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Videos Of My Latest Strongman Show


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Hey guys,

Here's a few vids of my latest strongman show at Praise Temple Church of God in Barberton, OH. It turned out really well, over 100 people were in attendance. I cut out the testimony portion of the vid to just show the feats performed. If by chance anybody is interested in seeing that, PM me, and I'll be more than happy to put it up on youtube. Before anyone comments on it, yes, I actually videoed the TV!! :blush But I was about to pull my hair out trying to convert it, and get it to where it would work on youtube in its original form. So, you might have to turn your volume up, but its not bad.

Tim I, that 5/8'' long bar bend is in part 3.

Speaking of long bar, the 1/2'' piece I did was the hardest 1/2'' HRS I have ever bent!! Almost as hard as the 5/8''!! :blink

Enjoy the vids guys!! Later! :D

God Bless,

Fox <><

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BTW- if by chance the vids are slow to load, just go to youtube, and search "foxfire7575". They will pop up with the rest of my vids. :cool

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Awesome Show Jeremiah :rock Enjoyed it :rock

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Awesome! :D

How many how these shows have you done? And is it for collecting money or entertainment or..? Whatshowever, it's great! :rock

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Very nice man :rock

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Awesome! :D

How many how these shows have you done? And is it for collecting money or entertainment or..? Whatshowever, it's great! :rock

This is my 2nd "official" show. I do these shows as an outreach ministry to mainly youth and young adults, but there's something relevant to anybody in what I have to say, and in my experiences. The testimony portion of the show deals with my previous alcohol and drug addiction, peer pressure, and how the Lord delivered me from all that trash. The strongman stuff ties in because it shows how once I was so weak that I couldn't even help myself, but with the Lord's help, I can now be victorious and do extraordinarily strong things, both physically and in my personal and spiritual life. That's it in a nutshell! :happy

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Thanks for the kind words everybody!! They are truly appreciated! :cool:rock

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nice show buddy :rock that should help some of the borderline kids adults to make a good turn around :)

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Awesome show Fox. I especially liked the bat breaking. I have never seen a bat broken that way before, but the technique was effective nonetheless. The sound of the bat exploding seemed much louder than a monster homerun being hit.

I just got back from a PL meet this weekend, and though I'll be worn out for awhile, I myself have a show to do this coming weekend. These videos helped revive the will a bit.

Thanks for all the cool videos. Keep up the great work.

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Super job!


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Nice show. I think that sort of thing is a great testimony <>< :cool <><

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Great show, I enjoyed every second of it. Faith mixed with a lot of strength and a bit of humor. Great job!

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Thanks for the comments guys, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think I had as much fun doing it!! It was crazy at the end, all the kids stormed the stage and wanted all the broken stuff from the show. :blink Then they all wanted autographs!! :blush You should have seen me trying to sign a 60d nail!!! :D:blink :blink

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Awesome job Fox,you put on a great show. :rock :rock

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That's quite a performance you gave, Foxman! :rock

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Awesome man!! Very cool to have a positive strong influence in kids/young adults lives. Unlike the many negative ones on tv and radio! I applaud you.

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Stand up thing to do. your hands must be sore - quite a medley. Those bats get expensive I bet. :rock:rock:rock

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