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St. Croix #3 Lite Reg. Bend


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Hey guys, I started out doing some unbraced bending, and wasn't feelin' it(one of those days), so I bent this shoe instead. Almost got it to 180, but still decent anyway!! Enjoy!! Later!!

#3 Lite Bend Vid

God Bless,


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Hey, Jeremiah, that is both awesome and coincidental. Congratulations! The gang came over tonight and I bent one of those about an hour ago to just past 180. This was the first time I had tried any type of a #3. We'll have to have to have a "shoe duel" after the contest. :rock

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congrats Jeremiah!!!

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That's an amazing bend...almost painful to watch, though :pinch

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That's an amazing bend...almost painful to watch, though :pinch

You can say that again - I don't think we'll be bending shoes anytime today. I already have alot of nasty bruises on my legs, I hate to see what Eric's or Jeramiah's leg looks like. Congrats Foxman and Eric!

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Nasty shoe bending :rock

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Congrats guys!!! Took you all long enough ;):laugh

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Thanks for the kind words guys!! My thigh feels like someone took a hammer and whacked me a couple hundred times in the same spot!! Not black yet, but will be soon! :blush I hate it when you go to do one style of bending, and for some reason you feel like you're at half power. Thats how I felt last night at unbraced stuff. Even still, I tried to hit it hard to get something out of it. I'm sure all the isos did me good anyway!! Thanks again guys! Later!! :cool:rock

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Good job Foxman. That was what we call a true battle. I hear ya about the bruising.

I myself am well into the black-and-blue phase after all the shoe bending I did this past Saturday. How would you rate the St. Croix Forge Lite#3 in relation to the Diamond Classic #2? The reason I ask is that while the DC2 was tough for me, there was never any doubt for me on getting it to 90 once it started. Getting it past 90, however was pretty tough, and I got stuck about the same point you did, in the 135-150 degrees of damage range.

Anyways, when I heal up in week or so, I'm going to give my Lite#2 and #3 shoes a run for their money. Also, Big Nasty hooked me up with six of the St. Croix Forge Lite #0 shoes, so I'll have to try one of those out as well and give a report.

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Brad, I thought the #3 lite was a good bit tougher than the DC2. Especially on the initial "kink". Seemed a little more flexy than the DC2 also. If I had to guess percentage wise, I would say the #3 lite is about 30% harder than the DC2. Hope this helped!

Eric, a shoe duel huh? Sounds good. I am more than willing to inflict blunt trauma on my self in the name of fun!! :rock

Thanks everyone for all the encouragement!! Very much appreciated!!

Good job Foxman. That was what we call a true battle. I hear ya about the bruising.

I myself am well into the black-and-blue phase after all the shoe bending I did this past Saturday. How would you rate the St. Croix Forge Lite#3 in relation to the Diamond Classic #2? The reason I ask is that while the DC2 was tough for me, there was never any doubt for me on getting it to 90 once it started. Getting it past 90, however was pretty tough, and I got stuck about the same point you did, in the 135-150 degrees of damage range.

Anyways, when I heal up in week or so, I'm going to give my Lite#2 and #3 shoes a run for their money. Also, Big Nasty hooked me up with six of the St. Croix Forge Lite #0 shoes, so I'll have to try one of those out as well and give a report.

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Jeremiah that was some insane shoe bending man,what an awesome fight.Great job man :rock :rock :rock

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Great work on a tough shoe Jeremiah!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher


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Sorry it took me a bit to respond to this. Great job man. Makes me wish I had ordered some of those now. I really didn't think I would get the lite rims so soon, I have nothing past those but some big regular 3/8" beasts. I just wanted to see how big they were. It is funny putting a dc1 on a pl1 on one of those. They are almost identical accept for the big jumps in thickness.

Have you hit it again yet? You will get it to 180, you probably have to rest your legs up a bit though huh? I like how you started it bare leg. I KNOW you got a big bruise on the outside of your left thigh there.

Also I don't know how you moved it more over your right leg after you started it on the left. I always have to stay on the same leg because of how it bends. When you switch legs the inside leg of the shoe that is coming towards your stomach is farther out. If you do it on the same leg you started the kink on the shoe leg is closer to you and you can brace it against your stomach.

Try moving that same shoe farther on your right leg bracing hard against your stomach like you can see Zach doing. I feel like I have way more power that way, I bet you will move it. And that leg isn't bruised on top yet, hahaha.

And I also feel now like I get allot more power with less padding on my legs. Ya it hurts and bruises you up but there is allot less deflection and you have better feel and control over the positioning and force application.

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Sorry it took me a bit to respond to this. Great job man. Makes me wish I had ordered some of those now. I really didn't think I would get the lite rims so soon, I have nothing past those but some big regular 3/8" beasts. I just wanted to see how big they were. It is funny putting a dc1 on a pl1 on one of those. They are almost identical accept for the big jumps in thickness.

Have you hit it again yet? You will get it to 180, you probably have to rest your legs up a bit though huh? I like how you started it bare leg. I KNOW you got a big bruise on the outside of your left thigh there.

Also I don't know how you moved it more over your right leg after you started it on the left. I always have to stay on the same leg because of how it bends. When you switch legs the inside leg of the shoe that is coming towards your stomach is farther out. If you do it on the same leg you started the kink on the shoe leg is closer to you and you can brace it against your stomach.

Try moving that same shoe farther on your right leg bracing hard against your stomach like you can see Zach doing. I feel like I have way more power that way, I bet you will move it. And that leg isn't bruised on top yet, hahaha.

And I also feel now like I get allot more power with less padding on my legs. Ya it hurts and bruises you up but there is allot less deflection and you have better feel and control over the positioning and force application.

Good advise! Zach is the "Horse Shoe professor" and you are the "Shoeologist" - did you guys go to the same school? JK :laugh For some reason Once I start the bend on my right leg, I can get better leverage if I transfer the crush to my left leg - I have'nt thought out the mechanics of it, just feels stronger to me - I'll pay better attention next bend and get back. Thinking about trying the lite 3 monday or tuesday - keep you posted - once again greaat bend Jeramiah - let us know when you finish it.

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Good advise! Zach is the "Horse Shoe professor" and you are the "Shoeologist" - did you guys go to the same school?

Hahaha! I think Tim I can agree that that is pretty funny ;):fear

On the switching legs thing. I think it's more feel than science. Like smiles, err, Paul ;) said "it just feels stronger". It depends on which hand you prefer to have as the anchor during the crushdown. Subtle variations and different strengths/weaknesses dictate this. Just like with unbraced bending, you can sometimes see only one arm moving and the other just holding the steel during the crush. I know that on tougher shoes my right arm becomes the mover and the left becomes the bracer. I don't know if it matters if your righty or lefty but if you watch Aaron and Gazza, many times you'll see that, during the crush, only one arm moves in

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Damn it this is very hard to explain in text I am gonna go make a video of what I am talking about here and post it in a bit. My frist shoeological video lesson. I can't really do anything now while I'm sick so I may as well get this info out there.

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My frist shoeological video lesson.

That's the funniest thing I have ever read :laugh:laugh:laugh - you and Zach need to make a whole series - Horse 101, all the way through advanced horse shoe techniques.

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You can head up the bare hand department, they way that ultralite was so easy for you I know you got more in the tank for a bigger bare hand shoe bend.

Man what the hell did you do before this? Break rocks with your hands all day?

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So you guys finally get to see my ugly mug.

That's a bad ass lesson - I've never seen anyone kink it that way - I'll have to try it. Can't wait for the next lesson - I've got my note taking tools ready. Thanks Tim I :D

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