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6. Inclusion In Grip Contests

David Horne

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Inclusion of what? A particular event? A particular competitor?

RE: Inclusion of events in contests: I feel a promoter should be able to hold whatever events he wants to have. I see no reason why every contest has to include all the same 8 or 10 events.

If a promoter would like to hold a mandril lift for max weight, why not? It's grip strength, right? Why does the lift for max weight need to be on a vbar or deadlift handle?

Why should the promoter HAVE to contest a max pinch on a standardized piece of equipment? What is wrong with contesting it on plates with skateboard tape on them? The guy with the biggest pinch is probably still going to win anyway, regardless of the texture, as long as the rest of the variables, such as thickness and range of motion are similar.

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I think that DO, Reverse, DU and possibly Vertical (if it catches on) should be on the table for promoters to choose from. I think, though, that each should be rotated at big comps, GGC and the like, so it's not the same thing every year.

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I think that reverse is truly the best wrist/grip demonstrator of the bending styles, with DU next, and finally DO. I say definitely include it in grip comps. Aren't grip comps all about hand, wrist, and forearm strength anyway? Bending in any form hits these three areas heavily(some styles more than others). I think bending has kind of ingrained itself within gripdom anyway. Although not directly testing maximum gripping ability, I think bending has kind of been adopted by grip. I mean, we are on the gripboard in the bending forum.......

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I think the promotor should have the choice as it is now. I think, as Zach said, the choices should be reverse, DU, and DO for now, and if vertical develops then we can include it as well.

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I agree with Zach and Derek's points. I like the changing up of styles to keep people on their toes(and well rounded), as well as DO,DU, and Reverse and possibly later vertical as style choices.

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The 3 standard styles are good because there are enough guys who practice at least 1 of them that there'll always be great competition when bending is included in contests.

As far as inclusion goes, there are some members here who would boycott any grip contest that did NOT include at least 1 style of bending. The promoters and organizers would have to be okay with the possibility of "alienating" a few guys here and there if they decide against including a bending event. When I was still bending I would have been one of the guys that wouldn't enter any grip contest unless it had bending in it.

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The 3 standard styles are good because there are enough guys who practice at least 1 of them that there'll always be great competition when bending is included in contests.

As far as inclusion goes, there are some members here who would boycott any grip contest that did NOT include at least 1 style of bending. The promoters and organizers would have to be okay with the possibility of "alienating" a few guys here and there if they decide against including a bending event. When I was still bending I would have been one of the guys that wouldn't enter any grip contest unless it had bending in it.

Ben's right. I wouldn't consider a big contest, say the GGC a good judge of all around grip if bending wasn't involved. I still say that the occasional grip contest without bending is fine, even refreshing. After all it's up to the promoter what to have in the contest. BUT if we're going to have something that is considered a National Qualifier or THE US Championships then Bending SHOULD have a place in the event list.

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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Since we're on inclusion of bending as a topic...I wonder if contest promoters will ever ask the paid-up competitors to vote as to what style of bending they'd like to see at the contest? I'm not actually saying the promoters should bend over backwards or anything, but if the idea is to draw as many competitors as possible, then the simple question of what style the majority of benders would like to contest would be a valid one I think.

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Since we're on inclusion of bending as a topic...I wonder if contest promoters will ever ask the paid-up competitors to vote as to what style of bending they'd like to see at the contest? I'm not actually saying the promoters should bend over backwards or anything, but if the idea is to draw as many competitors as possible, then the simple question of what style the majority of benders would like to contest would be a valid one I think.

That's be a pretty good idea, but again it's up to the promotors. If they want to take a poll and use the largest majority wins, that's their decisiona nd they can do so if they please. If not, again, it's there contest and they can do as they please.

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Since we're on inclusion of bending as a topic...I wonder if contest promoters will ever ask the paid-up competitors to vote as to what style of bending they'd like to see at the contest? I'm not actually saying the promoters should bend over backwards or anything, but if the idea is to draw as many competitors as possible, then the simple question of what style the majority of benders would like to contest would be a valid one I think.

I like that idea! It does run the risk of people who voted for DO (when Reverse gets picked) making a last minute cop out of the comp though. But I still like the idea! It goes with what's popular at the time and in an ideal world would be different at several comps. Perhaps add in a rule that the same style can't be used 2 comps in a row at the same comp? So if Beatty uses this and DO is chosen one year, it cannot be chosen the next but the style used at the BBB would have no bearing on other comps.

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Since we're on inclusion of bending as a topic...I wonder if contest promoters will ever ask the paid-up competitors to vote as to what style of bending they'd like to see at the contest? I'm not actually saying the promoters should bend over backwards or anything, but if the idea is to draw as many competitors as possible, then the simple question of what style the majority of benders would like to contest would be a valid one I think.

