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Can A Average Guy Bend 60d Nail

Bossie 308

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Can a average guy bend a 60d with good technique?My girlfriends boss was wondering what all this nail bending was about so i took over a 60d.He asked how to do it.I gave him a quick rundown on the technique and he smoked it pretty easily.I was impressed !!!...........

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Yes, I'd say an average guy can bend a 60d with even average technique. I did it and I had poor technique but it took me 15 minutes my first time. :blush Just like grippers having the proper technique makes a huge difference and can make a weak guy appear stronger.

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Well, bending was an enigma to me until Scott Harris and Brad Manion helped me out at the BBB3. I couldn't bend 1/4" HRS before then. With proper technique coaching, I killed a tough 60d and got my first 5.5 G5. If I could do it, there are a BUNCH of people who could do it with proper technique.

Reverse and DU? That's a different story :happy

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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Can a average guy bend a 60d with good technique?My girlfriends boss was wondering what all this nail bending was about so i took over a 60d.He asked how to do it.I gave him a quick rundown on the technique and he smoked it pretty easily.I was impressed !!!...........

Depends if it was an "average" 60d nail. I have tried several 60d which I took down with simple ease. I recently bent my first g5 bolt(JH), definitely my hardest bend to date, but struggled almost as much on some of the 60d that I have. Try giving him a g5 bolt since they tend to be more "consistent" in terms of calibration(kind of). If he bends that with ease than become his agent; that guy will probably go far in the bending world :D

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Depends on the 60ds ive bent them from white nail strength to over g8 strength but like any steel,nail,bolt etc if you cant bend it just keep trying till you can and it will happen.

People are like steel also some strong some week some middle of the road tendon strength is more important than big muscles tho altho the muscles will help if you know how to use them :D

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Up to the bastards I think technique and believing in yourself is 90% of the bend.

After that, it definitely comes down to strength. So yes, with proper technique I think any guy can bend any 60D ;)

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I think aside from how hard the 60d is in question it also depends on wraps allot. Like Zach said reverse and DU are a different story, so is giving them a 60D in IM wraps. Which I like to do now. I also never saw any strong guys at my work and my really really strong cousin bend a 60D in the small leather wraps that were the only ones I had before. They were only a shade up from IM wraps.

At a party at Braden's though, some guy used some of his bigger leather and bend a 60D after I showed him DO, BUUUT he actually took his thumbs away and literally must pushed directly on the ends and it kinked. Now that IS folding by anyones standards I must say. Not really much tendon strength or development necessary to "bend" like that. I was not pissed I mean the dude bent it alright, I just handed him a g5 after that.

I really don't mean to start a wrap debate at all, I just honestly doubt your average even above average strong guy nowadays is gonna bent a 60d with IM wraps. But years ago when allot more strong guys were doing construction and manual jobs for years I bet you could find allot that could do it bare hand. I am always running across grizzled old dudes that get a kick out this stuff because most strong guys even guys that lift are really sissies nowadays, they are getting older though and they usually say I bet I could have done that x number of years ago and you know what, I believe them most of the time too. When you see their old thick hands you know they weren't pushing pencils all their lives.

I think for training and max pr bends big wraps are a good tool but for strength shows with other strong guys around, it is much more impressive to normal people to use less wraps. I am working more towards all IM wraps. If you go out and bend nails and bolts and spikes and shoes and all you have around is IM wraps, you are gonna look allot stronger because noone is going to challenge your bends. Get some fat pads and show a strong guys how it is done and you might be a bit embarressed.

Also rereading the original question, you ought to test my idea if you are interested. Since that guy smoked it you say he obviously has the strength for it. let him give it a try in some IM wraps if you got em.

Edited by timiacobucci
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Now I'm kinda puzzled here. I've done many tests with a bunch of different guys and some have been very strong and very big. I've never had anyone bend a medium tough 60d on their first time and I've only had one guy do it after working on it a few months and he's crazy strong. Some of the bigger guys even tried bracing it over their leg with no bend at all (in a washcloth).

