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World Class Feats?


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I see lots of people putting up progress videos not really aware of what is amazing or just good. What I'm wondering is what are world class feats, not necessarily records but feats that even if trained for most wont achieve. The only one I know is coc #4 close for crush strength. So I'm curious to know what are some of the world class feats in all areas of grip, things that only the few will ever do.

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millennium db

6 10lb/11lb plates pinch

2 55lb plates pinch

though in my opinion the other feats i listed above are much harder than a #4 close with a deep set.

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Let's see here, it all depends on how you define world class. I'd say maybe top 10%? Maybe 5%?

In my view, you set the bar a little hard there Sam. I'd say an inch is still a world class lift on the grip scene, maybe not as much if the freaks start to play. 6 10's I'll give you that, 5 isn't hard. 55 pound plates? Don't see enough guys going over 2 45's often enough to know, but 2 45's is close.

Right now, not many guys doing a 3.5 or similar in verified settings. MM3 is about 3.5 level I think.

You can probably add 3 25's to the list. An Edgin, maybe a 6.5" Edgin would do the trick.

RT? I'd say above 220-230 is a rare club.

For now, a sledge lever of 20+ is pretty exclusive.

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The Blob - but only the old shaped blobs!

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Elite Level stuff -

#3, 2 45's pinch, BLOBS, 220 RT, 16# Sledge lever, Inch lifts, ~375-400 Axle Dead DO, 45 hub lift, 3 25's, etc.

World Class stuff -

MDB lifts, Globe Bell from the Arnolds lifts, #4 Close, 400+ DO Axle Dead, 240 RT, etc.

Elite stuff should take some work for most folks but it's not ridiculous. World Class shouldn't be achievable by everybody, otherwise what the point.

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Let's see here, it all depends on how you define world class. I'd say maybe top 10%? Maybe 5%?

In my view, you set the bar a little hard there Sam. I'd say an inch is still a world class lift on the grip scene, maybe not as much if the freaks start to play. 6 10's I'll give you that, 5 isn't hard. 55 pound plates? Don't see enough guys going over 2 45's often enough to know, but 2 45's is close.

Right now, not many guys doing a 3.5 or similar in verified settings. MM3 is about 3.5 level I think.

You can probably add 3 25's to the list. An Edgin, maybe a 6.5" Edgin would do the trick.

RT? I'd say above 220-230 is a rare club.

For now, a sledge lever of 20+ is pretty exclusive.

Definitely no more then 5%, probably less. What I mean by world class is the feat you do in your area, you know your one of the best at it-maybe even the best- and most will not achieve that level of strength. I don't know how much harder old blob is but I see a lot of people doing lots of crazy stuff with blob, so it doesn't seem that hard to just lift.

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I don't know how much harder old blob is but I see a lot of people doing lots of crazy stuff with blob, so it doesn't seem that hard to just lift.

Only because a lot of people are lifting blobs does not mean that they all can lift the old shaped blobs which are a lot harder - ask Richard Sorin! I would say that You have to add a few kgs to an easier blob to be able to do the old shaped blobs.

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240 RT


45 lb. from the hub

6 10's

blob +15

inch DB

2 45's

6'' edgin

16 lb. sledge

12'' crescent wrench

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What I'm wondering is what are world class feats.... The only one I know is coc #4 close for crush strength.

The Gripboard records and stats will give you some ideas. Some lists are very short.

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... i am afraid, a lot of grip-athletes are doing there sport alone at home, and they have no idea what a serious sport is.

... some years ago the number 30 of the sovjet union was good enough to win olympic gold ...

there are 100, 200, 300 and more top-worlclass athletes in every sports.

for example: coc 3 is worldclass, not only coc 4

Edited by unequipped
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for example: coc 3 is worldclass, not only coc 4

only with CCS or wider IMO. (like the IM cert.)

Parallel set: MM3 maybe?

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Just shows how many have recerted....no disrespect intended cause I respect all certed guys!

for example: coc 3 is worldclass, not only coc 4

only with CCS or wider IMO. (like the IM cert.)

Parallel set: MM3 maybe?

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Elite level(almost like what matt said)

BB Elite, 2 45s, BLOB, Heavy G5 in IM pads (hard and tough), Inch, 18 pounds sledge lever, 90 KG 2HP..etc

World Class

IM CoC #4 cert, 3 35s, 2 25KG, 110+ 2HP, old shaped BLOB with 5 pounds, KOASB in IM pads, 20+ sledge lever, 2000 dumbbell, ...etc

This is from what I see in the forums.

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2000 dumbbell

This would be indeed worldclass! But don't tell Newton... :whistel

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Some of you are raising the bar too high on some feats. I think Bob has it right or closest to it.

Edited by Teemu I
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Some of you are raising the bar too high on some feats. I think Bob has it right or closest to it.

I agree.

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Let's see here, it all depends on how you define world class. I'd say maybe top 10%? Maybe 5%?

In my view, you set the bar a little hard there Sam. I'd say an inch is still a world class lift on the grip scene, maybe not as much if the freaks start to play. 6 10's I'll give you that, 5 isn't hard. 55 pound plates? Don't see enough guys going over 2 45's often enough to know, but 2 45's is close.

Right now, not many guys doing a 3.5 or similar in verified settings. MM3 is about 3.5 level I think.

