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Peter Horne Memorial Grip Results

David Horne

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Peter Horne Memorial Grip Contest (Under aegis of BHSA)

Saturday 5 April, 2008

Venue: Stafford

Promoter: David Horne (In association with BHSA)

All weights in kilo's

Contest Overall Results

1st David Horne 5pts

2nd Steve Gardener 7pts

3rd Alf Squire 16pts

4th Jim Wylie 18pts

4th Dave Johnson 18pts

6th Paul Wood 19pts

1. Two Hands Pinch Lift

1st David Horne 115k (New World Record)

2nd Steve Gardener 99.1k

3rd Alf Squire 82.1k

4th Elizabeth Horne 77k (New Female World Record)

4th Dave Johnson 77k

6th Jim Wylie 75.8k

7th Paul Wood 64.3k

8th Mitch Johnson 26k (aged 10)

2. One Hand Vulcan Gripper - credit card close

(All Right Hand)

1st Steve Gardener Lev 16 (New British Record)

2nd David Horne Lev 13

3rd Jim Wylie Lev 9

4th Alf Squire Lev 8

4th Paul Wood Lev 8

6th Dave Johnson Lev 7

7th Elizabeth Horne Lev 6 (New Female British Record)

8th Mitch Johnson 11 rubber bands (aged 10)

3. Reverse Bending

1st David Horne 5.5” FBBC Square

2nd Steve Gardener 237.5k Challenge bar

3rd Dave Johnson 6” nail cut to 4”

4th Alf Squire 6” nail cut to 5”

4th Paul Wood 6” nail cut to 5”

6th Jim Wylie –

4. Dinnie Ring Lift for Reps (187.1kg on replica)

1st David Horne 20 reps L/H (New British Record)

2nd Steve Gardener 12 reps R/H (New British Record)

3rd Jim Wylie 4 reps R/H

4th Paul Wood 1 lift off the floor (Not 2” high) R/H

5th Dave Johnson No lift

5th Alf Squire No lift

First thing on the agenda was Dave Johnson’s official IM Red bar certification – and this he did in fine style. He is very pleased with this and will be added to the IronMind Red Nail list in due course.

At the halftime interval I had a go at a Braced Bend with the 7/8” bar given to me by Stewart Killick. This bar was 48” long x 22.07mm thick, and was a beast, and only got a few millimetres worth of bend. Tough!!

In our final break before the Dinnies we did the Slippery Eel Challenge in a last man standing format. This keeps the event moving fast, and raising it 10k at a time was tough.

Slippery Eel Challenge.

1st Steve Gardener 99.2k

2nd David Horne 89k

3rd Jim Wylie 79k

3rd Alf Squire 79k

5th Paul Wood 58.4k

5th Dave Johnson 58.4k

Steve Gardener – is looking good, and getting better all the time. Hopefully he will carry on with an onslaught towards next years Champions, after the Brits. Also congratulations on his massive Vulcan credit card close on Lev 16, and he was so close to Lev 17.

Alf Squire – More of a bodybuilder really, with a big Bench Press, he did very well considering he’s never touched any of this stuff, and really just brought Steve up in his car.

Jim Wylie – has been pouring his attention into his mountain biking right now, and is mega fit! But considering again he’s done no grip for ages, he did well. Maybe he’ll fancy having a go at the Brits?

Dave Johnson – his main goal was to cert on the red, and now he fancies a break from bending, and to pursue some fitness, and bodybuilding training. It’ll be a nice change of training for him.

Paul Wood – was a lot more confident and stronger this year, and if he can take my tips on the Pinch lift onboard will do a lot better. He’s put his entrance fee in for the Brits, and I’ve offered for him to come down and train here when he wants.

Elizabeth Horne – all of her training is geared towards the World’s Strongest Woman comp in Poland, so today just saw her take some token lifts. Her grip’s not bad though with a new record Pinch when she hasn’t even touched it this year, but then again 115k Farmers in each hand help the strengthen the hands!

Mitch Johnson – he’s only aged 10, but always enjoys this day. He trains with his dad and if he keeps it all going will be a strong and fit lad. When I asked shall I lower the pole in the pinch lift for him as he had to row it up to touch, he said no it’s fine I’ll row it up. Now that’s quality, no crying about it, he just got on with it. Quality!

After the contest we went for a meal, which is always a favourite part of the day, to have a chat over a meal and a beer. Many thanks for everyone coming and celebrating a special day for me.

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welldone to all, sorry i couldn't make it, huge congrats David on the WR pinch!

