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Ironmind Pad Bending


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This was pretty fun! All bends were done within 4 minutes, but mainly I just took enough time between bends to measure the successful bend and the upcoming bend. The Mag was 22 seconds, Huge was 15 seconds, and the Bastard was 14 seconds. Not bad really considering the bends I did before the video were: 1/4"X6" Square, Grand Bastard under 30 seconds, .316"X6" Drill Rod (O-1) in over a minute, then the little medley.


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It's telling me the video is unavailable :cry

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can't see the video. But that is sick man! a mag in 22 seconds with IMP is crazy! And amazing not to be crippled after it and still be able to take down a huge and 7" bastard after it!

I already had a lot respect toward you before but I think that you just became my personal bending hero!


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Damn, it looked like kinking the bastard was the hardest part of all that. Kinking the longer stuff does seem to hit the shoulders the hardest though so that makes sense. You crushed that mag like it was nothing though, that is some serious crush power you got now. Any problems or pain from that after the fact? It's great to see you are getting back into it man. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.

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Im always impressed with people bending big steel but when its in ironmind wraps or small leathers then im very impressed :rock:bow i think you have an insane in those wraps in you right now and more if you want it bad enough.

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Very well done Ben :rock Yes I agree with Gazza. Go and bend the Insane :mosher

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My hands hurt just watching that! I guess all your fat pad cheatery has had some carry-over :D

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Ben, you never cease to to amaze me with your abilities :D:rock

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Wow, what a wuss I am( all my excuses just went out the window, gonna start unbraced bending again).........Nice bending bro...Brett

Edited by kerbjr
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Wow, what a wuss I am( all my excuses just went out the window, gonna start unbraced bending again).........Nice bending bro...Brett


It will be nice to see you back at it you always were a great bender.

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Great performance, Ben! :rock

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Fingers are still sore, but I was able to crushdown an Insane from 90 to 2" without a ton of trouble in the Ironmind pads a few minutes ago on lunch. By the end of the year, as long as the shoulders hold up, I should be able to do an Insane, Mag, Grand, Huge, Big, and Bastard in Ironmind pads. Keeping it within a 5 minute time limit would be a nice one to put up so others can better it. Gotta say it's kind of cool not having to train specifically for this stuff anymore.

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Thats an IMPRESSIVE crushdown in those wraps congrats and i have no doubt you will go on to conquer both the Insane and Fantastic bastards in those wraps.

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Thats an IMPRESSIVE crushdown in those wraps congrats and i have no doubt you will go on to conquer both the Insane and Fantastic bastards in those wraps.

Thanks a lot Gazza! I doubt the Fantastic will ever get bent by these hands. It is just too short for the kind of pressure involved. I once thought that about 3.75" G5s too, but a Fantastic is just nuts to me still. Even an "easy" Fantastic is a no go for me. I've done a 4.25" Bastard a long time ago and that was easy stock and just under 5 minutes. And was the absolute limit of my pain tolerance and strength.

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Never did congratulate you on this. Awesome. Fires me up for a little more IM pad training :cool

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