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Slight New Pr


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Well, I slightly injured my right hand on my first day of overhand bending a few weeks back, and haven't been able to bend....sledgehammer, or even open door knobs without it hurting. It was really discouraging.

And while it's still not 100%, it felt a ton better today, so I decided to bend a few bars...

here's a pic of my new PR bolt, a 5.5" G5. The pic is a little blurry, sorry!


This one wasnt too difficult, so I'll hit up the 5" g5 next workout, and possibly the G8??

Edited by pburke23
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NICE!!! And off center as well :rock :rock :rock

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Way to go Patrick!! :rock :rock I knew you would get it buddy!! You're moving up quick!!

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That's not a slight PR! That's a HUGE one!! Great job Pat, you're moving quickly!! Go for that G8/5" G5, and make sure to post a vid :rock :rock

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That's not a slight PR! That's a HUGE one!! Great job Pat, you're moving quickly!! Go for that G8/5" G5, and make sure to post a vid :rock :rock

Thanks! I will try to post a video on Sunday when I go for the 5" G5.... my only problem is that my camera only does 30second clips, also with no

sound.. but i'll see if I can get my hands on another camera in the near future once I start getting into some more decent bends.

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That's not a slight PR! That's a HUGE one!! Great job Pat, you're moving quickly!! Go for that G8/5" G5, and make sure to post a vid :rock :rock

Thanks! I will try to post a video on Sunday when I go for the 5" G5.... my only problem is that my camera only does 30second clips, also with no

sound.. but i'll see if I can get my hands on another camera in the near future once I start getting into some more decent bends.

Oh okay, that sucks man. Yeah nicer digital or cheap video cameras aren't that much, I'd recommend getting one if you want to do certs in the future.

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Congrats on your 5.5" Grade 5 PR Pat!!!!! Nice tough Bend :mosher

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Congrats on the shortened grade 5 bolt and especially with an injured hand.

Thanks for all the support guys! Assuming I can get the 5" G5 on Sunday, about how much harder is a G8 than one of them? Is there a way of saying?

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if you can get a 5inch g5 you have the strength to crush the g8 the start of the g8 is springyer just keep attacking it and youlle be fine.

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if you can get a 5inch g5 you have the strength to crush the g8 the start of the g8 is springyer just keep attacking it and youlle be fine.

Cool, thanks Gazza!

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Great work on that 5.5",I found that the 5" is not to bad to kink but when it gets past 45 degrees it ramps up quick.I have kept hitting mine and have got it to 90,the initial bend was around 80.Good luck with it,attack that thing hard and let us know how you make out with it.

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Great Job Pat!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher


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nice progress buddy! From 60d to 6" G5 and now 5.5" G5, and off center too! In short time. :rock

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