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Filing Grippers


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What is the preferred method for filing a gripper? Is it best to file a little bit off each handle, or do most people just file one of the handles? I hope this doesn't sound like a dumb question, but I've never filed one down before - and I would hate to ruin a perfectly good gripper.

Also, I'm looking for some advice on which gripper to file. I have closed a #3 on a few occassions, but I cannot close it on a consistent basis. Should I file a #2 or a #2.5?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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I think most people file one handle and it is typically the non dogleg handle. I double filed my trainer because I don't really have a use for it so I am going to modify it as much as possible to make it a little bit harder.

I would file the #2.5 a little bit. And nice job on the #3 close, it's taking me forever!!

Edited by PowerHouse
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I personally only file one side, the side I wrap my fingers around.

If you can close your #2.5 every time you do a gripper workout then that is the one you should file.

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Thanks for the advice guys. I am going to go ahead and file a little bit off the non-dogleg side of my #2.5. Hopefully that will help me conquer the #3. Sometimes I feel like the #3 is laughing at me!!!!!

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i agree with u guys-)

i filed my #2 in both sides, i want to do it look pretty:-)

if i were u ... i would file your #2.5 (start with 1 mm each side and go up if necessary). do it very slow because its very easy to file to much:-)

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Is it true that if you file both handles you end up pinching the palm between the handles?

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I prefer to file only one side, the one the fingers wrap around.

I was getting aroiund 15 reps with my #1.5 and filed off about 1/4" and now I can get around 5-7, so it can make a big difference.

How many reps are you getting with the #2 and #2.5? I'd use that to determine which one, or file both. If you prefer doing singles then keep filing a little off at a time. If you can rep the #2 easily then take a bigger chunk off and keep using it for lower reps.

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Is it true that if you file both handles you end up pinching the palm between the handles?

I pinch my hand in the handles all the damn time! Filed or not. HAHA!

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I prefer to file only one side, the one the fingers wrap around.

I was getting aroiund 15 reps with my #1.5 and filed off about 1/4" and now I can get around 5-7, so it can make a big difference.

How many reps are you getting with the #2 and #2.5? I'd use that to determine which one, or file both. If you prefer doing singles then keep filing a little off at a time. If you can rep the #2 easily then take a bigger chunk off and keep using it for lower reps.

I've been doing multiple sets of 3 reps with the #2.5. I think I'm just going to file a little bit off the #2.5 to begin with and see how that goes. Maybe in a few weeks I'll be ready to take off a little bit more. Right now, I will do whatever it takes to become consistent with the #3. I'm getting sick of having that #3 kick my arse all the time!

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IRON: i know what do u mean about being sick about your hard #3! :-)

if i were u i would take off more mm in order to do 1 rep only (work with overcrush)instead of 3 reps:-)

good luck!

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IRON: i know what do u mean about being sick about your hard #3! :-)

if i were u i would take off more mm in order to do 1 rep only (work with overcrush)instead of 3 reps:-)

good luck!

Thanks for the advice Hugo. I may just give that a try!

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I filed both handles on my HG250 to strengthen my overcrush more. You have to see where the handles touch, look closely, file it down so that this area is farther back.

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I took a large section out of an hg100 and hg250 with a friend's band saw, worked a treat, and much much faster. Just don't squeeze straight off as they get warm.

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