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Old Men


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... just curious ...

where are the "over-50" and "over-60" lists?

... today i feel very old :whacked

ok, it is not really important.

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I would like to see a masters section. I often wonder what are "World class marks" for the 50+ crew. Any thoughts? I will be 58 in less than two months... strength is there but recovery is harder every day. RS

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All you young guys talking about age hehe! My first post for the "Masters" section - Geritol - cheating or not?

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"I would like to see a masters section. I often wonder what are "World class marks" for the 50+ crew. Any thoughts? I will be 58 in less than two months... strength is there but recovery is harder every day. RS "

Hey Richard!

U are a legend and u need to find the "magical pil". do it quickly because your potencial doesnt stop at 60!

Walter: Interesting idea! wanna do a NEW post to state the records?

Inch, R.t:Grippers ...sounds good to me:-)

+50 would be nice:-)


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all i know is there is some crazy strong older guys around. Richard Sorin, and Odd Haugen come to mind. btw, is 1st CoC Richard Sorin? if it's not, i don't think his name should be 1st CoC haha

edit: nevermind, i kinda figured it out when he signs his posts RS. man! you're amazing! and not just for an older man, just period!

Edited by Pancake Sprawl
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Richard said very well.

We - "the older guys" - heave still a young heart, but recovery needs more time, every year more :)

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I am only a year younger than Climber, so that makes me ancient. :D There are quite a few old men who still have a strong grip. I am not aware of many that can close a #3 or better.

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I feel over 50 most mornings... does that count? :happy

Just wait buddy! It only gets better :blush

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I would be interested in seeing a "Masters list" or something of the sort. I'm 43 and just starting in grip. It would be motivating to see what feats are being accomplished by those over age 40, 50, and 60.

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I don't know that anyone over 50 on the board except Odd has lifted an Inch but most other grip feats of strength have been and are still being done by guys over 50 - if I can manage after August this year - I'll let you know how 60 goes as well. Blobs, #3s, hubs, card tearing, bending (long and short), pinch, etc - while not at the top perhaps - old guys are still in there near the top on several things. If you expand out from the board, you can pick up some other older super studs like Slim etc.

While older, we're not quite finished yet. But like Richard says - recovery is quite a challenge any more.

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I did not start training grip until after the age of 50, and made rapid progress on everything. I can't currently match my best grip feats so I won't list them.

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I started grip training (from a pretty weak base) last October (just after turning 51).

I'm about to move up to (and hopefully close before too long) the COC #2.

How much further I can go, I have no idea, but I'm going to continue to work hard on it.

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I feel over 50 most mornings... does that count? :happy

Just wait buddy! It only gets better :blush

I bet, woo freaking hoo. :whacked

I would be interested in seeing a "Masters list" or something of the sort. I'm 43 and just starting in grip. It would be motivating to see what feats are being accomplished by those over age 40, 50, and 60.

I'm your age and David Horne is a little older.

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For most drug free guys, and especially in grip stuff, you can hit your peak in your 40's. And guys in their 60's can still make good progress, especially if they are relatively new to grip stuff.

If I were to ever do contest records for Masters, I would only do 50+. Alot of the guys kicking everyone's ass are over 40.

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I put this together a while back - it no doubt needs updating but it is a start. Many thanks to David for hosting it. I'm pretty sure Mike (Hubgeezer) has a few that are better now - if any of you geezers have newer results - either post them or PM me and I'll get it all up to the present. Thanks. This topic was discussed in the past and it was decided then to only use competition numbers.

It does have a section at the bottom for "Lifts of Note" - verified but not comp lifts as such. Other certifications etc can go here. Richards recent recertification of the CCS COC#3 needs added for sure. Odds Inch and other big DB lifts etc.

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