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Some Long Bars Today


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I had to try some long bar stuff after I got back from the steel supplier getting some stuff I needed to keep working on the raven. They had some long 5/8" round and 1/2" x 1" hrs cutoffs at 8' for 75 cents a pound. How could I pass that up?

1/2" x 1" hrs fish

The big flat stock was pretty mean, harder than 3/4" round at the same length of 48", but still not too hard to U. I could go allot shorter on the U for that. The fish however, was beastly. It was crossing the ends really. Once I got the ends over crossing them further was easier than the 3/4". The flat stock has a smaller bend radius against the 1/2" side than the 3/4". But twisting out enough to get my hands to cross for the bend against that 1" width was extremely hard. I really didn't think I was gonna get it until I found a particular position that gave me allot more leverage to twist them open. It is not a pretty closed fish because of this though, the 2 ends are maybe 1/4" apart where they cross, I usually like to bend it one way then flex it back and cross on the other side to really smash them together tight. No way was this happening on this hunk of steel.

Also I feel like I have the power to coil it over I just can't find any kind of position to move it far enough to start the push down over my thigh. The distance I could move it in the fishing position was maxed out. I tired allot of weird things, a few might show promise with some work but they are awkward. I can't just push down and out against the ground with my weight. Maybe if I had someone else on me piggyback and we could put like 500+ pounds on it bouncing, but that seems like cheating even though it might look pretty crazy for a strongman show.

If anyone finds a position to move out from a fish closer to 180 using internal forces no bodyweight bouncing stuff, please please let me know, I would be extremely appreciative.

Next I bent 2 short 5/8" peices to see how I could do on hrs after that horrible grade 60 rebar I tried.

5/8" round hrs x 24"

I did a 26" and it wasn't too hard so I tried a 24". This was damn hard but I think I might be good for 1" less or maybe 2" with some work. Don't go nuts anyone I know this is a crazy bend to post with just a picture but I am not claiming anything official. I will try and get a video soon, I was just messing around to see where I was at today.

I will say I am starting to feel the crush ramping up hard at 24" like the 13" 1/2" stock. It is starting to come up on that bend radius even at 24". The last 1/4" of the bend was killer. The Tim T elephant on your hands thing comes to mind. This stuff is gonna get serious closing in on 20".

I gotta get working on my raven some more now. I've been messing around and neglecting that too much lately.

Edited by timiacobucci
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The 1/2" x 1" fish is good.

"Feeling" like you have the power is irrelevent. You obviously don't have it. (Don't worry, I'm not slamming you because nobody does. )

Now with the 5/8". Did you dissapoint me?


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That Fish looks like a serious bit of steel so well done on that one.

As for the 5/8, I got myself some stock yesterday also and I have a piece here cut to 26" which looks very tough indeed (although I probably wont go at it until after the british grip champs) so I think 24" is pretty amazing and if you can get an inch or two lower then that will be a record for a long time in my view. I dont think anyone will get 20" or even 21" on 5/8 bar

Edited by Stew
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That's some sick big steel bending...you're not loading up each end and bouncing it off your knee, to get the kink these days! :tongue:)

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Holy cow Tim! nice bend! :ohmy:bow

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Those are some nice bends. I can't wait to see a video. Not that I don't trust you, I just love bending vids :D

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Thanks for the compliments guys, I want more people to get into the longer bars and scrolling. I know there are some strong and creative guys out there that would love this if they gave it a shot.

That Fish looks like a serious bit of steel so well done on that one.

You ain't too bad at the long bars yourself there man, with that 46" x 3/4" I bet you can U this peice as well. They are very close. I don't know if you have done any scrolling before so the fish is a whole different story, but give it a try man.

