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Skin Strength


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A week ago a piece of skin on my thumb got torn off while I was pinching, and again a few days ago, when I was bending, exactly the middle of my palm is completely open.

I've been training my grip for half a year now, so it's not that I have to get used to it and get callouses or something.

Is there any way to strengthen your skin? I eat enough vitamins, and almost every day I put on some lotion to prevent dehydration.


Edited by luuc
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I don't know if there's a way to prevent it completely. I've gotten a few large skin tears on my palms (one from DO bending, two from horseshoes) nd the skin has healed over thicker and stronger.

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there is an old post on here but i cant find it about shoving your hands in different types of sand and or gravel and opening and closing then to make your hands and skin get tougher maybe someone can point it out i have the complete opposite to hard and rough to grip smooth plates so i have to soften them up

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A week ago a piece of skin on my thumb got torn off while I was pinching, and again a few days ago, when I was bending, exactly the middle of my palm is completely open.

I've been training my grip for half a year now, so it's not that I have to get used to it and get callouses or something.

Is there any way to strengthen your skin? I eat enough vitamins, and almost every day I put on some lotion to prevent dehydration.


You can go the manly route and super glue your torn callouses back on, just the way Stevie Ray Vaughn did in order to continue playing guitar ;)

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It happens. If it was a torn callus, a callus file and keeping your hands smooth can mitigate a lot of the problems.

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Well your doing something right if your hands start to bleed, I think I remember hearing Dave Mortan and joe kinny would train grippers till there hands bleed and well it worked!

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A week ago a piece of skin on my thumb got torn off while I was pinching, and again a few days ago, when I was bending, exactly the middle of my palm is completely open.

I've been training my grip for half a year now, so it's not that I have to get used to it and get callouses or something.

Is there any way to strengthen your skin? I eat enough vitamins, and almost every day I put on some lotion to prevent dehydration.


Get a gripper with good rough knurling, rep it until your hands are sore. Let the skin heal. Repeat for a few weeks.

You'll find that your skin on the middle of your fingers and your palms will toughen up. It may be a bit hard going but you'll find that your skin gets used to being abused. Read Ironminds gripper book and you'll find the Kinney section helpfull. He explains how if you put your hands through HELL then they'll toughen up as they try to protect themselves from the punishment.

Grippers have worked well for me in toughing up my skin. My skin is now hard and used to grippers.

Also if your skin is being ripped while bending maybe you could use thicker wraps? Some of the more experianced benders may have some tips for you there.

Good luck

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That's ironic, I just tore the skin on the first knuckle of my pinky the other day doing bottom-finger heavy-negatives and over-crushes. Wasn't major at all, and it was under the surface of the skin, but it certainly let me know it was there ;)

I guess when you're grip training, you just gotta live w/ the fact that you're gonna get skin tears.

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That's ironic, I just tore the skin on the first knuckle of my pinky the other day doing bottom-finger heavy-negatives and over-crushes. Wasn't major at all, and it was under the surface of the skin, but it certainly let me know it was there ;)

I guess when you're grip training, you just gotta live w/ the fact that you're gonna get skin tears.

I think so, my hands always look like something in a butchers window. Gotten used to it now.

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