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Hi all, back after a long while. Been photographing life and doing bits of DIY. Last year I was hoping to train to enter this years grip comp at David Horne's but it never came to pass. Then in early Feb this year I had an argument with a 10" mitre saw: I've managed to shave off 10% of the middle knuckle of my left middle finger along with severing the extensor tendons. Plastic surgery and 16 stitches later I can get a slight bend on the finger after 6 weeks. it's gonna be a long lay off from anything lefthanded. Obviously I can no longer do any boxing training or use my KB, which I might have to sell if I can no longer grip it safely with my left hand.

However, on a grip related note I started getting my COC Trainer out and repping away with my RIGHT hand. Then I broke out the #1 and do sets of low reps. Then I decided at the end of one of these mini workouts to get my RB160 out. I closed it to within 10mm of touching, which is all I could do last year when I was training grip seriously! Makes me think I was overtraining somewhat :blush

Anyway, hope everyone's well.

Cheers, Lol

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I'm glad to have you back and hope you make a good recovery.

I had the very same argument with a 10" power mitre saw in the early 1990s, shaving off the tips of my left forefinger and middle finger. My injury wasn't nearly as serious as yours, though, requiring only a few stitches.

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glad to see your back, heal up soon. have your other injuries recovered?

Hi egg. No mate, the injuries/condition are ever present hence the sale of the trap bar last year. Was hoping to get back into some cardio, Kb training, hitting the punchbag and a bit of grip. For now it's just the bit of grip and, when I can get my fat ass on the spinning bike, some cardio. What a moron. I still can't believe it.

Cheers, Lol

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  • 5 months later...

Well it's been 6 months since my last post and a few things have changed since I did the finger. In July I completely TNS closed my RB160 for the first time not once, but twice after months of no regular training! I was demo-ing it to my son's Swedish friends who were visiting and was so surprised I gave it to one of the Swedish lads who's a strength enthusiast as a present (he's still trying to close it). I've been doing quite a bit of thick bar training using my homemade concrete barbell with 2.5" bar that's building my forearms and hands nicely. I tried pinch grip training agaiun today and managed 67.5 Kg easy enough, compared to my previous best of 70Kg that's not too shabby. As for the hand, well I can now almost close the Coc #1 with it, which is pretty damned good considering, and on the back of my surprise Rb160 close I've ordered a Coc#2. Can't be bad. Full damage in it's dislocated state can be seen here! Ouch!

Cheers, Lol

Edited by Lol999
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Ouch indeed, I think I'd keep my distance from the table saw's if at all possible - that's one nasty wound.

Hope the recovery continues well, as the already near close of the number one is truly inspiring considering the extent of the injury.

Best of luck!

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first off. ouch!!! that looks really bad!

and secondly, well done on your achievements with the injured hand, that is very impressive.

all the best.

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Cheers Dimmers, it's been a long journey from the pink squeezy foam in physio. Soon as I get the #1 closed I'll cut loose on the #2 with it. major face pulling!

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