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Article On Choker Work

Teemu I

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I have talked about using chokers to make good progress on the grippers on many occasions and I decided to put together an article about it in my new blog, gathering from the bits and pieces I've talked about. Check it out guys and let me know what you think. :) Here's the link:


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Are you going to be adding more entries on a regular basis? Looking forward to reading more. Great job Teemu

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Great article Teemu! :rock You should write a book some day about gripper training as your english and knowledge is great!

Like you said putting the hose clamp around the handles makes the start very tough and requires lots of explosive strength. I think I will have to work more with choked grippers. As for now I have only used it as a tool measuring progress.

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Are you going to be adding more entries on a regular basis? Looking forward to reading more. Great job Teemu
I have plans to do so, posting my workouts there and more about my thoughts on gripper training as well. Thank you! :)

Thanks to you as well, Koura. :)

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really good article. I've been using chokers some lately. This filled in some of the gaps I was noticing. Thanks for taking the time to put it all down.


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Wow, very informative Teemu. Thank you!!! :rock

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Great article Teemu! :rock You should write a book some day about gripper training as your english and knowledge is great!

Like you said putting the hose clamp around the handles makes the start very tough and requires lots of explosive strength. I think I will have to work more with choked grippers. As for now I have only used it as a tool measuring progress.

Thanks! :) I don't claim to have invented all this, it's just stuff that I've learned from others, tried and experimented with myself and these are my thoughts that have evolved through it all.

If you do start working more on choked grippers, make sure to let me know how it goes.

Edited by Teemu I
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Thanks, Brent and Casey!

Brent, if this filled in some gaps I'm very glad to hear that, as it was the purpose. Casey, much appreciated.

I will probably add some pictures and maybe videos as well around the ideas talked about in this article later.

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Very nice article! I may have to give the choked closes another try.

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damm! ...

i wish i could say something bad about your article(lol) but i cant! :-)

u have been a great inspiration for me and for about 1345455 people ; and the fact u "offer" your knowledge makes u in my oppinion one ICON and the guy we want to see to close #4(first with paralell then with ccs).

p.s- i add your article to my "favourites".

Edited by ewokhugo
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Thanks guys, very glad to hear that you liked it as I put some thought into this, but certainly there is something I could have explained better, or something I completely forgot about? :) I'm open to all comments.

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Good article Teemu and cool blog - added to the bookmarks.

Not sure I get the bit on the difference in difficulty of the choker being on the handle versus spring, I'll have to break out the hose clamps and feel it out for myself.

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Good article Teemu and cool blog - added to the bookmarks.

Not sure I get the bit on the difference in difficulty of the choker being on the handle versus spring, I'll have to break out the hose clamps and feel it out for myself.


You are right about that, you will know the difference when you try both ways yourself on the same gripper choked to parallel. However, I will modify that part of the article, I had an idea about it but forgot to write about that.

Edited by Teemu I
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OK, I added some clarification on the part about choking around the handles vs. choking around the spring. I hope it makes more sense now. :)

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cant see your pic here (for a long time )... any special reason? i think u are looking for a new one( #4 close?)

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cant see your pic here por a long time ... any special reason? i think u are looking for a new one( #4 close?)
No, I don't know where my old one disappeared, just haven't bothered to put up a new one. :)

But the article is now updated for a few times already, hope it makes more sense now.

Edited by Teemu I
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Fascinating read Teemu, thanks for going to the effort of writing it all down. You have converted me to using the chokers from now on. Now all I have to do is go out and buy some. You are a scholar and a damn strong gentleman.

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Fascinating read Teemu, thanks for going to the effort of writing it all down. You have converted me to using the chokers from now on. Now all I have to do is go out and buy some. You are a scholar and a damn strong gentleman.
Thank you very much for those nice words. :) Just don't forget to keep on doing those regular closes as well, as you want to maintain the technique.
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The definitive article on chokers :bow A+
HAHAHA! :D Thanks!
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Teemu, I was confused about the washer vs. clamp thing too, but your update is a good clarification. It makes sense now.

Very good article!

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Teemu, I was confused about the washer vs. clamp thing too, but your update is a good clarification. It makes sense now.

Very good article!

Good, thanks goes to Pryderi for bringing that up, I had it figured out before that but forgot to write everything down. :blush


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One suggestion that I thought of was to mention if leaving the choker on the gripper is a good idea or not. It seems that the general view of the GB is leaving a gripper in a choker is NOT bad, but a lot of people might not be aware of this. Also, I would be interested in your own experience with leaving chokers on your grippers for long periods of time. Just a thought.

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One suggestion that I thought of was to mention if leaving the choker on the gripper is a good idea or not. It seems that the general view of the GB is leaving a gripper in a choker is NOT bad, but a lot of people might not be aware of this. Also, I would be interested in your own experience with leaving chokers on your grippers for long periods of time. Just a thought.
OK, good point! Will add my views on this matter too, as I have actual data on couple of grippers rather than guesswork to back up the statements. Thanks!
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