I'm curious to see how you guys are helping these people who are trying this. How did you wrap it for your girlfriend's boss? I have some wraps that I use specifically for this. They are my 60d wraps and I actually have bent up to a "LE" G8 bolt in them but it starts to get scary in the pain department at that level. Also, no chalk or rubber bands or any of that because it's not a bastard cert I'm doing it's a 60d nail. Also, I don't lay it down and roll it up all nice and tight and precise, I hold the nail and keep the wrap in place with my thumb and just wrap it around decently. The wraps I use to test guys are probably 4 inches wide by 8 inches long.

A 60d nail has been a feat of strength for years so I'm puzzled as to what the deal is here. Even when I show guys the technique the average person peaks out around 3/16 CRS square or maybe 1/4 HRS and a few make it to 1/4 inch G2 bolts. Mighty Atom issued that challenge for years with few successes.

My Keystone 60d nails (cal'd at 315 lbs) in my thin wraps have been safe even in the strongest guy's hands and I've issued the challenge many times. Bend it for them to show them the technique and let them try another one and still no-go. Brace on the thigh? Still no-go.

Really, I'm not going to help somebody "de-mystify" a classic feat of strength when he has no real interest in bending other than to prove what I'm doing isn't that hard or there's some sort of trick to it. Now there's another guy locally who really wants to learn to bend stuff and I've been helping him. I don't mind that and even had cut some wraps for him but he had found his own already.

Sorry so wordy but I've always been interested in what the standard is for a feat of strength that an average Joe can't do. And here lately the results that some have had are really puzzling me because I know some of the guys I've tried have been purposely sent my way to prove that they can do it because they are known for their natural strength.

The strongest guy I worked with once finally did get the weakest 60d (#210) after bracing it and much struggle. Rest of the guys didn't even dent it.

What brand were the 60d nails you tried him with?


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Yesterday my sisters boyfriend came over and saw some of the stuff I bent just lying around. He picked some up and was asking if I bent those. He didn't believe I bent them so I went and got a 60D nail and showed it to him. He asked if he could have a go first so I wrapped it up for him (IMP+Leathers). I told him exactly how to do it(bearing in mind I have only been bending a month or 2). He went at it for a few mins and was unable to wobble it. Handed it over to me and I bent it for him.

Later he picked up my 40lb blob and 2 35's. First time he ever tried. :angry:

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I agree with Tim T on this one. If these guys are killing these 60's it makes me ask a few questions. What kind of 60's are they? Not timber tie 60's? I take it that these attempts are DO, and with probably a push/folding method(it seems most guys gravitate toward this if they haven't done it before), and with good size pads? I am just curious, because the first time I tried a 60, I got owned! And I was definitely not lacking in the strength department. But, I was also bending DU, and with 4x12 leather wraps, because at the time, I couldn't figure out DO yet. I still consider a 60d bend a landmark, and I don't think just any joe off the street could do it. How did the old timers do it(form)? I am assuming reverse? I think comparing DO to whatever way they did it isn't really a fair comparison. just my 2 cents.

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It was a Home Depot 60d. I believe griprite which is pretty stout compared to others i tried.I wrapped it real nice like i would for a cert using fbbc suede.I dont have IM wraps to do a comparison but there definetly thinner than leather.Afterwards i did give him a 5/16x6 g2 which he couldnt wobble.Tim you are right about showing people technique that just wants to prove what your doing is not big deal.This is the case here. He has no interest in bending and i will never show techniqe to anyone less there a serious bender.I honestly didnt expect him to do it but for now on in these situations i will start off with 5/16 bolts !!!

Edited by Bossie308
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And yes it was double overhand style.Funny Tim mentioned bending them over your leg with washclothes thats how i started.I never had anyone step up and bend one that way!! I still pick one up every once in a while with shopclothes and bend it over my leg then finish it in between.With a hard 60d it will definetly give you a workout !!!!

