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Bbe Creditcard Attempt


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Dang!!! you got a strong grip. :rock It looks like those handles will be touching in no time.

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lol, thats pretty dang good. I can barely get the BBE to parallel.

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Very good attempt, you will get that soon!

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Awesome attempt.. Looks like some overcrushes with a hard #3 are in order to get that last mm

Edited by Chris Mathison
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Good job, Gabriel :rock You improve with every single video...you make me sick :D

Edited by Magnus
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gabriel should close his brand new Elite VERY soon.

your #4 attemp was good, u have lots of power in the sweep , if u can improve your overall technique i can see BIG things happend.

i'd like to watch a new attemp ... try to grasp the gripper about paralell distance with your right hand (if u are using your lefty to do the close)(most of the times u close it from a wide distance(3 cm or more).

i am happy u are posting more often:)

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Very nice attempt. Your close strength seems to be the weakest. Check out Teemu article on choker and I bet you will be closing it CCS soon.

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gabriel should close his brand new Elite VERY soon.

your #4 attemp was good, u have lots of power in the sweep , if u can improve your overall technique i can see BIG things happend.

i'd like to watch a new attemp ... try to grasp the gripper about paralell distance with your right hand (if u are using your lefty to do the close)(most of the times u close it from a wide distance(3 cm or more).

i am happy u are posting more often:)

Thanks Hugo! i, know my technique isn't very good, but i think, it's better to train with a wide set. A close from parallel, doesn't show real domination over a gripper. But that's only my opinion :) . In spite of everything, thanks again, Hugo

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"Thanks Hugo! i, know my technique isn't very good, but i think, it's better to train with a wide set. A close from parallel, doesn't show real domination over a gripper. But that's only my opinion . In spite of everything, thanks again, Hugo"

Gabriel,i totally agree with u! your technique make u stronger! u can close big grippers,bend stuff,ripping deck of carts ... Obvioulsly u enjoy playing with "grip tools":)

variety its good!

congrats for your #3 cert ... (here u appear as a "member" ... strange because u are already a captain of crush)

please post more often ...

Edited by ewokhugo
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...please post more often...

What Hugo says :rock

Edited by Magnus
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Nice attempt Gabriel!! I see you have Trombone videos of Lindberg on your youtube, you play? Or do you just like it because it's so awesome :D

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Nice attempt Gabriel!! I see you have Trombone videos of Lindberg on your youtube, you play? Or do you just like it because it's so awesome :D

Yeah, I saw those, don't know if he does. Do you play trombone? I play violin and piano. But don't tell anybody...I've got my reputation to protect :D

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Nice attempt Gabriel!! I see you have Trombone videos of Lindberg on your youtube, you play? Or do you just like it because it's so awesome :D

Yeah, I saw those, don't know if he does. Do you play trombone? I play violin and piano. But don't tell anybody...I've got my reputation to protect :D

Yeah I play trombone. I'm not all that great but I'm not anywhere near horrible so whatever :D

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