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First Bastard Bend


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Here it is, first attempt at a Bastard. It was a total disaster and I'm pretty f*$%ing angry right now add to that the nice truck full of worries school just dumped on me today. I'm positive I wont be able to cert with it. when I went to pick up the camera and film the distance between the legs I dropped it and it turned itself off :angry: I wasn't going to add music either but I was pretty steaming at the end and said some things I probably should not have :blush Anyway, believe me or not I finally finished my first Bastard :)

Question though, I had a small incident earlier involving my hand a car door so pushing for the crushdown with my LH hurt my R&P really bad(went numb). I had to use my thumb pad to push but I couldn't get any force through so I braced that part of my hand against my chin. I wouldn't consider that legal and trust me my future bends wont be like that, so the question is "is that legal for your cert John?"


Forgot to mention also, when I went for the crushdown since I was babying my LH the R&P on my RH actually felt really HOT for a second not much pain but really surprised me.

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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Here it is, first attempt at a Bastard. It was a total disaster and I'm pretty f*$%ing angry right now add to that the nice truck full of worries school just dumped on me today. I'm positive I wont be able to cert with it. when I went to pick up the camera and film the distance between the legs I dropped it and it turned itself off :angry: I wasn't going to add music either but I was pretty steaming at the end and said some things I probably should not have :blush Anyway, believe me or not I finally finished my first Bastard :)

Question though, I had a small incident earlier involving my hand a car door so pushing for the crushdown with my LH hurt my R&P really bad(went numb). I had to use my thumb pad to push but I couldn't get any force through so I braced that part of my hand against my chin. I wouldn't consider that legal and trust me my future bends wont be like that, so the question is "is that legal for your cert John?"


Hey man, dont sweat it! You'll get your goals, take each failure as a learning opportunity. Kill that bar next time!

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Nice bend, next time you will be stronger and finish it even faster so don't worry about the video man. :rock

I was gonna use that song on my Mag bend video today. LOL, guess I'm gonna have to use something else.

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Nice first bend :rock

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Nice bend Zach!

I tend to brace my fingers on my chin on the crush down. I always asumed that to be legal. But I don't know about bracing it on the back of the hand.

If you can bend the bastard in that akward position, I bet you could do it way faster when fully healed!

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Great bend Zach. Don't push it and allow yourself to heal, if you don't you could end up like I was, with really bad nerve damage in your palm/last 2 fingers and have to take a long time off.

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Great bend Zach!!! :rock It's pretty obvious you can kill the Bastard, I'm sure with no technical difficulties next time, you'll murder it buddy!! :rock Now rest up!!!

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Thanks guys :blush

Scott DRAGONFORCE RULES :mosher :mosher :mosher

I just kind of threw on a song that was long enough for the video :D

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Congrats on your First Bastard :rock Many Many more to bend :D:D

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Nice job Zach no worries on the vid you can just bend one again!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher


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