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Sunday Bending


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It's an amazing day for me, I feel great right now! All kinds of new PR's today, but just for a read here's a little story about how my day got to be so good.

I've been bending about a month so far, DU only... as whenever I would try DO it would just feel so un-natural, like I couldn't get any power behind it. So I just stuck to DU for the first month... I was stupid, and thought that I'd get a G5 pretty quick, I kept taking shots at it, but of course couldn't touch it. I was able to slightly kink it DU for the last two weeks, but nothing beyond that. Last week I finally set a PR with bending a 60D, so that felt great to me, making progress and getting a somewhat bigger piece.

After reading the boards here, and exchanging PM's with a few, I got solid advice and decided I had to at least learn DO. Foxman last night was kind enough to make me an all out video explaining DO, went over wraps, and step by stepped me very close up on each step. Seeing it that way, I finally got it, and corrected a few things I had being doing just slightly different that weren't allowing me to power into it the way I need to. Needless to say, it was an awesome gesture, I am beyond appreciative off his help with the video, and everyone else on the boards, this is an amazing board... I've been a part of a few weightlifting/powerlifting boards where there are tons of assholes, and egos, and this is completely the opposite. The link to the video is anyone is interested, or for anyone new who wants to learn DO like I did: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riJJ1nhwjvA

So after watching the vid, I was pumped and wanted to bend last night, but needed the extra day of rest, so slept good, ate a big breakfast, and got right to it this afternoon. So I warmed up DU like I usually do, just a couple light bars, then used the same bars to test out my form DO...it felt GREAT! HHHHUUUGGGEEE difference after learning from the video! What I told Foxman last night was if I got a 6" G2 today DO then he'd know his vid helped, because I couldnt even kink a G2 before, I also wanted take another shot at DU a G5 today.

So after warming up, I took a shot at the G5 DU, about a minute and a half later, I gave up...just barely kinking it again.... sucked. So I decided to go DO for the rest of the training session... So I did 2 7" square 3/16", very easy DO. Next was the G2, was going to be so happy if I got this one... it went down in less than 5 seconds.... I couldn't believe it, just for a few small adjustments, Fox had taken me from not kinking it to under 5 seconds full bend.

Just for kicks, I decided to pull out a 60D and see how close I was to one of them DO, melted...... and I don't know what possessed me to do this ... but I wrapped up one of my elusive G5's and crushed it in under 30 seconds.... I was completely pumped and beside myself after this.

So again, I just want to thank everyone on the boards for the help/support thus far, I'm a lifer now...especially Foxman for the vid, youre awesome! And sorry guys for the long post, I'm just excited and wanted to share it with everyone! Thanks again!

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Great job Pat sounds like a hell of a workout!!! Keep it up man and post a video the next time you try a G5, I want to see you DESTROY it!!! :rock :rock

Edited by vikingsrule92
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Great job Pat sounds like a hell of a workout!!! Keep it up man and post a video the next time you try a G5, I want to see you DESTROY it!!! :rock :rock

I'll get one up on Wednesday, my gf took the camera today. Didn't feel like waiting to 6pm or so. And thanks! Are you guys taking shots at the mag today?

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Great job killing that G5. And now that you've got your form down. Expect some good gains up ahead. And also that was a very good video from Jeremiah, going through the importaint mechanics of the DO

No, no mag attempt today. Wednesday is the day schedueled for WAR!

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Great job killing that G5. And now that you've got your form down. Expect some good gains up ahead. And also that was a very good video from Jeremiah, going through the importaint mechanics of the DO

No, no mag attempt today. Wednesday is the day schedueled for WAR!

Man, I'm excited for that day! You're all posting vids right? Regardless of how far you get it?

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Great job killing that G5. And now that you've got your form down. Expect some good gains up ahead. And also that was a very good video from Jeremiah, going through the importaint mechanics of the DO

No, no mag attempt today. Wednesday is the day schedueled for WAR!

Man, I'm excited for that day! You're all posting vids right? Regardless of how far you get it?

Hahaha I don't know, are we all posting vids regardless? We didn't discuss this in our MASSIVE thread regarding this topic :D

Edited by vikingsrule92
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Great job killing that G5. And now that you've got your form down. Expect some good gains up ahead. And also that was a very good video from Jeremiah, going through the importaint mechanics of the DO

No, no mag attempt today. Wednesday is the day schedueled for WAR!

Man, I'm excited for that day! You're all posting vids right? Regardless of how far you get it?

Hahaha I don't know, are we all posting vids regardless? We didn't discuss this in our MASSIVE thread regarding this topic :D

I think you guys should. It will give you extra motivation since youre going to HAVE TO post one up.

