Crush grip 2x CoC #4 at the same time with one hand

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If I were limited to ONLY those 3 choices, I'd take the 4x45 pinch.

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None of them.......

o.k. but never complain that the "Grip Genie" never granted you a wish :dry

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None of them.......

o.k. but never complain that the "Grip Genie" never granted you a wish :dry

I guess for me it's more about the journey/fun of training, so achieving any of those INSANE feets would still mean very little to me :blink

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None of them.......

o.k. but never complain that the "Grip Genie" never granted you a wish :dry

I guess for me it's more about the journey/fun of training, so achieving any of those INSANE feets would still mean very little to me :blink

Yes, the question posed is strictly theoretical as these feats have not been achieved nor will they ever. For those with an analytical mind they will realize that these questions are based on the three main components of grip(ie: crush, pinch, static, etc.) I posed this question in an attempt to get a statistical analysis of the gripboard community to see what percentage are interested in either pinch, gripper work, or bending predominantly. I tried to gather this information with a simple(hopefully slightly) entertaining way. So, if this is offensive than don't read the post and continue forward on your bending "journey" ;)

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It is the journey cos my choices have changed over the years. But if I could do one it would mean I'd do on other so... the 4's.

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I guess for me it's more about the journey/fun of training, so achieving any of those INSANE feets would still mean very little to me :blink
This was meant to be a fun thread. :dry

The 4's for me. :rock

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I have voted...but you are talking complete and utter shiiiite! ;)

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I guess for me it's more about the journey/fun of training, so achieving any of those INSANE feets would still mean very little to me :blink
This was meant to be a fun thread. :dry

The 4's for me. :rock

Now that's the spirit :D:rock

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5 bastards reverse :D

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i picked the 4 45's because my pinch is my weakest in the link (although i nearly picked bending 5 bastards at a time but i've never bent anything ..yet) and the 2 4's with one hand is a little strange imo. most people wouldn't understand the significance of what i just did but lifting 180lbs with one hand would be VERY significant in their mind, especially when i give them the just 1 45 to try and pinch.

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the #4s.... 1 #4 with index and middle and 1 #4 with the pinky and ring at the same time. that would be beast.

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bending 5 bastards.. megaupperbody strength :)

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i picked the 4 45's because my pinch is my weakest in the link

Me too ...... 4 x 45's

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I voted for the Bastards, as bending is about much more than just one aspect of grip. You would have to have a hell of a crush and pinch grip too just to keep your hands closed when doing that bend.

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I went with 4x45s. I figure that with a pinch like that, I might be able to do my actual dream feat... break coconuts with one hand :D

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Definitely the #4's, If I would have such a crushing grip strength, then the rest would be awesome as well :)

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The #4, without a doubt.

Same here. I have a ton of fun when people ask to try my CoC 1.5. I've yet to have anyone be able to close it. They always follow it up with a, "That's tough. There's no way you can close it." It only make it more fun to close. i cannot imagine closing the #4. The grippers just make a great conversation piece.

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The #4, without a doubt.

Same here. I have a ton of fun when people ask to try my CoC 1.5. I've yet to have anyone be able to close it. They always follow it up with a, "That's tough. There's no way you can close it." It only make it more fun to close. i cannot imagine closing the #4. The grippers just make a great conversation piece.

I'm the same here. I've never had anyone have much luck with even my hard #1.

I voted for the 2 #4s simply because that meant I'd be able to close the galaxy or RBWT and that would just be the ultimate even though I'm a bender at heart.


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