I think 24" is pretty amazing and if you can get an inch or two lower then that will be a record for a long time in my view. I dont think anyone will get 20" or even 21" on 5/8 bar

I wouldn't be so sure on that. David looks like he had more in the tank, and you got guys like Paul and Jeremaih that are strong as hell and only starting out with this stuff, and Rex if he wants to give it a try. And other Stew and Nick are certainly capable of allot more. Watch, I bet you right now nick and David at least with get a 24" in no time. Then I will do some shorter, then them and before you know it someone is gonna be creeping up on 20". It was the same with 5/16" crs, did you really think anyone was gonna be cutting them to down to 4.5" at first?

That's some sick big steel bending...you're not loading up each end and bouncing it off your knee, to get the kink these days! :tongue:)

I kinked them all over my thigh. I did move them more rowing a bit but I am trying to transition away from rowing actually.

Holy cow Tim! nice bend! :ohmy:bow

Thanks, and come and get me man.

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Got the grip comp today "Annual Show of Hands" I have a feeling once the comp is over, we'll all be fart'in around with the long bars I bought Wed. I bent a 3/4" x 44" at casey's house thursday and it wasn't that bad. I've got alot more 3/4" left over to play with today and some 5/8" left over from the other day. Thats a high standard to meet Tim! great job! :rock

Edited by Paul Knight
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Nice job Tim! I'm convinced now that I've got some brutal 3/4 round because mine is much tougher than the 1/2 by 1 inch flat.

Superb bends!

Tim (T variety)

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Or maybe you got some real easy flat stock? Haha jk man. I am sure with that much steel in the bar even a slight variation in temper and strength will be dramatic. Like you said before with the rebar, the standards are only minimums. Any a36 could be allot harder than most.

That is the one major pitfall in trying to really compare bends, some of the hrs steel you guys are bending at longer lengths may actually be harder than shorter ones I am doing if the hrs I am getting is relatively weak. Steel varies allot so there is not way to know until we can bend hrs from many different sources.

That would suck though huh? Bending cut down 3/4" like a badass and go visit another bendiner like Tim T and his steel stops you cold. I am sure it is similar to the different #3 grippers and all that we just don't have enough experience to judge it well.

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That 1/2x1 flat bar looks really mean. Great bends Tim!

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Thanks Ben and David. You guys gonna give this stuff a shot sometime? I know you got come serious bends in you Ben. And David I bet you would be awesome with your flexibility, I could do certain braced stuff so much better if I could move like you. That unbraced spike still freaks me out.

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Haven't been on here much recently. Anyway, superb bends!

Look forward to seeing them when you video it and getting you on top of the list. Anyone wanting on the list please pm me with details and I'll get an email notifying me of your pm.



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Just checked the lists and you dont seem to feature on any of them, I know some people are not bothered about this sort of thing but as your clearly the best on some of these bends you need to get them up there to give the rest of us something to shoot for (plus I need to see as many peoples technique as possible, mines just brute force at the moment).

With the fish, I have done this with a few lighter bars but your right I definetly couldn't cross the ends of a 46" 3/4 round bar.

I totally agree with you in that it would be nice to see more guys doing the braced bending and although I haven't really attempted anything since my match up with David last year I have just purchased 20ft of 1/2, 5/8 & 3/4 stock and will be trying to improve my position on all of the lists once the british grip championship is out of the way although I am still a few months off getting my strength back up enough to attempt the 3/4 at sub 40".

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While I appreciate the comments I am hardly the best at anything around here aside maybe from the lashing scrolls I do, and that is only because I am the only one doing it. I have only put up a picture, technically this thread should be locked by now, not that I am looking for that to happen. I'm just saying this doesn't really prove anything. I am very much not trying to put down the lists I am just not specifically interested in them. It is very hard to judge who is the "best" at this sort of thing in this manner with steel variance. A controlled contest with everyone using the same steel like David has setup is the only real way to do this accurately. For fun and friendly competition the lists are cool though. I will make a video soon because I don't want to seem hypocritical. I also have some ideas and points on technique I think may help some of you guys out. Not that I am any kind of guru here I just would like to think I am actually at the point I have something to contribute.

And Stew if you already got some 20' peices it would be a shame to cut them all up. Try scrolling the 1/2" at least if you haven't tried this before.

Edited by timiacobucci
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