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Ok bending this morning felt strong, but when I should've stopped I went for another bend with a 5/16" hrs and half way into it I heard a slight popping sound, I managed to finish the bend though. Now i've got an ice pack wrapped around my wrist with rubber bands. How long do you think I'll be out for? Should I begin by next week some very light levering to rehab it? Right now I feel it when I lift up my coffee. It was in my left hand so I use it less at least.

Bending this morning

after warmups

- 6" G5 I killed it in about a minute flat this time.

- 5" G5 The start was not so bad, but only could finish it about half way and gave up

- 5/16" hrs at 7" I couldn't even kink this. I took my snips cut it to 6" and the kink was not that bad, right at the end of the kink is where I first hurt my hand, but didn't realize it and kept at it. I finished this to the required 2" barely. One thing I learned is I don't think I have the flexibility to bend a 7" long piece very well.

I hope I can even come back from this injury I have no idea with hand injuries. The good thing is my herniated disc is feeling good and I was able to squat fairly heavy today with no more pain. I've been resting my back for about 3 almost 4 months now.

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Go see a doctor. If it's ligaments or tendons you're looking at 6 weeks minimum with a good possibility of 6 months or so before it feels 100% again.

Could just be a sprain, even still you'll be looking at 2 weeks min, with 6 being more likely.

It's always better to err on the side of caution! :whistel

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Can't see a doctor. Don't have any money or insurance. I think it's probably a sprain. So far after the ice I'm not feeling it at all in my day to day activities picking up light things. I do feel it when I pickup something heavy. I think I will take at least few weeks off from bending.

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Also wonder if I'm not bending for the next 5 weeks should I even bother training my right hand (the good one) with levering grip etc. when I cannot do anything with my left. Would that be counterproductive to do that?

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I'd give it a few days and see how it feels. Bending can be painful, and it takes me a few days to recover even without an injury.

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Thanks. I don't know what to expect cause I've never injured my hand before. Don't know anything about what to expect, just hope it is minor.

I'd give it a few days and see how it feels. Bending can be painful, and it takes me a few days to recover even without an injury.
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After a few days some rest and ice. It feels like it is some kind of tendon in my middle finger area of my left hand sore spot right up in the middle of my wrist and it hurts to bend the middle finger. Bending will be out for a while, but feels like I can avoid the area doing double underhand bending. Also feels like I can do some block pinch type work with no problem. Doing a gripper hurts though.

Edited by rniel
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After a few days some rest and ice. It feels like it is some kind of tendon in my middle finger area of my left hand sore spot right up in the middle of my wrist and it hurts to bend the middle finger. Bending will be out for a while, but feels like I can avoid the area doing double underhand bending. Also feels like I can do some block pinch type work with no problem. Doing a gripper hurts though.

Sounds like tendonitis of digital flexor tendon. I did the same thing to my digital flexor tendon of my index finger. Try pressing down on a table with just your middle finger as if you are trying to "dig" your middle finger into it. If it hurts, most likely your flexor tendon. I couldn't even press the button to dispense my shaving cream it hurt so bad. My personal advice, rest until it gets better. The hand works as a whole. If one part is injured, that means the others will take the added strain and thus more possible injuries. I tried to "work" through an injury and ended up with tendonitis of my thumb extensor tendon right hand and pain near the trapezoid bone of left hand, possible tendonitis of transverse carpal ligament. I stopped bending, gripping etc for about 4-6 weeks.

Rest and come back stronger is my advice! :)

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Actually mine might not be the same. I probably didn't describe it right. Doesn't hurt to press the finger on the table like you said. It only hurts if I grab the middle finger with my other hand and try to bend it side to side. Also hurts to put a nail or any object in my hand and imitate a motion like I'm going to bend it. Also hurts with thumb facing up and rotating the wrist upwards, like when your trying to grab a milk jug with a handle. There's a sore spot right up in the very middle of my wrist where it attaches to the hand as well.

Well see how it feels in another week or so.

After a few days some rest and ice. It feels like it is some kind of tendon in my middle finger area of my left hand sore spot right up in the middle of my wrist and it hurts to bend the middle finger. Bending will be out for a while, but feels like I can avoid the area doing double underhand bending. Also feels like I can do some block pinch type work with no problem. Doing a gripper hurts though.

Sounds like tendonitis of digital flexor tendon. I did the same thing to my digital flexor tendon of my index finger. Try pressing down on a table with just your middle finger as if you are trying to "dig" your middle finger into it. If it hurts, most likely your flexor tendon. I couldn't even press the button to dispense my shaving cream it hurt so bad. My personal advice, rest until it gets better. The hand works as a whole. If one part is injured, that means the others will take the added strain and thus more possible injuries. I tried to "work" through an injury and ended up with tendonitis of my thumb extensor tendon right hand and pain near the trapezoid bone of left hand, possible tendonitis of transverse carpal ligament. I stopped bending, gripping etc for about 4-6 weeks.

Rest and come back stronger is my advice! :)

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