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I have had several people bend hard 60D's (equal to or harder than a grade 5) over the last several years. Not always the guys you think can do it either. I have seen it done DU and DO with minimal instruction and relatively thin wraps. (less than 1in diameter which is what I use in shows). The first time Josh Dale was shown DO he bent a 5.5 grade 8 I believe maybe even a red...Help me out here Josh cause my memory is fading with age. My wifes cousin mat hit a 5.5 in grade 8 his first time ever bending DO with thicker wraps and Du a 6in grade 5 bolt. But in all honesty these guys are rare, I have performed with a local team for about 4years now, well over 100 shows and you just dont find them very often but they are out there. I switched to bending 5in grade 8 bolts over a year ago because I have had 2 guys kink my 6in stuff, granted far from a full bend but a good kink nonetheless. Both me and my bro with very limited bending experience bent the IM blue with IM wrap first itme out du. I also remember a guy on the board who had a dad or grndpa who worked for the KC chiefs, and he had footage showing the pros trying to bend a 60d, none of them got it and the old man burned one off right in front of them. Anybody else remember this????? Anyhow not sure what my point was anymore but there are people out there who can do it....Brett

Edited by kerbjr
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Slim did a form of DO bending only away from his body by 6 inches or so. Also, he used a hankerchief or something similiar.

Atom, bent DU style I believe.

Here's what I do and I'm not saying my way is better or anything like that. Once I got to where a 60d or whatever was a routine bend then I took some old leather and made a set of pads and kept trimming some off to where I could still convincingly kill a 60d but there was some pain tollerance involved and plus I had to bend around my fingers more. Makes it harder for me to bend a 60d sure but also makes sure that some smarty wont ruin my show. Plus since I just slap it on I've never had anyone question that it was there for anything more than hand protection. I wouldn't want to do massive volume that way but to show somebody how it's done, it works best that way. I call those my really thin 60d wraps and with much pain I have done a G5 in them. They're probably only 1/2 inch thick wrapped around a nail and you definately have to grit your teeth.

For certs and things like that I'll still give myself optimum conditions to make it count.

Funny you say that about the washcloth. I did that a few nights ago. Kinked a tough 60d over thigh then finished under my chin. It was a really thin worn out washcloth so you definately have to be careful with it.

I by no means am addressing the age old pad debate. I like the rules the way they are but for impromtu demonstrations to non-benders, I like to make it as simple as possible and that means thinner pads. Plus I have been doing more reverse on 60ds lately. DU still kills my wrists like I'm being tortured so I'm not sure if I'll ever pursue that much but I do enjoy reverse lately.

I've actually probably got about 3 or 4 "stages" of wraps I keep around depending on what I'm going to bend. I've I was going to do something really elite in front of somebody and built it up that way then I could justify taking more time and wrapping it really good.

Just my 2 cents though, take it for what it's worth.

Anyway, don't mean to get off the thread. My opinion is that an average person definately cannot bend a normal to tough 60d under the circumstances that I've presented them with.

And yes, I have been doing 5/16 by 6 inch G5 bolts like you say and not only do they look good but they are much tougher. At one time there were some 60d nails that were 5/16 inch thick and those would be spectacular for shows but I've never run into them. Foxman's are some of the thickest I've seen. The 5/16 inch ones were supposedly much tougher than a G8 though.

Great thread!


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I have had several people bend hard 60D's (equal to or harder than a grade 5) over the last several years. Not always the guys you think can do it either. I have seen it done DU and DO with minimal instruction and relatively thin wraps. (less than 1in diameter which is what I use in shows). The first time Josh Dale was shown DO he bent a 5.5 grade 8 I believe maybe even a red...Help me out here Josh cause my memory is fading with age. My wifes cousin mat hit a 5.5 in grade 8 his first time ever bending DO with thicker wraps and Du a 6in grade 5 bolt. But in all honesty these guys are rare, I have performed with a local team for about 4years now, well over 100 shows and you just dont find them very often but they are out there. I switched to bending 5in grade 8 bolts over a year ago because I have had 2 guys kink my 6in stuff, granted far from a full bend but a good kink nonetheless. Both me and my bro with very limited bending experience bent the IM blue with IM wrap first itme out du. I also remember a guy on the board who had a dad or grndpa who worked for the KC chiefs, and he had footage showing the pros trying to bend a 60d, none of them got it and the old man burned one off right in front of them. Anybody else remember this????? Anyhow not sure what my point was anymore but there are people out there who can do it....Brett

Hey Brett that is some incredible stuff. I do think they are out there just like the one guy I ran into but at least in my opinion everybody and their sister shouldn't be bending 60d nails. BTW, your show bends are awesome!