You can probably add 3 25's to the list. An Edgin, maybe a 6.5" Edgin would do the trick.

RT? I'd say above 220-230 is a rare club.

For now, a sledge lever of 20+ is pretty exclusive.

Amazing. I know it wasn't 3 years ago that the RED nail bend would put you near the top of the pile.

Some of you are raising the bar too high on some feats. I think Bob has it right or closest to it.

I agree.

And I too

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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Some of you are raising the bar too high on some feats. I think Bob has it right or closest to it.

I agree.

And I'm with you about the lists on the records and stats forum. Some shortest lists give you a rough idea.

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Just as an example - the GNC Grip Gauntlet has thousands (maybe 10s of thousands) of athletes try it each year - usually 4 or 5 guys complete all three at any given event. And that includes mostly gym rats from one strength discipline or another. Grip is a small world - if you're a grip board member, you probably know 90% of the people that can do these things.

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I think the bar you guys are setting is incredibly high. You have to remeber this is the gripboard, where most top level grip gurus are, the things you see or hear about here, most of these feats are world class. A good example to prove my point is westside barbell, While the countless people who train there have 600+lb bench presses, among each other nothing is extraordinary about that, when they step out of that gym they are viewed as freaks( in a good way). Same can be said about the gripboard.

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I don't know enough to comment on World class-ness... but I thought I would throw out the fact that the number of certified #3 closers is much less then 1% of the world population. Granted, it is said that anyone who really trains can close one... but IMHO, at least elite (if not world class) doesn't mean 1% or less then what people could be capable of but rather what the populace is actually able to do right now. World class is a shifting measure, more people train, world class becomes harder.

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I like a bar set high. But maybe I am too competitive.

Or, I think, if I have done something, it can't be that hard because I am a puss.

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I think the bar you guys are setting is incredibly high. You have to remeber this is the gripboard, where most top level grip gurus are, the things you see or hear about here, most of these feats are world class. A good example to prove my point is westside barbell, While the countless people who train there have 600+lb bench presses, among each other nothing is extraordinary about that, when they step out of that gym they are viewed as freaks( in a good way). Same can be said about the gripboard.


I've used a view like yours before when reminding the lads I train with at our little Whey Gym that we are, for want of a better phrase, borderline freaks. As an example Nick (105+), Loz (111 unofficial lift), H (97.5) and myself (103.1 unofficial) are all capable of 90-kilos plus two hand pinches. Outside that group only Mike, who rarely does the lift, is a little under 80-kilos on it. 90-kilos gets you damned high on the all time list. Pretty much everyone there, with a rare exception (and then on an axle) presses 100-kilos and so on. Yet at most gyms and on the GB these lifts would mark you out as unusual but because we are surrounded by those equally as capable it becomes a standard for us.

Like the guys at Westside we know of others who are better and so want to improve. I know that as good as my own 103.1-kilo 2 hand pinch is I have yet to move past Nick's name on the list. As good as Jedd Johnson is he knows David Horne's name is above is and even David could say that Martin pulled 115-kilos nigh on 12 months ago in the gym. I wrote in today's log of being 'a little off' (more in feeling of my energy level than anything) yet leg pressed a little under 1400lbs, benched 370+ for 4 singles and did a set of 8 reps on the pullover machine with 125-kilos (approx).

The mind set of those with the lofty aims some have set as Elite or World Class tends to differ from that of those who have yet to hit these marks. We are seldom satisfied with said numbers and it takes age and a sense of perspective to give us a broad enough view to see that what we do might be considered special.

What do I consider Elite or World Class?? A 100-kilo 2 hand pinch is Elite and 110-kilos or better World Class. I'll take other opinions on the Rolling Thunder with their 100-kilos (220lbs) as Elite and 110-kilos (242lbs) as world class. I'm with a few in that I no longer consider the CoC 3 as 'out there'. It still requires a great deal of hard work and took me a fair time to crack it and I'd want the standard to be done with a CCS but it'd be a gripper or two up - perhaps something a little over an Beef Builder Elite as Elite and maybe an MM3-4/BBSE or better done with a reasonable set as world class (although I'd still like Martin's and Tommy's BBSE with either hand in a competition). Grippers are a badly defined means of strength because of the setting of them producing more of a variable than say a pinch. I agree with Sam that the Inch, for a one handed deadlift, might not be the world class feat others have said. Access to grippers and bar bending is easier for many than to an Inch replica (cost being a major issue). More access and we might see more Inch lifters. If, as others have said, a Millennium is world class (with the same access issues) then something between an Inch and a Millennium (the '2000' one poster used) say 85-90-kilos might be Elite level.

Other lifts I don't consider Elite might include a IM Red bend or a 45-lbs Hub lift. IM reds get bent all the time, regardless of styles (again pads and styles do not level the playing field here), even though I never managed it (I'm not actually that good at it compared to many) and I've seen some much lighter men that myself pull way over 45lbs on a hub. Although I never really practiced it I've managed a Hampton 45lbs plate but then so has Liz Talbot. As strong a women is as Liz is (and she is very strong compared to 99.9% of women) if she can do it can a man consider it Elite or better??

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I had to go and look but here's Martin's unofficial 115-kilos 2HP done around March of last year:

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