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What Is The Toughest Gripper Ever Closed, And Who Closed It?


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What is the toughest gripper, and who has closed it? --Not the toughtest ever made ( i know BB has something in the 800's), but the toughest ever closed and who did it

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The #4 closers are there. I never heard of a gripper more than a #4 closed besides the HG500 by Paul (viper).

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MM6 - Dave Morton

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The #4 closers are there. I never heard of a gripper more than a #4 closed besides the HG500 by Paul (viper).

No shot at Paul, but I doubt that was harder then a #4 since he hasn't closed a #4 yet but he has closed that. They vary all over the place and I'd really like to see a cal number for that if it is "harder then a #4"

So I'd say it's just the twenty something #4 closers

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Well, technically it would have to be Paul Savage's HG500 close, he's got a vid on YouTube. BUT until that time I believe Wes Peart and Josh Dale have taken down BB Pro Narrows. Teemu either closed his or came very close, I think he closed it but I'm not 100%. Dale shut an "easy" 4 at the BBB along with Big Steve Macgranahan and I believe Dave Morton was there as well. Tommy Heslep TNS'd a Super Elite and Martin Arildsson has repped the MM5 for 5 parallel reps. Then there is Samuelsson.

Oh yeah, good point out Scott! The MM6 was cal'd at 4.02 or so wasn't it? Or did Dave just say it was around #4 level?

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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Doesn't the BBpro narrow, rate in above a #4, and Wes has done this with a no set? But maybe due to easiness of width its rating doesnt refect the difficulty of the gripper and this close doesn't carry the same value as close a GR8 #4, which i dont think anyone has done anyway. The top closes are among the guys that have closed a #4, but there is no way of knowing which was better unless all those grippers were hunted down and calibrated.

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I think Teemu calibrated the bbpro narrow as 4.08, if memory serves correctly

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Some of the #4 closer from BBB1 missed the MM3 on their first try (Maybe even all missed it first try). So It's safe to say the MM3 is harder than that "Easy #4"

We really don't know how hard Viper's HG500 is so that's up in the air.

Repping a gripper doesn't count as strongest closed either. :tongue Zach

I'm still going to have to go with Dave Morton and the MM6.

Edited by GetAGrip87
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Some of the #4 closer from BBB1 missed the MM3 on their first try (Maybe even all missed it first try). So It's safe to say the MM3 is harder than that "Easy #4"

We really don't know how hard Viper's HG500 is so that's up in the air.

Repping a gripper doesn't count as strongest closed either. :tongue Zach

I'm still going to have to go with Dave Morton and the MM6.

Pshht, I know that :tongue I just posted the reppages with names so hopefully someone who knows them can remember any closes they didn't get around to posting on the board :happy

The thing about the 500, though, is the thickness of the handles. Even if Paul's HG500 is a mere 3.7-3.8, those handles up the percieved difficulty A LOT despite Paul's large hands. It rates high, top 10 for sure.

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Some of the #4 closer from BBB1 missed the MM3 on their first try (Maybe even all missed it first try). So It's safe to say the MM3 is harder than that "Easy #4"

We really don't know how hard Viper's HG500 is so that's up in the air.

Repping a gripper doesn't count as strongest closed either. :tongue Zach

I'm still going to have to go with Dave Morton and the MM6.

Pshht, I know that :tongue I just posted the reppages with names so hopefully someone who knows them can remember any closes they didn't get around to posting on the board :happy

The thing about the 500, though, is the thickness of the handles. Even if Paul's HG500 is a mere 3.7-3.8, those handles up the percieved difficulty A LOT despite Paul's large hands. It rates high, top 10 for sure.

I know, but given he hasn't closed a #4 it still doesn't count in my opinion.

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I would start the discussion with seeing what Dave Morton has closed. He has done more tough things in grippers than anyone else.

Also, he is more "known". Some of the other guys MAY have closed harder things, but with Morton I am pretty sure he has whooped anyone head to head, or MM ladder on the same gripper.

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Some of the #4 closer from BBB1 missed the MM3 on their first try (Maybe even all missed it first try). So It's safe to say the MM3 is harder than that "Easy #4"

We really don't know how hard Viper's HG500 is so that's up in the air.

Repping a gripper doesn't count as strongest closed either. :tongue Zach

I'm still going to have to go with Dave Morton and the MM6.

