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My 10 Year Old Daughter's First Bend

big nasty

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I was out in the garage messing with some steel cutting getting stuff ready for next time we are getting ready to leave to go run around. And my 10 year old daughter Kylie came out ask me what I was doing and said do you have something I could bend ? Now to give alittle back ground on hear this not hear first trip to the rodeo she is a champion armwrestler won a regional at 9. And she has played with my kettle's she can pull my 88 of the ground deadlift style with ease she can curl a 20 pound dumbell so she is strong. And I am not trying to down play what she did because she blew me away never bent before gave hear a few tip's and she blew threw it could not be more proud !!!!!!!! :rock

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What'd she bend? WOW!! She's VERY strong for her age and the fact she's a girl (no sexism intended). She has a lot of potential given that she started at such a young age. Amazing man!!

EDIT: Didn't see the banner thing, wow that's really good!!!

Edited by vikingsrule92
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Thats awesome what did she bend?!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher

Oh yah I see I missed it the first time Ironmind white that is great an official bend great Job!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher


Edited by ox3782
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Man!!! That's sweet nasty!!! My little 14yr old bro is still afraid of bending :D

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Man!!! That's sweet nasty!!! My little 14yr old bro is still afraid of bending :D

Dude she came and ask me but she is a female version of me which is scary in it self but she like's this kind of stuff. A PRODUCT OF HER ENVIORIMENT.

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Thats awesome man!!! It's great that your daughter is into what her daddy does! :D I have a 5y.o. son who loves bending as well!! Here he is bending some coathanger!

Logan DO bending!!

crushing it down!!

Fully bent!!

Edited by Foxman
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Thats awesome man!!! It's great that your daughter is into what her daddy does! :D I have a 5y.o. son who loves bending as well!! Here he is bending some coathanger!

Logan DO bending!!

crushing it down!!

Fully bent!!

Congrats to Kylie ..try her on a Green next time !

Foxman...as for Logan, I suggest getting him 1/8" CRS and a store like Home depot usually has that stuff and if it is right for him, you can buy it in quanitity from a supplier.

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Thats awesome man!!! It's great that your daughter is into what her daddy does! :D I have a 5y.o. son who loves bending as well!! Here he is bending some coathanger!

Logan DO bending!!

crushing it down!!

Fully bent!!

That's great I have a son 6 will see if he is intrested next time he armwrestle's also no contest yet in May he will pull his first.

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Thats awesome man!!! It's great that your daughter is into what her daddy does! :D I have a 5y.o. son who loves bending as well!! Here he is bending some coathanger!

Logan DO bending!!

crushing it down!!

Fully bent!!

Congrats to Kylie ..try her on a Green next time !

Foxman...as for Logan, I suggest getting him 1/8" CRS and a store like Home depot usually has that stuff and if it is right for him, you can buy it in quanitity from a supplier.

Actually, he has already bent a 7'' piece of 1/8'' crs!! He was real proud of it too!! :D

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Tell her great job Jason :rock Both of my daughters have done some pretty good bending. Girls will surprise you what they can do.

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Tell her great job Jason :rock Both of my daughters have done some pretty good bending. Girls will surprise you what they can do.

Thank's John your daughter has done some amazing gripper stuff to am I right. And she woke up this morning asking if we could do some more bending today I told here we have to take break's she was kind of disapointed.

Edited by big nasty
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Getting the kids involved is awesome - tell her Great Job for me please!

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Thank's for the encouragment guy's she is getting kick out of it she got real excited when I told her I would post her bend. And I let her read some you guy's comment's and she thank's you to. :)

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Tell her I said great job Jason! Ironmind White (and now cut Green) would make most grown women I know happy to be able to bend it.

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