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New Scroll Tonight


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This is 2 peices of 1/4" x 1" x 20' a36 hrs. I made if for a freind as a wall hanging, that is why I made it relatively flat.

Scroll Pic 1

Scroll Pic 2

It doesn't have allot of very difficult bends, there a few very short twists that were killer, but it was mainly the strength endurance of mangleing and wrestling with 40' of steel for maybe 4 hours off and on all day. Allot of the bends would be easy if you didn't have to fight all that other weight attached to it getting in your way. Overall it was really challenging and fun and I will have quite a few bruises come tomorrow I think.

I wish more of you guys would try this stuff, you have the strength certainly, it is allot different and very fun. I know you would make some awesome stuff and I would love to see it.

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Looks great Tim... I'm going to have to give that a shot soon.... how's the bird coming?

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Looks really cool Tim :rock :rock :rock

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NICE!! Awesome and cool looking scrolls Tim!! I bet those will look great when displayed on your buddy's wall!! :cool

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Awesome scrolls Tim!!! You're getting up with the best of them like Erik in scrolling!!

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Thanks for the comments guys. I really do appreciate it.

Braden I ran out of steel on the bird. I will try to get to the steel supplier again at the end of the week maybe.

Also have you checked out this thread yet mr. kettlebell?

Race To 50,000 Snatchs

Awesome scrolls Tim!!! You're getting up with the best of them like Erik in scrolling!!

Well I certainly wouldn't go that far. I feel like I got jumped today, bruises all over, sore everywhere.

Erik do you have any words of wisdom for scrolling multiple big peices together? I found it to be extremely akward trying to start it and after I started it, and towards the end too. But the start was the trickiest.

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Grade A scroll Tim!

Looking good.


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Thanks Tim. I counted em up today, 25 bruises of various sizes and colors. A one nice big blood blister on my belly where 2 coils shifted an pinched my skin. Haha, it was worth it tough, I will only be tougher for it.

I don't mean to sound like I'm whining, I don't really care, I was just impressed by the overall damage this did, I really was surprised by it.

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