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:D Sounded like a great day as usual,im really sorry i could not make it! Congrats :rock to all !

:yikes i also won on the Grand National £55 big ones!

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:D Sounded like a great day as usual,im really sorry i could not make it! Congrats :rock to all !

:yikesi also won on the Grand National £55 big ones!

Jammy. :happy

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A few (of many) photos to whet the taste buds:

1) me repping on 187-kilo Dinnie: http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/5953/repp...ieweightey4.jpg

2) me winning slippery eel: http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/9646/slipperyeellz4.jpg

3) A great group shot as well all reverse bend: http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/1506/bendingoh2.jpg

More to follow.

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Well done everyone. ;)

Congratulations to David, Elizabeth and Steve on lifting new records. :rock


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Some more photos.

David Horne's first attempt at the 2HP world record: http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/2505/dh...tattempthr1.jpg

Alf Squires not quite getting a Dinnie lift: http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/1074/al...inneliftui5.jpg

David mid-way through repping on the Dinnie: http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/7425/da...ughdinnetb9.jpg

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Dinnie lift: I've been using a similar set up for practicing the one hand lift and have been getting a weird pain at the very top of my right thigh - right next to the Mobster 'jewels' as it were. Having made sure I'd not given myself a hernia I've been carrying. It seems, following yesterdays efforts, it's these kind of lifts which are the culprits.

Probably as a result of the drive up I was a little stiff on arriving yesterday and was feeling the pain a little before we'd got started. Anyway I knew I'd be ok with 187.5-kilos and it was all a matter of reps. I also knew I could beat Jim's total and wanted to set as high a target as I could for David. However, as per my log, I'm not a reps kinda person so it would be grit and termination that got me through.

Once I hit 5 or so reps I had the pain but this time on both sides. I think it's a connective tendon thing and man did it hurt! However, I did another rep and it didn't get any worse or better so then it was a see how much I can do in the time effort and the pain combined with my huffing and puffing (no cardio) meant a rep or two didn't get counted (I think I got 13 but only 12 were high enough).

I'd also have preferred to have been able to swap my hands back and forth because one issue was the small skin tears, nothing dramatic but enough to leave a small few spots of blood on the handles. Even though I was puffing for a good 2 minutes after I enjoyed this test of strength a lot.


I was a little off on the 2HP. There was not much more in me on that yesterday but happy enough with my level 16 Vulcan gripper close. I'll push on to level 17 now and see if I can my left up another 1 to 12. The bar bending I had no idea what I'd do so just tested myself with a nail to be begin with and then did what I could reverse style (trying not to flip it once I had the bend and crush it down after ha ha). Baring in mind I've done NOTHING other than 6-inch nails for probably a year, maybe 2, managing the 237.5-kilo challenge bar was cool.

Slippery Eel.

Fun but if I hadn't played a little with a Rolling Thunder during the break I think I'd have had another 10 or even 20-kilos. On the day I might have had a few more kilos in me as it was. That my mate Alf (his other half Tania took the photos for me using my camera) does NO grip at all and just played around and still managed a 3rd was cool too.

Edited by mobsterone
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David Horne Two Hands Pinch Lift World Record of 115k (253.5lb).


Dave Johnson Ironmind Red Bar bending Certification


Steve Gardener Vulcan Hand Gripper level 16




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David Horne Two Hands Pinch Lift World Record of 115k (253.5lb).


Dave Johnson Ironmind Red Bar bending Certification


Steve Gardener Vulcan Hand Gripper level 16




Cheers. All good stuff.

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Great performances everyone.

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I'm feeling well sore in my right oblique today from the 20 reps with 187k on the Dinnie ring!

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I'm feeling well sore in my right oblique today from the 20 reps with 187k on the Dinnie ring!

Another 20 reps on the other side to even it up :laugh

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Congrats David and well done everyone.


tremendous "Vulcan" strength !! the 16 level was very easy, and the 17 was really pretty close. Simply crazy strength :rock

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What a contest! Great work, guys, and congrats to all! Nice going on the win, David!

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Was pressed for time over the weekend so only skim-read the results - huge congratualtions to Liz for breaking the Women's World Record as well!! And beating no less a worthy than Jim Wylie too!!

Edited by The Mac
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Congrats David and well done everyone.


tremendous "Vulcan" strength !! the 16 level was very easy, and the 17 was really pretty close. Simply crazy strength :rock

I've not actually tested my out and out maximum yet. On the video you can hear me saying I thought I had it. :D

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