I like that idea! It does run the risk of people who voted for DO (when Reverse gets picked) making a last minute cop out of the comp though. But I still like the idea! It goes with what's popular at the time and in an ideal world would be different at several comps. Perhaps add in a rule that the same style can't be used 2 comps in a row at the same comp? So if Beatty uses this and DO is chosen one year, it cannot be chosen the next but the style used at the BBB would have no bearing on other comps.

I personally think it should be the promotor's choice. If John wants to use DO year after year as he has previosuly he should be able to because he put in the effort to organize the contest so it should be his choice. Same goes for Chris, or Jedd, or anyone else who hosts a comp. Although I do like this idea for the Championship, so you have to be well rounded in order to win two years in a row or more.

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I think it's a given that DO would be picked first in this kind of choice system. As far as DU and reverse, it's a toss up.

What if you were to allow your choice of styles, but weighted DU and reverse(and possibly vertical) more in the way of points? That way, if you wanna bend huge in DO, go for it. But if you pick a more difficult bending style, you get rewarded more points to offset the smaller bar bent.

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I personally think it should be the promotor's choice. If John wants to use DO year after year as he has previosuly he should be able to because he put in the effort to organize the contest so it should be his choice. Same goes for Chris, or Jedd, or anyone else who hosts a comp. Although I do like this idea for the Championship, so you have to be well rounded in order to win two years in a row or more.

Should've clarified :blush that's really what I was thinking. Any promoter who uses a vote to determine the style of bending shouldn't be able to use that same style the following year IF they use the vote the following year. Just using John as an example ;)

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I think it's a given that DO would be picked first in this kind of choice system. As far as DU and reverse, it's a toss up.

What if you were to allow your choice of styles, but weighted DU and reverse(and possibly vertical) more in the way of points? That way, if you wanna bend huge in DO, go for it. But if you pick a more difficult bending style, you get rewarded more points to offset the smaller bar bent.

The points wouldn't matter if Reverse or DU was the style used though. However you do in the comp is the result that matters outside the comp.

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I think it's a given that DO would be picked first in this kind of choice system. As far as DU and reverse, it's a toss up.

What if you were to allow your choice of styles, but weighted DU and reverse(and possibly vertical) more in the way of points? That way, if you wanna bend huge in DO, go for it. But if you pick a more difficult bending style, you get rewarded more points to offset the smaller bar bent.

The points wouldn't matter if Reverse or DU was the style used though. However you do in the comp is the result that matters outside the comp.

Yes, you're right Zach. The scenario I was referring to would only be applicable if bending style was open to the choice of the bender.

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I personally think it should be the promotor's choice. If John wants to use DO year after year as he has previosuly he should be able to because he put in the effort to organize the contest so it should be his choice. Same goes for Chris, or Jedd, or anyone else who hosts a comp. Although I do like this idea for the Championship, so you have to be well rounded in order to win two years in a row or more.

Should've clarified :blush that's really what I was thinking. Any promoter who uses a vote to determine the style of bending shouldn't be able to use that same style the following year IF they use the vote the following year. Just using John as an example ;)

That's a good idea, but I still stand by that they should have free reign, one way or another. But if we go this way I wouldn't have any problem with it at all, just I think free reign is better.

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I'm all for the promoter laying out exactly what style of bending they are contesting. I'm also all for skipping that contest if I don't like that style of bending (or the other events). We're both free to come and go.

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I'm all for the promoter laying out exactly what style of bending they are contesting. I'm also all for skipping that contest if I don't like that style of bending (or the other events). We're both free to come and go.


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The're all bending questions. So it was inclusion of bending in grip contests.

Wow, i am a freaking dumb ass. My bad.

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I'm all for the promoter laying out exactly what style of bending they are contesting. I'm also all for skipping that contest if I don't like that style of bending (or the other events). We're both free to come and go.

No doubt.

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I think it should be the contest promoter's choice what style of bending is used. I also think every contest should have bending if the sport of grip is going to grow. I think bending is the one thing in the grip world where the difficulty is understood by an outsider (both braced and unbraced). Most people have no idea how hard it is to close a certain gripper or do a weaver stick lift, but they can appreciate a thick piece of steel being bent.

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I think the existing tradition is fine: promoter's choice of one of the three major styles, if they decide to even contest bending.

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I like foxman's suggestion (if I understand correctly) of having freestyle bending, but weighted for the different styles. Of course what weighting to use and the complexity it might add is a whole nother argument. But it would give the non specialist benders (who often struggle with DO) a chance to compete with their wrist strength, whilst still allowing the big DO benders to strut their stuff.

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