Great stories!


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This is an interesting thread. I would not have guessed many people can bend a 60d without much practice, even with good form. I have had a few people try, where I did the wrapping with FBBC suede and showed my technique, and no one has pulled it off. I was thinking about the Mighty Atom too...he used just a handkerchief, and I expect that would cut down on the number of merely strong people who could do a 60d. I'm not sure I could do it myself, and I can easily handle one in IM pads.

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I would estimate that a man who is used to manual labour and maybe trains from time to time will find a 60D nail challenging but doable...the natural bending style seems to be reverse.

It is achieveable without any specific training, I would say the cut-off is around the G5 bolt, as has been said already. :)

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Man a 60d is hard. I am sure you can't bend anything by just pushing on the ends. some finger/wrist action should take place. If a steel can realy fold then put a triple thick leather pads combined with IM pads and with an open palm "just" push on the ends. It won't move. So finger and/or wrist action is there, i am sure. Second, I think the average strong people can bend a medium 60d nail and some little above average strong people can do a G5 (DO, chalk, and leather). So I bet anyone who bends a 60d or higher is average "strong" and not average "guy". And to answer Jeremaih, the mighty atom did his 60d DU style.

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I think an average person could bend most any piece of steel, even with minimal or no training. My first bend ever (with poor technique)and NO grip training was a 3/8 X 6" HUGE KING OF ALL SHINY BASTARDS reverse technique. It was a bit of a struggle but definitely doable. :whistel

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My first bend ever (with poor technique)and NO grip training was a 3/8 X 6" HUGE KING OF ALL SHINY BASTARDS reverse technique.

Ya me too, it's a shame it took so much out of us that we regressed so far afterwards. I guess you just get that one first shot at something crazy THEN you gotta work your ass of for gains. hahaha

Now I haven't tried to reproduce it but maybe I should now; I swear I was right up on this guy, no thumbs. Just crushing. He even went straight to that technique with the g5 because that is what worked for him on the nail.

I am gonna do a small show at my new job soon when I feel better. My boss is really jacked and strong looking, I think he is more of a bodybuilder type though, big puffed up muscles, not hard chiseled and thick joints and tendons. But I don't want to risk him even moving anything 1 micron.

I know a 60d reverse in IM pads is good. But I want to do something bigger DO like a red too. I will need smallish leather for that though. How do you guys handle that situation with different wraps? I don't want the leather to end up on the 60d DO with him, he just might do it. Or should I just not even bring a 60d and see how nice I can do a g5 reverse in leather and forget the IM pads for now? How would you work it?

Also kerbjr, Tim T and you guys doing shows, what is a good mark for a braced bend that no strong guy is gonna move without training? I don't mean not be able to fully bend, I mean even move at all. Do you think a 10" griprite and 16" x 1/2" hrs would be safe? I know noone is gonna move a dc1.

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my family is pretty much all big time construction on one side and all outdoors camping without a tent on the other i started hanging drywall at 12 years old my other brothers started around 15 or 16 and it was no surprise to me that everyone except for my dad which i have no doubt 10 years ago he would have has bent blue's and bright common 60D nails on their first attempts one of my brothers bent the blue barehanded so far i'm the only one to bend any G5's but only two out of my brothers have tried them so far there are 3 that haven't and one of my brothers bent a 12'' spike barehanded as well like nothing so i think that the average man can bend one but not exactly the average guy who works nine to five and can't go camping away from a camp ground and all of it was done with IM wraps and no rubber bands or chalk they've all bent everything they have DU and heslep style maybe a couple of DO but not very often

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Sounds like you come from good stock in my opinion.

Tim I - Ever notice how many people just use your last initial for fear of misspelling your last name? - Anyway, Tim I, I've test the braced thing too and to my suprise nobody at work could finish a 12 inch by 3/8 inch HRS bar. Probably came close though from what I saw. I'd say 8 to 10 inches on that is definately safe, a 10 inch spike is definately safe unless of course there's a real freak there - that applies to any of this. If your 1/2 inch by 16 inches isn't safe then you should just turn the show over to whatever freak bends it.

