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Unbraced Scrolling?


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Scrolled 60D

Has anyone else tried this? I have bent a 4" piece of 1/4" crs before, so I figured that is just 2x 4" bends in one 6" nail, why not give it a shot? Well it is very different let me tell you. I got in some weird positions trying to do this all unbraced, the second kink was all reverse. Then there was this weird left hand DU right hand DO movement that felt totally unlike any other unbraced bending style. You gotta try it. It really hit a tendon on the inside of my DU side very hard that is not usually strained that much, I know it's gonna be sore and trying to edge into tendonitis. So look out for that if you do try it.

Also the real short stuff is killer on the index finger, I got a weird blister skin deformation after one of those big DU/DO hits.

Index Blister

Anyways I pushed it all back where it was suppose to be. I am hoping it will the go the callus route over blister.

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Damn, I don't know how I missed that. Those are cool as hell. My 60D is still tougher than a g2 though, ha, I beat Aaron at something! I bet he could do that with a bastard though. Care to give it a shot Aaron? That I want to see. Actually have you ever tried a 4" bastard? I'm sure you can get it.

Are these gutter spike ones the coiled ones you were talking about?


Those are damn cool looking, I can't imagine the weird finger positions trying to do those.

I nearly got a 7" x 5/16" hrs S after that 60d. But my finger was hurtin and I am still kind of sick. I really shouldn't be bending at all. I think an easier 5/16" g2 can't be too far off from 5/16" hrs. I can probably bend at least a 4.5" x 5/16" g2 now. Might take a bit to get to a 4" though. A g5 or a g8 especially would be really cool scrolled too.

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THAT, is cool! I've done ring shank ones for quicky little scrolls but I don't think I've ever done a 60d. May have to try that though. Did you wrap the ends normally or fold the pad over?

That's a neat one my friend!


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Thanks Tim, as far as wraps I did a little of both at times. Just experimenting, I never tried anything like this before.

I started like normal. Marked the 2 spots at 2" and kinked it DO way off center. Then grabbed it sideways and kinked the other reverse. Then it was the DU/DO thing with the wraps still normal. After that it was mostly folded over and experimenting then crushing.

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That looks really neat. One of these days I'll have to give it a try.

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Tim, he also did a G2 into a double coil, it looks REALLY awesome!! Care to post a pic to show them Aaron?

And to speak for him (sorry if I shouldn't) he hasn't tried a Fantastic, because that crap is so short he can't get his hands around it (pretty much verbatum from what he told me)

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he hasn't tried a Fantastic, because that crap is so short he can't get his hands around it

?, if he hasn't tried it, how does he know he can't get his hands around it? Either he tried it and couldn't get his hands around it or he hasn't tried it. I guess we will have to wait for the horse to get on here to hear it from his mouth. hehe, joking of course you are beautiful man Aaron, not horselike in least. I would REALLY like to see that coil too if you got any time and want to put it up.

Somebody else try this crap out and give me some feedback. Come on now this isn't like the lashing everyone said they were gonna try and never did. All you need is a 60d and the will to experiment. I think it would be a damn cool feat for a show but I really need to work on it a whole lot more to get the actual bend nice looking. When I am feeling better I bet I could do a decent looking S I think. I will try to get a video soon too. Just let me get over being sick and practice a bit. I promise in a month or so I will start putting videos up.

And Gazza if you see this dude you gotta try a shiny scroll or something. At least a bastard. We know you can do a fantastic shiny so a bastard should be a fun experiment. I think this kind of scrolling is custom made for your strengths.

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I tried the 60d scroll, and while I got a decent off center bend to start, I could do more than a warp for the second :( Maybe I'll try 7x1/4 another time.

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I scrolled a 1/4" x 6" CRS into a S. My hands are completely blown from the braced workout earlier so this was TOUGH!! This CRS is slightly easier than a 60d. I also tried a 60d but only kinked it a little on the 2nd bend. I used the thigh crush a little because the 2nd bend was so damn off center it was tough. http://www.gripboard.com/index.php?autocom...si&img=7216

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Somebody else try this crap out and give me some feedback.

Looks real cool! - I'll try it out probably tomorrow when the hardware store opens back up - cool shhhtuff! You have alot of great ideas, did you finish your atlas?

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I like the nail scrolls cool stuff and nice job!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher


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Kick ass Derek, I bet you will get the 60d when you are fresh. I guess I need to check your workout log for the braced stuff?

Matt I know you will get it soon. The 7" and trying an S first should be easier. Crushing an S is allot easier because you got both ends to push on, with it scrolled in different directions you gotta crush each one like they are seperate 4" bends.

Paul I know you will get it if you are moving edgins. Try a 5/16" g2 if you can do a 60D easy enough.

I didn't finish my big atlas stone, my play ball popped and it started raining before I could get a new one and get to it. I wish I knew a place to get those big strong old school rubber play balls. These new ones at toys r us are crap. I did make a pretty cool kettlebell though, I was going for 24kg but I think it is more like 60 lbs +. All that rebar added up. I got some clean up work and smoothing to do on it. I got some pictures I'll put up sometime if anyone else wants to try it though. It's a pretty easy way to make any size kettlebell you want.

