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Training Style Question...


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Ok my question is kinda complicated...I just ordered Power to the People by Pavel T. I haven't read it yet as snail mail sucks...However I have started back into my "power mode" of lifting after doing reps for 10 weeks. My question is if I want to go "Power" What is the best way to warm up and integrate it into the program...

I was doing sets of 50-100 reps in the rep mode...now I am wonding what I should do...

I have been warming up with minute holds on the "S" and the "T" and then holding the "1" for time (up to 35 seconds now.) Then I rest for about 2-3 minutes and do reps on the 1 for 2 sets... what do you guys think I should do? Have any of done Power to the People style training? (Not even sure what it is completely yet as I don't have the book...)

Anyways sorry for making this really complicated but, I just don't seem to be reaching my goals...and my bending has died...full blues are hard now (was doing 4.75 inch blues)...and I was "attempting" the red about 3 weeks ago (trying it but not getting the kink)...

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PTTP is a great program. You will learn alot, and it will put pounds on all your lifts that day (you will understand once you read it) go to www.dragondoor.com and post this question on the training forum.

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I will post on Dragon Door when I get and read the book...(amazon says it will arrive Friday...) I don't want to post on DD in such a way that I look like a total noob by asking something basic that is covered in the book. If after reading it I don't know how to integrate it into grip I will ask. Thanks for the answer though.

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Look like a total noob? Who cares? If you need information thats how you will find it.

If your worried about it i will help you right now

PTTP calls for one of two work out plans. One is 5 days a week, one is 3 to 4 days (all will be explained and understood once you read it)

basically you will work one pull one push.

That leaves your grip fresh to hit daily, unless your going balls out with a program like KTA.

in the past i simply did this with PTTP

Warm up with turkish get ups

5 singles per side


2 sets of 5

Side Press

2 sets of 5

COC work

10-15 closes with a gripper i could get 2-3 reps with

thick bar reverse curl

2 sets of 3 with a towel wrapped on the bar.

Looks simple- works great.

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thanks for the advice...

I will try to crank out several sets on my IM 1 today.

My gripping has just been going crazy...some days I can crank out as many as 20 reps on the 1 and other days 5 reps are hard...

I am just kinda concerned at the unreliability of my crush grip at times :(

Maybe I am not doing something right...

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thanks for the advice...

I will try to crank out several sets on my IM 1 today.

My gripping has just been going crazy...some days I can crank out as many as 20 reps on the 1 and other days 5 reps are hard...

I am just kinda concerned at the unreliability of my crush grip at times :(

Maybe I am not doing something right...

Try doing your grippers after squats. Ive set all my personal records after squats. It works... :happy

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