Longer bars is really hard to say because some football jock could possibly pull a 3/4 by 4 foot around their knee and at least but a good bend in it. Almost no technique involved and very general muscles involved that alot of people have. Typically though a 3 foot by 5/8 bar is safe too.

It's ashame that 7/16 inch HRS is so hard to find because it makes great spike length stuff for shows. 3/8 square is another good one. Yeah I'd say the DC1 should definately be safe.

Be bad to look out in the audience and issue a challenge and see that Big Steve is sitting in the front row cracking his knuckles!



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My first bend ever (with poor technique)and NO grip training was a 3/8 X 6" HUGE KING OF ALL SHINY BASTARDS reverse technique.

Ya me too, it's a shame it took so much out of us that we regressed so far afterwards. I guess you just get that one first shot at something crazy THEN you gotta work your ass of for gains. hahaha

Now I haven't tried to reproduce it but maybe I should now; I swear I was right up on this guy, no thumbs. Just crushing. He even went straight to that technique with the g5 because that is what worked for him on the nail.

I am gonna do a small show at my new job soon when I feel better. My boss is really jacked and strong looking, I think he is more of a bodybuilder type though, big puffed up muscles, not hard chiseled and thick joints and tendons. But I don't want to risk him even moving anything 1 micron.

I know a 60d reverse in IM pads is good. But I want to do something bigger DO like a red too. I will need smallish leather for that though. How do you guys handle that situation with different wraps? I don't want the leather to end up on the 60d DO with him, he just might do it. Or should I just not even bring a 60d and see how nice I can do a g5 reverse in leather and forget the IM pads for now? How would you work it?

Also kerbjr, Tim T and you guys doing shows, what is a good mark for a braced bend that no strong guy is gonna move without training? I don't mean not be able to fully bend, I mean even move at all. Do you think a 10" griprite and 16" x 1/2" hrs would be safe? I know noone is gonna move a dc1.

I agree with Tim that the 10 in is pretty safe as long as you are doing it over a bare thigh (no pad), but even if you are doing a 12in spike if you can do it super quick and effortless you are still going to look like a stud when someone else is able to only kink it with all out effort. The DC1 may get kinked by a few, but if you can heart it or even take it to 180 relatively quickly people will be amazed. Ive never had anyone else do a full bend with either a 12in spike or the DC1 shoe......But I use very little padding with both....ie it hurts.and most will stop short of what is required.......anyhow have fun with the demo, I would start with the 60 d with im wraps and if anybody duplicated it I would get the big guns out (red) and wrap it up with the leather and let them try it as well. If they duplicate that slap them on the back and congratulate them as they are a STUD.....Seriously have fun with it, if someone can best you so what, you might have a new work out partner....Brett

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Gazza I could do that but it sure as sh*t ain't gonna be pretty, and the rest of the show is about done after that point. I have a little bit to go to work up to a show worthy bare hand 60d. I am just curious how many of you guys would actually do this in a show? It's really much more tame than putting your hand in a cougar trap for example.

I think I'm gonna see how easy I can do a 5/16" g2, 10" griprite, dc1 and 16" x 1/2 hrs with just IM wraps and no thigh padding. That and a reverse 60d should be good I think. If anyone can replicate those with just IM wraps and no thigh padding I will be damn impressed. I think this guy I am worried about might be strong enough but like you said kerbjr I am sure he will stop because of the pain before putting enough force into it.

Has anyone seen anyone with no specific training move any of these with just IM wraps? And reverse 60d?

I am pretty good with pain tolerance, it was funny doing the 12" spikes at work with just IM wraps and making it look like there was no pain involved then handing a fresh one to a tough guy.

Although sometime people are more impressed by strength than pain tolerance. I may bring in a red and let him have at it with double wraps and show proper DO. That takes about all the pain out of it but you still gotta be pretty damn strong to move it. It's fun to even start one and get it to crush down range, that takes most of all of the pain and a good bit of the tendon and wrist strength out of it too, especially with allot of leather, I still bet 99.9 percent of people ain't gonna move it though.

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