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Thanks Tim!! I hope I will, that's be damn awesome!! Oh and the crush on this was NOT easier for me, but maybe it was because mine was ~1/2" off center so it was like crushing a 3.5" :whacked Yeah the braced stuff is in my log, check it out I had some NICE PRs. Next week I'll take some vids and put them up, I took some today but I was accidentally in the shade :(

Man I want to see pics and directions for this KB thing, I need a bigger one and shipping would be KILLER!!

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Stone Making Page

It is basically a variation of that with some a peice of 1 1/4" steel pipe for a handle, 1 5/8" outside diameter. With 3 peices of 1/2" rebar through the handle and bent to go down into the cement after you pour it into the mold.

I will make a webpage about it. I learned allot and there are parts I could do allot better. Use longer rebar than it seems like you think you will need, you can always bend them up more to fit in the mold but it is better to have a better hold in the cement. Also weigh the handle and rebar before you calculate the size needed for the cement.

I got about 140 lbs/cubic foot for the density of cement I got at home depot. It is Sakrete fiber reinforced crack resistant cement. You can use that and the calculator on that page to figure the size ball you will need for the mold. Obviously just subtract the weight of the handle and rebar from the weight you want it to be before you do the caculation.

1/2" x 19" HRS PR Ripped off my pinky nail on this one, needless to say I was done for the day

How the hell did you do that? Was the keystone spike the one I sent you or did you have another? You will get it soon, great job on the shorter 5/8" too.

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Rip my pinkie nail off? Haha it was only partially, the metal twisted between my thighs when I was overcrushing it and when I looked up there was blood on my hand :D The Keystone was 12", so it wasn't the one you sent me. Thanks Tim!!

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Oh ya, I forgot which spike I sent you. I still don't see how you managed to twist your pinky in there.

I made a simple webpage outlining the kettlebell I made for anyone following this thread that is interested in that.

Here is the link

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Okay Tim thanks for getting me hooked on something else! I tried this today with griprite 60d which looks like what you have in the pic. Like you I used thin wraps and got the first kink reverse and the first bend went down easy for me but when I flipped it around to do the other end things got complicated. Makes it really tough to hold on to but I did get it.

I didn't do the "S" either, mine looks just like yours. I must say it's hanging on my wall now. I like it!

Thanks for the tip!

Oh yeah, feedback. I think with some of the easier 60ds I could do it in a show but ones like keystones I think could get really tough, really fast.

Later buddy!

Tim (T).

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Bad ass man, I wanna see it. I mean I certainly beleive you I just think it's cool to see. How much harder do you think a g5 or g8 would be like this?

Did you get into that DO/DU thing or was that just me? How eaxctly did you hold it for the second kink?

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Keep after me and I'll try to get a pic of it. Wouldn't lay flat in my scanner (I guess that goes without saying) so I'll have to hook up my cammera.

At first I started with these really crappy wraps I have. Really thin and terrible feel but I didn't think it would be that hard, at least not with griprites. Anyway, I got the first kink reverse then DO finished it. I did the first bend completely by the way.

Then it got really awkward from there and I so wanted to use my leg but I didn't. I switched to my thin wraps that are actually made from decent suade and kinda held the bent end in my left hand (I'm a righty by the way) and overhanded it to the finish. I pulled the pads off and just put them to either side to really tighten it up.

I couldn't do a keystone I don't think I'll admit that. Sure as heck couldn't do one of those crazy Sivacos.

Thanks for the idea buddy! I've done G2 bolts before on a whim but never did the 60ds.


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Tim I,

Didn't get to the hardware store on Sunday, but I did today! I think they are griprite's also - didn't really check - just looked for the size "60D x 6" common nail" right? Like everyone else is saying, the first bend is easy and then it defenitley gets complicated. I started off with IronMind wraps thinking it was going to be a breeze, nope! After the first bend, I added leather to the mix. The first one I tried, I bent off my 2" marks and I started the bend on the head side, on the second bend I was even farther off my mark - real close to the tip of the nail (~1 1/4") I tried to crush it down from there, but I was just to far off center, so I got mad :yikes and started a new one - this time put some thought into it - I marked the nail again and started on the point side this time and right off the bat tried to bend as close to the point end as possible as the first bend is the easiest - success - then proceeded to the other side - holding the bent side is funky - I finished w/the bent side in my left and executed my DO, alot easier that time w/a strategy :tongue Don't just start bending thinking your going to smash it because its just a 60D - because you'll start bending off center and get rejected. Great post, every one should try this - alot of fun. Looks cool too. Thanks for the cool new project Tim I. :cool


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I never tried a 60d nail but now I am curious to see what I can do with it. Oh here are a couple easy bends I did not long after I started bending way back when. http://www.gripboard.com/uploads/113447499...5_236_10755.jpg

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Super nice Paul, man I was pretty proud to mangle a 60d like this after all this time bending and you are already doing it. I am sure I didn't come up with the idea, Aaron even did those g2's before me so I'm not gonna take credit for anything but kicking your guy's butts into gear.

Paul if you are feelin lucky, try it with a longer spike Tim T style. I have yet to do that with a 12" even.

What size are those Kel, is that a yellow on top? It looks simple but the bends are soooo close I know that was a crazy bend.

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