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Great job killing that G5. And now that you've got your form down. Expect some good gains up ahead. And also that was a very good video from Jeremiah, going through the importaint mechanics of the DO

No, no mag attempt today. Wednesday is the day schedueled for WAR!

Man, I'm excited for that day! You're all posting vids right? Regardless of how far you get it?

I will be posting a vid regardless.

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I guess I will too. But don't let this thread get distracted like the other one. This thread's about Pat's amazing accomplishment :rock :rock

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I guess I will too. But don't let this thread get distracted like the other one. This thread's about Pat's amazing accomplishment :rock :rock

haha, only amazing to me. G5 is nothing to you guys...but ty.

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I guess I will too. But don't let this thread get distracted like the other one. This thread's about Pat's amazing accomplishment :rock :rock

haha, only amazing to me. G5 is nothing to you guys...but ty.

Hey man, the G5 is a great accomplishment, don't belittle yourself. It's a monumental achievement in all of our careers, we've just been at this longer is all.

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Yes a G5 is a big bend. Especielly when you realize that this was your very first "real" DO session. Take a vid of that G5 and also go for the 5 1/5" G5. 30 seconds is a fast bend, so a 5 1/2 is defenitly possible pehaps even probible(spelling?)

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Yes a G5 is a big bend. Especielly when you realize that this was your very first "real" DO session. Take a vid of that G5 and also go for the 5 1/5" G5. 30 seconds is a fast bend, so a 5 1/2 is defenitly possible pehaps even probible(spelling?)

Yeah I agree with David, it took me like a month of DO bending to get my first G5.

And yeah if you can get a G5 in 30 secs, go for the 5.5" G5, I bet you'll get it.

P.S. It's spelled probable David

Edited by vikingsrule92
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Yes a G5 is a big bend. Especielly when you realize that this was your very first "real" DO session. Take a vid of that G5 and also go for the 5 1/5" G5. 30 seconds is a fast bend, so a 5 1/2 is defenitly possible pehaps even probible(spelling?)

Yeah I agree with David, it took me like a month of DO bending to get my first G5.

And yeah if you can get a G5 in 30 secs, go for the 5.5" G5, I bet you'll get it.

P.S. It's spelled probable David

Okay cool, I have 3 5.5" G5 in my beginners bag, and 2 5" G5's also. I'll give the 5.5" a go next Sunday.

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AWESOME BEND!!! :rock :rock :rock And i thought these other guys were on fire!! G5 is a killer first DO bend!! Congrats man!!

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AWESOME BEND!!! :rock :rock :rock And i thought these other guys were on fire!! G5 is a killer first DO bend!! Congrats man!!

Yes great bend and onward and upward you'll go in the weeks to come !

Thanx for the fine video, Jeremiah and I wish I had and hope to develop more flexibility to get into better DO positioning and knock out some decent stuff this year, myself.

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Pat,thats really good man,Great start,Keep it going and you will move up the ladder rapidly. :rock

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Great job Pat I hope you enjoy bending for a long time and great job Fox on the vid very nice thing to do!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher


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Glad your Bending is working out :D Congrats :rock

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Thats a great DO session you had there and your 1st g5 to finish it off congrats and keep bending both ways and watch the PRs roll in.

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It's an amazing day for me, I feel great right now! All kinds of new PR's today, but just for a read here's a little story about how my day got to be so good.

I've been bending about a month so far, DU only... as whenever I would try DO it would just feel so un-natural, like I couldn't get any power behind it. So I just stuck to DU for the first month... I was stupid, and thought that I'd get a G5 pretty quick, I kept taking shots at it, but of course couldn't touch it. I was able to slightly kink it DU for the last two weeks, but nothing beyond that. Last week I finally set a PR with bending a 60D, so that felt great to me, making progress and getting a somewhat bigger piece.

After reading the boards here, and exchanging PM's with a few, I got solid advice and decided I had to at least learn DO. Foxman last night was kind enough to make me an all out video explaining DO, went over wraps, and step by stepped me very close up on each step. Seeing it that way, I finally got it, and corrected a few things I had being doing just slightly different that weren't allowing me to power into it the way I need to. Needless to say, it was an awesome gesture, I am beyond appreciative off his help with the video, and everyone else on the boards, this is an amazing board... I've been a part of a few weightlifting/powerlifting boards where there are tons of assholes, and egos, and this is completely the opposite. The link to the video is anyone is interested, or for anyone new who wants to learn DO like I did: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riJJ1nhwjvA

So after watching the vid, I was pumped and wanted to bend last night, but needed the extra day of rest, so slept good, ate a big breakfast, and got right to it this afternoon. So I warmed up DU like I usually do, just a couple light bars, then used the same bars to test out my form DO...it felt GREAT! HHHHUUUGGGEEE difference after learning from the video! What I told Foxman last night was if I got a 6" G2 today DO then he'd know his vid helped, because I couldnt even kink a G2 before, I also wanted take another shot at DU a G5 today.

