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Grip Workout & Upgrade Questions


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I started on the COC Trainer in October, acquired the #1 in January.

Also, I've been nursing a nagging little strain in my upper forearm for about 8 weeks, now. It's slowly but surely getting better. I think I did this by over-work with dumbbell curls, but I can feel it when I work the COCs.

Currently, I warm up with a three sets of 8 reps with the Trainer, then on to the #1.

First set on the #1 I do about 5 good (complete) closes... IF I haven't worked my crush grip for about 3-4 days (if every other day, only 3 good closes). After the good closes, I close as best I can for another 5 attempts to finish that set.

Then I do another set of 8-10 reps (including about 3-4 good closes). Then finish off with two sets of 20 full closes with the Trainer.

I like to do the gripper workout every other day, but, as I indicated above, I am stronger when I skip 3 days between workouts. Should I only work the grippers every three days, or continue to workout every other day? Maybe my age (51) makes recovery a little bit slower.

Also, does it sound like I'm ready to get the #1.5 (or #2).

Your thoughts and suggestions are much appreciated!

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I think your ready for atleast the 1.5. If I were you I would also get the 2 for negatives. Also, don't count out other brand of grippers, think about beef builder grippers or Robert Baraban grippers or Heavy grip grippers ( also many more). Good luck and keep it up.

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I started on the COC Trainer in October, acquired the #1 in January.

Also, I've been nursing a nagging little strain in my upper forearm for about 8 weeks, now. It's slowly but surely getting better. I think I did this by over-work with dumbbell curls, but I can feel it when I work the COCs.

Currently, I warm up with a three sets of 8 reps with the Trainer, then on to the #1.

First set on the #1 I do about 5 good (complete) closes... IF I haven't worked my crush grip for about 3-4 days (if every other day, only 3 good closes). After the good closes, I close as best I can for another 5 attempts to finish that set.

Then I do another set of 8-10 reps (including about 3-4 good closes). Then finish off with two sets of 20 full closes with the Trainer.

I like to do the gripper workout every other day, but, as I indicated above, I am stronger when I skip 3 days between workouts. Should I only work the grippers every three days, or continue to workout every other day? Maybe my age (51) makes recovery a little bit slower.

Also, does it sound like I'm ready to get the #1.5 (or #2).

Your thoughts and suggestions are much appreciated!

well.. the only way you are truely going to learn (thats with anybody) is by trail and error. you cant follow someone elses routine and expect to get the same results, every one is different. With that being said, if your stronger every 3 days versus every other day, it would make sence to do it every three days, just go hard on those days that you do workout and dont hold nothing back, every other day is to much in my opinion. After a serious grip workout the next day i couldnt crack open a walnut with a nutcracker, let alone do another workout. Just listen to your body, since you have been working out every two days, try and change it up and see the results you will get. yes i think you should get the 1.5 and 2.

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I think you're ready for the #2. The #1.5 you would most likely be able to close on your first try. Nice to have if you can afford it but I like having a gripper that is above my current strength to train with.

3 sets of 8 with the T is a lot of warm-up reps. I'd try cutting that back to maybe 2 sets of 5. You may find you have more strength left when you do the #1. You might want to try doing some holds with the #1 also - just close it and try to hold it shut for 10 seconds or however long seems like a challenge. What works for everyone is different but I used holds almost exclusively on my #2 and nailed my #2.5 right out of the package.

You're a bit older than I am (35) but I think every 3 days routine is good for grippers (I do Wednesday & Sunday). Good luck! :)

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You've already recieved some good advice. I'd also suggest that you cut down some on that warm-up part. As well as those long sets after your true working sets are not doing much in the max strength department. For recovery time between workouts, if you feel it's 3 days for you to be good for next workout, then stick with that. But if you cut down the longer sets you will most likely recover faster. I think that mostly it's good to recover properly between grip workouts, but occasionally pushing it a bit by training more often is a good way to make progress when you feel you are not getting further with the frequency you are working on.

Throw in some singles on a harder gripper you can't quite fully close and some singles on a gripper you can just barely close. So get the #1.5 and the #2.

As was said already, do not ignore the pain. It tells you to rest. Give it time and use cold therapy to get it right. If you just work through these pains all the time, you might end beeing forced to rest for significantly longer time. Beeing able to avoid injuries is a key to beeing able to work consistently.

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One critical thing to get most out of your gripper work is to learn how to set the gripper properly. Look for videos how to do it. It will enable you to work on harder grippers and will bring you faster gains on max strength. Partials are really effective. Strength gained in the closed position will carryover to the rest of the ROM.

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Thanks to you all for taking the time to read and reply with advice.

One thing I somehow forgot to mention is that I usually do include some #1" holds" at the end (before the finishing Trainer reps). By the time I get around to the hold I can't actually hold it completely closed, but I get it to about .25" and hold on till my hand is forced to fully open up. Usually about 1 minute, 20 seconds.

I know this is stupid (I have never been accused of being the sharpest knife in the drawer), but I really hate to take days off. I know I need to and I will take more, but I do hate it.

So, I'm resolved to try the following changes:

Work the grippers every 3rd day.

Reduce Trainer warm up by about half

Purchase a COC #2, try negs or whatever I can actually do with it (budget is tight, so only one new gripper)

Heck, I might even take a week off from everything and see if my forearm twinge notices.

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Only thing I would add is to consider the "expand the hand" bands from Ironmind to help with the possible tendonitis problems. Worked wonders for me....

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Only thing I would add is to consider the "expand the hand" bands from Ironmind to help with the possible tendonitis problems. Worked wonders for me....

Yep. Train your extensors, should find you get stronger on the grippers then too

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