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A Little Story From Yesterday...


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I’m still a weak-handed newbie to the grip world, but trying to get stronger.

I began my efforts due to the enormous power I felt when I shook the hand of a fellow in my company. Physically – big thick hands, wrists, and forearms. He never tried to bear down on me, but I could tell he had mucho power.)

Well, I ordered and started working with the CoC Trainer (like I said, my hands are pathetically weak). I’ve moved on to the #1 and have been working diligently for several months on this (along with the T). I got a little overly enthusiastic with that (and possibly some dumbbell curls) and suffered an injury in my upper forearm that has set me back some – still not completely recovered from that. I do 2 sets of about 5-6 reps (#1) with each hand, turn the gripper up-side down and do a couple of sets, then end with holding the gripper closed (or nearly so) for as long as I can (~ 1 min 20 secs).

Anyway, the fellow was in the office yesterday and he tried out my grippers. (Note his strength comes from hard work as a construction laborer several years ago – lots of sledgehammer work, etc – no training or working out). I thought he would get at least 6-10 closes of the #1, but no. He started ripping off 3-4 “closes” that came within about .5” of fully closed, so I told him the ends must touch. He started again and only got 2 full closes (after wasting some energy on those initial “bad closes”. When he tried the hold, he managed 45 seconds with me loudly urging and encouraging him to hold on.

When I did my closes he was pretty surprised.

This was all done in the best of a friendly spirit, of course, but I could see he was a little disappointed in his performance vs mine.

I’m sure he could put me on my knees in about 1 second of a handshake, if he so desired. No doubt about that. I told him so, and admitted that my work with the gripper had concentrated on those specific muscles for a while, and that I would guess if he worked with them, he could probably get to closing the #2 for reps in about a month. I think he may start! I have to believe that he has good potential (I didn’t mention anything about technique before his effort and his wasn’t very good, naturally.

He’s a great guy and was very complimentary of my efforts. Although, in reality, it meant little or nothing, it did give me a good feeling that my work may be having some positive results.

Edited by Relayer
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Dont consider yourself weak man, i consider you to have decent hand strength and you just showed that by doing more reps then the "big guy at your work". In all fairness he didnt learn how to set it and didnt have practice but still, you already have alot more hand strength then the average male. Dont compare your self to other board members and think your weak, some have been doing it for years and they worked hard for it. I look up to all of them and to anyone who tries and gives it 100 percent. Just take it as far as you can go and dont give up, it all takes time! your on a good start. :)

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Handshake strength can be misleading due to a small difference in hand size (length/thickness,ect) can give you a lot more leverage.

Also, this does show that grippers may not be a great way to gain functional strength. I would interested in your friend and you trying out a rolling thunder and see what the results are. Anyway, closing the #1 5-6 times is nothing to sneeze at! Good luck.

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Thanks, adam. And I too greatly admire all you fellows on here. Your achievements don't come easy.

Thanks, makey. I'm positive my friend would blow me away on the rolling thunder. He really is very strong. I ALMOST felt bad about besting him on the gripper ;)

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If you want to try and increase your handshake strength you need to start working on pinching wide blocks, this type of pinch almost imitates a handshake.

Good luck with your training, keep it up and you'll get the #2 in no time ;)

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I dislike the feeling of being in the weaker possition in a handshake, and with my tiny hands it happens a lot! Argh. I only try to shake firm though, not to "crush" (as if I could!) other people's hand. But I shake firm because I dislike people who barely apply force and feel like women shaking hands (who of course I don't shake firm, but gentle).

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I dislike the feeling of being in the weaker possition in a handshake, and with my tiny hands it happens a lot! Argh. I only try to shake firm though, not to "crush" (as if I could!) other people's hand. But I shake firm because I dislike people who barely apply force and feel like women shaking hands (who of course I don't shake firm, but gentle).

I really hate dead fish handshakes. Unless their off of fine looking women :)

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yeah, it's pathetic when you shake a mans hand and it's a limp wet fish. I'm not asking for a hand breaking crush, just a good firm shake to meet and greet.

One of my bosses shakes my hand everytime I go for meeting and he tries to break my hand, my other boss though shakes my hand with the force of a child and I can't stand it, it's like he doesn't want to shake hands, more like just a light palm rubbing.

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yeah, it's pathetic when you shake a mans hand and it's a limp wet fish.

One has to keep in mind cultural differences. For Mexicans a firm handshake is considered rude and agressive.

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i give limp wet fish handshakes cuz i don't want to intimidate people. i'm also 6'5 and 305lbs so maybe they already know i can squeeze hard.

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