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Wrist Soreness And The Flu


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Up until a month ago things were going great. I was to the point where I could click the #2 5 times each hand and was making small gains each week. Then I caught the respitory flu. It hammered me for a week, during which, I laid-off all workouts.

Now, three weeks later, fully recovered, my wrists are constantly sore. I can only get the # 2 1x each hand. My static hold times have gone way down, etc...

I've backed-off everything, but the soreness remains.

Anyone else have the flu and then go through this? I'm guessing that it's some sort of residual reaction. Other body parts are sore as well (knees, shoulders)

If you've dealt with this, any advice, thoughts?? I'm drinking 4 litres of water per day trying to flush it out.

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It's not "starve a cold or feed a cold" - it should be "drown" a cold - flush yourself out with all the fluids, water - juice etc you can drink - another thing that works well is a sauna - sweat out all the residual toxins left over from the bug that had you. Take it easy a few days - your strength will come back quickly when you start back.

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Multiple joint pain(polyarthropathy) may be primarily associated with the flu, but may also be secondary (in other words, not related to the flu at all). There are a myriad of possible causes for non-specific, multiple joint pain. As stated before, don't expect great advice on medical conditions from internet forums and seek professional advice from a qualified medical doctor. I can gaurantee you that your generalized joint pain is NOT due to clicking out reps on your grippers. Call a doctor, just in case.

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