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A Couple Vids

Paul Savage

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these are bad quality but they are all i have right now

sledge hammer finger walking - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asXMpH9lNBQ >if it looks like im strugling it's because i am, i find this to be surprisingly hard, it's very taxing on the thumb

50kg legacy blob lifts, weight was 24.6kg if you cant see it - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-buKFDTNQgo

inch dumbbell pull (poor quality) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZ7lwMojVMg >this is a recording of the screen as it says the format is not valid to edit, ive done better lifts but cant access them

HG500 close (poor quality) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5DgnXI6egU >this is again a recording of the screen, my computer is broke so it's all i have now


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Strong stuff Paul :blink

Has anyone ever posted a video of closing the HG500 before, and isnt there supposed to a prize for the first?

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Very well done :rock Now cert on the #4 :rock

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You sure made that blob look easy!

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Strong stuff Paul :blink

Has anyone ever posted a video of closing the HG500 before, and isnt there supposed to a prize for the first?

Don't you have to CCS the 400 and 500? I heard that somewhere and it seems insane to me.

Great feats Paul! Again with the vid quality but STRONG stuff nonetheless :rock :rock :rock

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great vids. i love the fingerwalk thingy.. never seen it before and just tried it. taxed my thumb alot . and thats something i need :p

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cheers guys

pete> no other video as i dont think anybody else has ever closed the 500, clay edgin has holding the spring but as far as i know nobody but me without doing so - the cert for this is with credit card width set so ive a ways to go as yet

mark> yeh it's bigger than i thought it would be, im kinda hoping my hands fit on the 30kg! ended up buying a 60kg bell so i have two of them on the way. I have not tried it the other way no, the video is the only time using it as yet, i dont know how hard it is the other way but my hands an especially thumb were shot from yesterday (i did 4 walks of the sledge) so i expect to do 2 finger lifts when fresh

Yersinia> i got the sledge walking from diesel crew video http://youtube.com/watch?v=mgZsZ7vbAYw

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Great job Paul! Can you post vids of yourself trying to CCS a HG500 and a #4, so we can know how far you are from officially certifying on them? Thanks. I can't wait until the Youtube links :)

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cheers guys

as far as how far away i think i am, i feel it's possible i can certify on them both this year, but im closer to #4 - dont know about ccs attempts as ive not been doing ccs lately, but i will be getting more vids up, ill see what i can do with that blob, maybe try passing 3 10kg around the back for reps etc see what i can do

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is this a "real" HG500 or one of the weaker ones like Clay closed (a prototype I think?)? I know the weaker/prototype ones are still monster grippers but not even comparable to the "real" ones.

Edited by jad
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i dont know much about this so how much in CoC terms is the HG 500 like 4.2? Anyways im sure its harder than a #4 so congrats on closing the hardest gripper ever closed!

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cheers guys

this is a normal one, i know of only one prototype HG500 (the one that went on tour), clay said it was more like a hard elite in strength

it's hard to rate like that because it's not really the same, it's a thick handle gripper, an i think im better with the thicker handles to be honest, but my best credit card attempt on this HG500 is double the distance of how close ive had my 07 #4, which is the hardest #4 ive tried

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