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Hard Bb Elite Ccs

Teemu I

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This is a video of the CCS close of my harder BB Elite. It is calibrated at 3.54. It's the best I've done on these wider sets so far, as the BB's are generally harder than the CoC's throughout the ROM. CoC's in general feel spongy at the beginning where as BB's of the equal calibrated rating always feel harder to the hand. In my opinion that is one reason why BB's are simply the best grippers for training, there's a nice, steady increase in the difficulty throughout the ROM right from the start.

I don't practice the CCS that much as I'm not a big fan of it; it's so inconsistent because there's so much technique involved and it doesn't help the last little bit as it takes too much time to have that peak strength left when the handles are close to beeing closed. But I occasionally test myself how I'm doing on these wider sets to see if there's carryover from exercises other than grippers to sweep strength. I should be good for TNS of this gripper soon as the peak MMS strength comes back. It is tricky to try to balance all the aspects and MMS and wider set abilities don't seem to develop at the same rate or simultaneously.

Edited by Teemu I
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Very strong :bow:bow

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I watched this yesterday, and it was a top notch gripper close :rock

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Thanks guys, I hope I have some better stuff to post within next couple of months. :)

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I know with training you can cert on the #4 :rock

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VERY nice close Teemu!

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Studly :rock

My favorite part is where you crank it down with three fingers like a toy and then throw the pinky on there. Is that a 2.75" BBE; most of them seem to be that is why I ask. I like BB's better than CoCs but I seem to have the opposite experience. Most of the BB's I have, have an easy sweep and bind up at the end where as the IM grippers are more even. There are exceptions as my new SE and GEs are beasts just to set.

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Amazing. Congratulations Teemu!

Has there ever been a CCS close of a harder gripper than this (that is of known difficulty eg. has been RGC measured)? (IF there has been, this one would still be in the top two or three??)

Edited by thearm95
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Man, about 28/29 secs it looked like you'd grounded out, then you ramped it up for the last little bit, incredible determination!

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Thanks guys!

Josh: Yep, that is the spread on this Elite, the so-called standard spread. For me it really seems that every BB I have is harder to set than CoC's of the corresponding calibrated rating.

Duncan: Patrick Gansel CCS'd an equally hard #3.5 than this Elite of mine. Plus he got really close on the harder #3.5 that would be around 3.70 or little less, closer than I did on an equally hard #3.5 (calibrated at 3,68). He must be doing better at the moment.

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I finally watched your stellar crush video, Teemu. Way spectacular!

But I hope you don't mind that I borrowed your credit card number and made a few small purchases. My gripper collection was a little lacking.

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Awesome crush Teemu! :rock

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Thanks again guys!

Eric: It's OK, just don't go crazy with your purchases. :)

Edited by Teemu I
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I think this close will be up there for close of the year!
No it won't, I'll get a better one soon! ;)
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