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Tale Of 2 York Blob's

big nasty

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I screwed my self up on Ebay I bid on 2 85 pounder's and won them both. I don't own any so my knowledge is limited I got the first one in and it weighed 44.8 on my digital scale which seemed heavy to me as I already posted. I got the second one today they are not the same size this one is 41.8 pound's and the measurement's are different. Here is what they are 1st one 3 3/4'' wide 7'' slope 22'' around second one is 3 5/8'' wide 6 7/8'' slope 21 3/4'' around. I seen a post with the size's anyone know were I think one is and 85 and the other is 90 blob any thought's ? :D

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Well,it sure sounds like you got one from an 85 and one from a 90 to me.which is a pretty good score,I also wonder if someone got a 42 thats supposed to be a 45??The bigger ones are getting tough to find thats for sure.

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There is no doubt in my mind that one Blob is 45 and the other a 42.5

great find and best of luck with your BlOB training

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There is no doubt in my mind that one Blob is 45 and the other a 42.5

great find and best of luck with your BlOB training

Thank's I got Ben's 42.5 Saturday for the first time but that 45 is a different story.
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Hmmmm I remember oe guy selling a BLOB not long ago on ebay saying his usual words like"Rare, handstrength,..etc" but that was actually the legacy blob the not the original blob. Are you sure you got a normal blob and not the legacy?

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Hmmmm I remember oe guy selling a BLOB not long ago on ebay saying his usual words like"Rare, handstrength,..etc" but that was actually the legacy blob the not the original blob. Are you sure you got a normal blob and not the legacy?

I seen those 100's on Ebay these are suppost to be from the 60's and 70's they look like the one's that Ben Edward's have so I think there the real deal.

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Those 100 blob had one side much fatter than the other, it was clear. As I know, these are the legacy and are easier to lift. So if that seller want to sell one of those again, i'll just want to make people know they they are the legacy and not the original blob. So they dont get confuse.

Edited by Alawadhi
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Yes I saw those Legacys on Ebay as well the one side was clearly Flat like, its easy to tell the Real York s from the 60 s and 70 s from the LEGACY Blobs

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I wouldn't buy the Legacy either. However, the seller did post a neat video in his auction showing a deload setup using bands that I've never thought of. Instead of using the common power rack or some other support, the bands are wrapped around his legs: http://cgi.ebay.com/HARDER-YORK-100LB-BLOB...1QQcmdZViewItem

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I wouldn't buy the Legacy either. However, the seller did post a neat video in his auction showing a deload setup using bands that I've never thought of. Instead of using the common power rack or some other support, the bands are wrapped around his legs: http://cgi.ebay.com/HARDER-YORK-100LB-BLOB...1QQcmdZViewItem

Crap! I just bought one of those - is it not really a york blob? I haven't recieved it in the mail yet, but its in route. If I eventually lift it - would it not count as a blob lift?

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No you gotta lift the Original YOrk Blob , the Legacy is considered easier


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Yes it won't be counted on the list and the BLOB lifter. But who cares? Train on it (since you are natural) and when you lift it like it's a newspaper then go to Eric and lift his for the list :D

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I wouldn't buy the Legacy either. However, the seller did post a neat video in his auction showing a deload setup using bands that I've never thought of. Instead of using the common power rack or some other support, the bands are wrapped around his legs: http://cgi.ebay.com/HARDER-YORK-100LB-BLOB...1QQcmdZViewItem

Crap! I just bought one of those - is it not really a york blob? I haven't recieved it in the mail yet, but its in route. If I eventually lift it - would it not count as a blob lift?

No, it won't count for the GB Blob list, the topic was brought up a while ago.

That seller is using deceptive tactics and should at least be given negative feedback. I don't know if there is a mechanism for reporting shady behavior like this so others don't get ripped off, probably falls through the cracks. It does say "new" somewhere on the page in fine print. This seller also markets the Vice Gripper (ISG w/knurled handles) if I remember correctly.

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I wouldn't buy the Legacy either. However, the seller did post a neat video in his auction showing a deload setup using bands that I've never thought of. Instead of using the common power rack or some other support, the bands are wrapped around his legs: http://cgi.ebay.com/HARDER-YORK-100LB-BLOB...1QQcmdZViewItem

Crap! I just bought one of those - is it not really a york blob? I haven't recieved it in the mail yet, but its in route. If I eventually lift it - would it not count as a blob lift?

I was wondering who bid $120 on that York legacy! The seller should not sell the legacy's as rare yorks! Scam.

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I wouldn't buy the Legacy either. However, the seller did post a neat video in his auction showing a deload setup using bands that I've never thought of. Instead of using the common power rack or some other support, the bands are wrapped around his legs: http://cgi.ebay.com/HARDER-YORK-100LB-BLOB...1QQcmdZViewItem

Crap! I just bought one of those - is it not really a york blob? I haven't recieved it in the mail yet, but its in route. If I eventually lift it - would it not count as a blob lift?

I was wondering who bid $120 on that York legacy! The seller should not sell the legacy's as rare yorks! Scam.

Worst part is you could have just bought a Blob50 from GordonV for about the same money. Then you you would have had one just like Eric's.

Edited by John Eaton
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They are junk. Do not waste your money. John Eaton makes an excellent point.

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