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Grip Power Means Armwrestling Power?


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i'd like to know what do u think guys about your performance if u decide to compete in teh sport of armwrestling .. strong hands and wrists play a big role in this sport.

David Horne was a british armwrestling champ and his grip its world class.

world class benders in my oppinion have a lot of potencial also...

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Beeing strong at the common grip lifts, grippers, pinch etc. is OK, but does not meant that you are good at armwrestling. I often loose at armwrestling against guys that are by far not as strong as I am on the common grip lifts.

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It seems to this relative rookie that good finger strength developed from the "grip" stuff would be helpful in hand control on the table. However, AW is far more dynamic and diverse than doing a hub lift or closing a gripper. Far more potential joint movements/actions and much greater musculature involved.

But strong hands and wrists probably aren't going to hinder you ;) .

Edited by Matt Brouse
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I think technique plays a big role in being good at armwrestling,but of course grip and wrist strength is also important.How can you have a good "top roll" without it?

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The top guys have shockingly strong grips/wrists....

Just as a reference point; on the NE AW board, there were some guys talking about 300# db wrist curls and it really didn't get that much attention. If someone posted that over here, it would be locked pending video and people would likely nitpick the video to death, regarding form, calibrated weights, rom, blah, blah, blah...

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my point: if a world class bender or grip guy trains for armwrestling he will become a threat to anyone ... this may look to simple but take a look at the russian strongman : cyprelek(i am sorry cant write the name properly), he won Easely one russian armwrestling tournament without much practise. he came from nowhere and he's probably the 2nd best russian at the moment(after Vovoeada)

My Point again: give Ben or Aaron a few lessons and something very strong will happend ... just to name a few ...i dont visit the bending forum but some strong guys there with SOME training may do very well-)

"The top guys have shockingly strong grips/wrists.... " thats what i am trying to say...

good example: give a top world strongman a gripper ... i mean someone who's really strong with farmer walks, deadlifts ... Mark Felix it a good example ... if the guy trains with gripper with passion for a couple of months he may close the #4! i think someone post a threat saying a contender almost closed a #4 with very few practise.

Edited by ewokhugo
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my point: if a world class bender or grip guy trains for armwrestling he will become a threat to anyone ... this may look to simple but take a look at the russian strongman : cyprelek(i am sorry cant write the name properly), he won Easely one russian armwrestling tournament without much practise. he come from nowhere and he's probably the 2nd best russian at the moment(after Vovoeada)

My Point again: give Ben or Aaron a few lessons and something very strong will happend ... just to name a few ...i dont visit the bending forum but some strong guys there with SOME training may do very well-)

"The top guys have shockingly strong grips/wrists.... " thats what i am trying to say...

good example: give a top world strongman a gripper ... i mean someone who's really strong with farmer walks, deadlifts ... Mark Felix it a good example ... if the guy trains with gripper with passion for a couple of months he may close the #4! i think someone post a threat saying a contender almost closed a #4 with very few practise.

Cyplenkov(sp?) won a russian nationals when he was 17, at least that's what I read. His ginormous and obviously freakishly strong arms are the key to his quick success, not his grip.

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Elite arm wrestlers must have great grip and wrist power, but great grip and wrist power alone does not an elite arm wrestler make.

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should have strong triceps and biceps aswell ofc.. doesnt help just to have a dominating wrist and grip

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The best arm wrestlers are the strongest, its not the huge technique thing most people think-though there is a lot of it- Yet arm wrestling strength is a lot different then powerlifting or strongman strength. They have very strong wrists, for arms, grip ext. Breznek can handle tremendous amounts of side pressure which is why he is so hard to beat. I think grip-such as crush grip- is not the greatest strength factor in arm wrestling, though it would help in developing strong forearms which are needed.

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The best arm wrestlers are the strongest, its not the huge technique thing most people think-though there is a lot of it- Yet
Yes it is. I've lost to people weaker than me in every way, shape, and form; and all because I use brute force over ignorance, whereas they know how to Rassle.
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