Pshht, I know that :tongue I just posted the reppages with names so hopefully someone who knows them can remember any closes they didn't get around to posting on the board :happy

The thing about the 500, though, is the thickness of the handles. Even if Paul's HG500 is a mere 3.7-3.8, those handles up the percieved difficulty A LOT despite Paul's large hands. It rates high, top 10 for sure.

Jeez, i didnt realize that so many people were in the #4 territory! :mosher

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Yeah Adam, the list has been posted a few times in the last couple of months, it's around 20, give or take a few, #4 closers

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Something I thought was interesting:

Figuring that approximately 6,660,323,443 people are in the world right now... that means that only approximately

0.0000000030028571691994928841476085052646% of the people in the world have ever closed a #4.

A very rough approximate number of the percent of people who are struck by lighting every year (2000 per year -ish):


The number of people living who have been struck by lighting is going up (roughly 80% lighting strikes are fatal, 20% survive), so the number of lighting survivors keeps getting larger.

To my knowledge the number of #4 closers isn't going to change that much anytime soon... so you are much more likely to pass some random person on the street who will or has been struck by lightning then ever, ever close a #4. Both really small numbers, but one is much more likely :blush. Odds are though, you will pass neither randomly.

No new information, just something I thought was kinda interesting to compare. :D

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Its not really fair to make those #'s since grip training is VERY rare prob only few hundred actually do it. While many more people live in areas of lightning.

Edited by shizen
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I think Teemu calibrated the bbpro narrow as 4.08, if memory serves correctly


Teemu have closed Narrow Pro ( 3.86 )which was calibrated by me. Also he got good attempt,2mm away, Narrow Pro, which was calibrated 4.03.

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Its not really fair to make those #'s since grip training is VERY rare prob only few hundred actually do it. While many more people live in areas of lightning.

True. Most people don't wanna do grippers never mind find out how good they might be.

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Even the Holles.

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Merely stating the statistics as they currently stand. I would be pleased if those numbers changed. I'm just saying that at the present moment, if you don't already know what the #4 closers look like, then the odds are that you will pass one randomly on the street and select them as a #4 closer is not as much as you would pass someone and select them as someone who would be struck by lighting. Just thought they were interesting comparisons... clearly the numbers would change if more people trained (which I sincerely hope happens)

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Some of the #4 closer from BBB1 missed the MM3 on their first try (Maybe even all missed it first try). So It's safe to say the MM3 is harder than that "Easy #4"

We really don't know how hard Viper's HG500 is so that's up in the air.

Repping a gripper doesn't count as strongest closed either. :tongue Zach

I'm still going to have to go with Dave Morton and the MM6.

Dave Morton is the only one who has tried the MM3 of the three of us from BBB1 and he missed it due to camera issues; he closed the gripper. That #4 calibrated at 190#. The SE that Chad closed at BBB3 calibrated at 188 and some change. Considering it was a flush SE, I highly doubt the MM3 would go over 190. Until some more #4's get calibrated and we know which #4 closer closed which #4, I'd go with the MM6. I believe Greg calibrated the MM6 replica at a little over 200#. This is why I just laugh when people wanna call #4s around 200 "easy" #4s. Just because IM has put out a lot 220# monster #4s doesn't mean the baseline magically moves.

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Assuming the HG500 in Paul's video is of average strength and isn't unusally easy, this would be the hardest gripper closed to date IMO. HG500s are generally harder than #4s (form my experience) because of the spread and handle size. As for Paul being 'unable' to shut a #4, maybe Paul has a hard #4, and that is why he isn't closing it yet / or isn't regularly? I agree with Derek in that that video in question does not show anything close to a closed #4. However, I saw him get my #4 (a decent one, pretty stiff) to around 3/8'' nearly a year ago, this was right after 3 reps with my RB300 - i don't think it would be out of the question for him to close it these days.

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Paul, Timmy, whatever you're calling yourself nowadays,

those videos you have are pure garbage. Has anyone with any credibility witnessed your closes and tested your grippers?

I have but not recently. I have not tried tested his HG500 or his #4. Last August i saw Paul get a hard #3.5 to around 3mm and do 3 reps with my RB300 followed by 10 reps on a #3 and several CCS closes of a #3.

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Has anyone with any credibility witnessed your closes and tested your grippers?
Am I credible? Savage's hand strength is strong enough that I loaned him my Inch to train with, and if you look HERE you'll see he dominated my first grip competition.

Now, back to the discussion: Any advance on the 500? Or is the MM6 harder than a (let's assume it's an average) HG500?

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