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Slim The Hammerman Picture


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On Dennis Rogers Blog today is a picture of Slim with 69 1/2 pounds! It's amazing to think of the pressure on his wrists and hands - it helps explain the broken bones he showed me. You want to make you mark in the world of strength and grip - let's see you do this one :rock . My new goal is to do half that much and I still have 2 and 3/4# to go just to get to HALF of that lift. Unbelievable !!!!!!!! Who's the man?

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Do you mean he broke the bones in his forearms doing levering?

No but he broke bones in the backs of his hands at some point in his career.

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What did we lever at your Gripmas contest like 14# or something?

On a side note I saw the pic of Pat tearing cards while holding a 300# engine block over his wrists. Is he really holding 300# in the 90 degree position or am I just seeing it wrong? If so that's monsterous!

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What did we lever at your Gripmas contest like 14# or something?

On a side note I saw the pic of Pat tearing cards while holding a 300# engine block over his wrists. Is he really holding 300# in the 90 degree position or am I just seeing it wrong? If so that's monsterous!

Josh - we had 29# total on the 2 sledges at Gripmas - I've since managed to do 32# from the floor , stand up and to my face and back like the complete Slim feat. I'd like to work my way up to half of what Slim is doing in the picture - I can't wrap my mind around 69 1/2# - it's so far ahead of anyone else I know of, it's mind boggling! I can see Morton, Eaton and maybe Bob doing 40# or so but that leaves them 30 # to go :whacked

And yes Pat holds the engine block and tears the cards etc - I've always wondered how he came up with that as a part of his show - One day did he just wake up and said - Hey, lets take the engine in our car apart and put our arms thru the cylinders and then tear cards, close grippers - and maybe some handcuffs and phonebooks on the side :cry

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Climber and Nick: I don't know about you guys but I highly doubt I can hold a 150#db in each hand with my arm at 90 degrees. The fact that he can tear cards while 300# like that just makes it all the more impressive. That boy needs to start armwrestling.

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its only a picture there is no way to tell if he actually did this or if the weight is right, yada yada you can say whatever but unless some more proof you will have skeptics like myself.

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It's impressive any way you look at it, but keep in mind the engine block is resting on his forearms.

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It's impressive any way you look at it, but keep in mind the engine block is resting on his forearms.

I was about to say the same - even though that's VERY impressive, holding 300lb in the form of blocks, that are resting through your forearms (all the way to the back), is definitely not even close to holding a 300lb barbell in your hands!!

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Climber and Nick: I don't know about you guys but I highly doubt I can hold a 150#db in each hand with my arm at 90 degrees. The fact that he can tear cards while 300# like that just makes it all the more impressive. That boy needs to start armwrestling.

You should see his forearms. They Look like popeye's. :D

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its only a picture there is no way to tell if he actually did this or if the weight is right, yada yada you can say whatever but unless some more proof you will have skeptics like myself.

Are you skeptical of Slim or Pat's picture?

I saw Slim do somwhere between 55 and 60lbs, for some reason I am thinking it was 56lbs at AOBS the first time I went and he was late 60's or 70yrs old.

Pat is without a doubt the real deal, quite a few people here have seen him do a show before.

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its only a picture there is no way to tell if he actually did this or if the weight is right, yada yada you can say whatever but unless some more proof you will have skeptics like myself.

I've seen Pat perform quite a few times now and have actually picked up the engine block he used (I think the one I saw was orange maybe?) and I can verify that it's real. Of course getting the stress close to the elbow makes a huge difference but before you say anything - maybe you should try it yourself. There are quite a few of us on the board who have seen both Slim and Pat perform up close and personal - I have NO doubt it's real. In his seventies, Slim is still the best sledge leverer in the world.

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I have a few of those engine blocks. They say it is a 460 ford. I have never weighed one but it could well be 300. I have had to lift and carry them around a few times. That looks allot more like a zercher squat really than anything like a curl, I will try and lift that same block in that fashion when I get a chance sometime. It is much more imrpessive to do anything with your hands at that point that just lifting it.

As for slim, that doesn't even look real, I'm not saying it isn't real, I know it is, it is just unreal to see.

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I don't know anything about how engine blocks, but I have held 350 pounds or so in my elbows with an axle. That part isn't incredibly hard, but I imagine bending anything in that position is, also the engine block puts the weight a little more in front.

It does tend to hurt, however.

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I've moved and lifted the engine block he uses I tryed to put my arms through it and lifting it. It hurts and I didn't lift it I'm a wimp don't like pain.

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A Ford 460 block is EASILY 300lbs. VERY impressive feat from Pat, but then again no one expected otherwise :rolleyes On a side note, the picture above Slim's on Dennis' blog of the Mighty Atom is "Mighty" impressive! How would one go about bending steel with their hair!!! That's far and away AWESOME!!!

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The Mighty Atom's bio is one of the things that really got me interested in grip. He progressively toughened his scalp by lifting things and pulling cars with it. Twice he had a plane hitched to his hair and prevented it from taking off. It was a public display...I've seen photos and they look real. Someone else died a horrific death trying to duplicate this stunt.

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