So after warming up, I took a shot at the G5 DU, about a minute and a half later, I gave up...just barely kinking it again.... sucked. So I decided to go DO for the rest of the training session... So I did 2 7" square 3/16", very easy DO. Next was the G2, was going to be so happy if I got this one... it went down in less than 5 seconds.... I couldn't believe it, just for a few small adjustments, Fox had taken me from not kinking it to under 5 seconds full bend.

Just for kicks, I decided to pull out a 60D and see how close I was to one of them DO, melted...... and I don't know what possessed me to do this ... but I wrapped up one of my elusive G5's and crushed it in under 30 seconds.... I was completely pumped and beside myself after this.

So again, I just want to thank everyone on the boards for the help/support thus far, I'm a lifer now...especially Foxman for the vid, youre awesome! And sorry guys for the long post, I'm just excited and wanted to share it with everyone! Thanks again!

kick ass bending mate!!! very well done....onwards to bigger steel! :)

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Congrats on the awesome session :rock and way to stick with the training even when it didnt seem to be going anywhere! Thats how it works sometimes. Just going along, then you tweak a couple little things and BAMMM! huge PR.

- Aaron

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Nice job!

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It's an amazing day for me, I feel great right now! All kinds of new PR's today, but just for a read here's a little story about how my day got to be so good.

I've been bending about a month so far, DU only... as whenever I would try DO it would just feel so un-natural, like I couldn't get any power behind it. So I just stuck to DU for the first month... I was stupid, and thought that I'd get a G5 pretty quick, I kept taking shots at it, but of course couldn't touch it. I was able to slightly kink it DU for the last two weeks, but nothing beyond that. Last week I finally set a PR with bending a 60D, so that felt great to me, making progress and getting a somewhat bigger piece.

After reading the boards here, and exchanging PM's with a few, I got solid advice and decided I had to at least learn DO. Foxman last night was kind enough to make me an all out video explaining DO, went over wraps, and step by stepped me very close up on each step. Seeing it that way, I finally got it, and corrected a few things I had being doing just slightly different that weren't allowing me to power into it the way I need to. Needless to say, it was an awesome gesture, I am beyond appreciative off his help with the video, and everyone else on the boards, this is an amazing board... I've been a part of a few weightlifting/powerlifting boards where there are tons of assholes, and egos, and this is completely the opposite. The link to the video is anyone is interested, or for anyone new who wants to learn DO like I did: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riJJ1nhwjvA

So after watching the vid, I was pumped and wanted to bend last night, but needed the extra day of rest, so slept good, ate a big breakfast, and got right to it this afternoon. So I warmed up DU like I usually do, just a couple light bars, then used the same bars to test out my form DO...it felt GREAT! HHHHUUUGGGEEE difference after learning from the video! What I told Foxman last night was if I got a 6" G2 today DO then he'd know his vid helped, because I couldnt even kink a G2 before, I also wanted take another shot at DU a G5 today.

So after warming up, I took a shot at the G5 DU, about a minute and a half later, I gave up...just barely kinking it again.... sucked. So I decided to go DO for the rest of the training session... So I did 2 7" square 3/16", very easy DO. Next was the G2, was going to be so happy if I got this one... it went down in less than 5 seconds.... I couldn't believe it, just for a few small adjustments, Fox had taken me from not kinking it to under 5 seconds full bend.

Just for kicks, I decided to pull out a 60D and see how close I was to one of them DO, melted...... and I don't know what possessed me to do this ... but I wrapped up one of my elusive G5's and crushed it in under 30 seconds.... I was completely pumped and beside myself after this.

So again, I just want to thank everyone on the boards for the help/support thus far, I'm a lifer now...especially Foxman for the vid, youre awesome! And sorry guys for the long post, I'm just excited and wanted to share it with everyone! Thanks again!

Keep in mind guys, that this video was intended to help PBurke23 with his specific questions about DO and DU. I do not intend it nor do I recommend it as a replacement for a far more qualified and comprehensive resource to newer benders such as Eric's E-book "Maximized Bending"(which I bought; great info in there), or the Diesel Crew's "Bending E-book".

These sources have alot of important and necessary info not found in my video clip. I did'nt mean to step on any toes, or infer that my video is in any way trying to undercut their hard work and expertise simply because it's free on youtube. If anyone feels that is the case, I truly and deeply apologize, as I never meant it as such. :blush

God Bless,


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